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Posts posted by KiteKat

  1. Hi there, I’m back. And you are witnessing a newly minted non-Mika-virgin struggling for words. I don’t know what to say, actually, it was overwhelming.

    We arrived at about five thirty (I think?) at the venue and noticed far less people than expected waiting there, which made me quite happy as I had already feared to be banned to the back.

    Oh and something different first: Mellody, Ela, Reni, I noticed you there but –shame on me, I was too shy to say hello. Good that Ioana wasn’t shy at all and made my brother and my bf sign the “MFC must get official” petition rightaway, haha. Ioana, you’re such a sweet person, oh and I didn’t even introduce myself but I guess you know that was me. And I truly adore your carrot-reindeer head decoration.

    In the queue there were two very cute girls behind us, so nice, they were super excited and asked us ‘Have you seen the Mika before?’ ‘Do you think he’s cute?’ What do you answer to such a question? …’Hm, I think he’s very talented’ LOL :mf_rosetinted:

    Okay, I don’t know anymore what time it was when we were finally let in, but we had a good spot in the third row a little right-centered. Perfect, if there hadn’t been that group of hyper little girls next to me – super annoying, but well, I can understand that they were so excited. Good they behaved during the show :naughty:

    Mika’s cameraman was around but due to my natural fear of cams I tried to hide. Don’t know if I succeeded, though.

    Yelle started at 8 PM and funny enough, I totally thought I wouldn’t like her music, but I have to say it seems to work on a stage. I was caught by the rhythm instantly, very bouncy vibe. I liked it. She said a few sentences in her French-flavoured German which was actually cute. After half an hour she finished her set and we were waiting again… about 45 minutes this time.

    Shortly before Mika was due to enter the stage I found myself right behind a supertall woman, seeing practically nothing, but this fear turned out to be wrong, because I should find out later that I had a perfect view to where the Mikster spent most of the time.


    That was the easy part of my report.

    More to come when I found the proper words…





















    Okay, the words don’t come, maybe they don’t exist. ‘Uplifting and heartwarming’ are my favourites so far, I’ll borrow them from the cute TBA swan couple.

    I think I’ll leave my personal feelings about that experience in another place and give you the hard facts here.

    At about 9:15 PM Mika entered the stage. Before there was the usual Saranayde-angel scene and then he started ‘Relax’.

    He wore the fake braces shirt again, he had to, as it was me who had the real silver sequin braces. Real braces, Mika! Thought they might fit my cord hat, so I took them, sorry. The set was the usual one for this tour I think.

    He spoke German. Lots. And this was very much appreciated by the audience, the crowd went crazy and it sounded so good. :wub2:

    He constantly lost his left in ear monitoring thingie. It didn’t make a difference.

    The crowd sang along to each of his songs and he looked as if he couldn’t believe it. He looked so genuinely happy. :original:

    What can I say? He radiated pure joy and energy, as usual (I guess).

    Martin’s guitar solo to SITM was ace and so was Mikey’s LT solo, it has blown me away. Cherisse was fantastic on the drums AND on the dustbin. So was Mika.

    About Sara… I can only say she has a very powerful voice and I liked MM a lot. I couldn’t observe her dominating the performance, maybe they have changed something? Or maybe I was just focused on something else. What she sang matched the rest quite well as far as I could hear. But I also think doing HE more or less alone and not as a duet was a good decision in my book. I loved that version of HE.

    I have to say that every single song that was performed tonight was so much better than on the album. And the LICM album is the best – music wise - that has happened to me in a long time.I’m hoarse and deaf and I’ll get a neck strain for sure. My head is a mess. I want to say so much but I can’t.


    Oh and before you ask: no, I didn’t meet him. Not today.


    thank you for the report!:punk:

    overwhelming and uplifting is the the word, indeed...both for the concert and LICM in general....

    and I totally agree that HE is waaaaay better in a duet...

    (and now I have figured out you didnt meet him)...so next time....maybe...

  2. Oh, thanks everyone for their reports....and so many pics!:wub2:


    Apart from teh concert pics -

    It is always lovely to see the ones with all MFcers and to be able put names to faces!

    (first impressions about this Torino set- FD's mohawk is quite spectacular:punk: ....and Queenie's hoodie looks strangely familiar:biggrin2: ) And I absolutely love Greta's colourful dress:wub2: and JeyJen's tattoo :mf_lustslow:

  3. Me too!! I was thinking of that yesterday.

    I'd love to see him from all angles :roftl:




    just FYI Da Mango and Sariflor - if one goes to wireimage or etc there are some pics of Kylie arriving, and M is at the bckgrnd (verrry small) - however his profile can be seen

  4. Фанаткой меня не совсем назовёшь, но я искренне уважаю талант. О фан клубе узнала совершенно случайно. Побольше бы таких талантливых людей. :biggrin2:



    translation :

    one can hardly call me a fan but I highly respect a talent. I found out about the fan club by accident.I wish there had been more ppl like that

  5. ohhhhhh:biggrin2:

    привет! у меня сейчас есть клавиатура, но мне очень неудобно печатать по русски :bleh:


    (for non speakers -just saying hi and that I've got a keyboard, but it is difficult for me to type in Russian:thumbdown: )

  6. 1. Just a thought .... unfortunately, upon reading the current thread and some random few bits in other threads, I was left with an impression that the whole "deal" thread is a bit misinterpreted....


    ...I want to say - in no way is it a bunch of people "believing" in smth or on the opposite end "fooling" someone around..... for me it is just a wonderfully random and prob the most innocent thread , where people talk nonsence, cite poems, post random pics and generally fool around with no particular purpose....and the whole madness is what I am there for....


    2. I remember a discussion about IDs "posting around" in other threads - (the one that happened in the deal thread a while ago) - I must say Kata maybe has her point in saying, that having them running around loose might be dangerous in a way....


    however - I dont logically see how, lets say, ABC22, that has appeared in the deal thread as a result of a random joke, could make some youngling think he is Mika (as long as they dont put 24 yr old, London blah-blah into the info, or meaningfully hint in the posts or hack peoples accounts for personal pics and such )... which I think has never been the case with "dealers"!!!!! (and even the harsh argument , that has happened there a couple of days ago, has been between the members, and not the "suspicious" IDs....On the opposite, the IDs have tried to "smooth" the situation down :thumb_yello: )


    (though...I must say I became quite worried afetr ystrd I saw that some have "come out" into the forums....because I thought that could make waves...and yes....)


    3. But - I want to agree with DcDeb on her point about giving away some personal info in PMs...However - babysitting is not our responsibility, but giving a general warning in the "memeber rules" about internet safety and maybe other stuff particular for this forum - might be a good idea.


    4. I have been thinking about the financial side of multiple Ids as well...and server space and such....but then I thought there are soooo many new members that never post, and never show up afetr they've registered at all....guess a few "strange ones" are a drop in the sea....

    However, I dont have an exact idea how the forum functions, and might be totally wrong...so please forgive if I have said smth stupid....



    again - all above is just a personal thought, and in no way directed against anyone...but maybe the mods and IDs as well will take a couple of points into consideration...

  7. just my humble 2 cents....


    -watched the vid "on the run", read a couple of pgs from the thread quickly, so forgive pls if I repeat smth....


    Cant say I 100% like it, but I dont feel irritated by the "cheapness" etc...either...(although I dont say it has left me completely indifferent...just that I expected the "take on the song " from a slightly diff point of view...)


    1. The "cheapness" and "lack of" spec effects - I rather like it....back to the 80ies....the whole "esthetics" (hate the word, cant think of a better one for now) of it and colourschemes, and everything ring a certain bell...as the BG did....


    2. I like the "lack of message" in the vid....I dont like when the messages in books, films, visuals, personal communications, flirting etc get too straightforward...One needs space for thoughts, imagination and associations... (Dont like most of Hollywood stuff -and screening of some well-known books in particular -for that reason - either good or bad, too dumb...)...although "overanalyzing" the vids and lyrics and etc is quite funny at times, I agree...


    3. The cheesy "flying into the sky" - I rather like it again - for provoking the same 80ies-Ziggy-etc associations...plus it makes you (me personally) think of going loose into the sky - i.e. into life - from your childhood bedroom, while your toys drop tears and watch you :bleh: - a direct msg here in my opinion...


    4. However despite the wonderful beginning (ImO) - the vid does seem a bit "raw" towards the end - I wld have added more "contrasts" ....hard to explain - but if that was me - I'd rather introduce 2 "worlds" of "childhood bedroom" - full of dreams and balloons and a RL world - but not necessarily all dark and scary - but also full of supporting "hands" not letting one fall down when ballons are gone....but again, just "my interpretation" here....



    sorry for rather a messy "flow of mind " and typos...maybe will add smth more "shaped" later....

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