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Everything posted by KiteKat

  1. OH THANKS!!!! U can even take a picture of it with a digital camera, just make sure the resolution is enough!!!! thank you thank you thank you!
  2. Oh, please, can anyone from the the US post an article itself?.....PLEEEASE... there shld be more pics+article in the mag... In fact I was about to call my dad to get it....but... ...now imagine a 50+ man walking into a bookstore... may I have an OUT magazine, please.... :biggrin2:
  3. Where can I buy the mag????? lookie the link above the pics! I dont know how the ebay guy got it!!!!!!!!!!!! thats what Id like to know....its JULY... maybe u get them earlier if u have a magazine subscription???
  4. Where can I buy the mag????? lookie the link above the pics! I dont know how the ebay guy got it!!!!!!!!!!!! thats what Id like to know....its JULY... maybe u get them earlier if u have a magazine subscription???
  5. the pic with flowers looks like the photoshoot from attitude (if im not mistaken) from last summer.... dunno, it says JULY 2007 on the cover......... CONFUSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. thats cos "out" is a gay mag..... he always looks kinda different with diff people imho i wonder what the article itself is about
  7. im so confused-they r selling it on ebay-July (????) issue (sorry if posted) http://cgi.ebay.com/MIKA-OUT-MAGAZINE-JULY-2007_W0QQitemZ180127328925QQihZ008QQcategoryZ104950QQcmdZViewItem#ebayphotohosting pics are here and I shld definitely have more practice with my mother tongues quite helpful at times
  8. :thumb_yello: u definitely have a good eye! great as usual:bleh: is it a charcoal stick around ? and the paper size? (dunno, I find it hard to do the small ones, cos I need some "freedom" for hand movement:bleh: )
  9. WOW! That is such a wonderful idea! and everyone is so creative! sure it will be the loveliest and happiest colourful town! ( so funny-been working today on some fasade solutions for tomorrows customer..opened the forum now-and such a burst of colour...and so pity not many people actually dare to do so in real life! (at least exteriors!))
  10. ok...not a WH*RE, just a courtesan:naughty: ...actually there was a sarcastic bit in some Mika's interview...smth like "..I know I'm a courtesan, but Im not going to be a cheap one..."-sorry, might be a misquote, but I dont remember where exactly I saw it...
  11. HEY, peeps!!!! EEEaaasy! looked up the profile- Mika 4ever is just 14!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that explains a lot:wink2:
  12. Zsina-amazing job-as usual:bleh: you are so patient! and I really really liked the previous sketch (mika head and bit of shoulders) -it also shows something about the author, despite maybe details being tackled less thoroughly ...and I dont even have any energy to finish the yellow wh*re from yesterday... anyway today my boss guessed the origin (Toulouse-Lautrec, who I admire)...
  13. Re: MIKA-MAKES-A-PERFECT-WOMAN!!!! so lookie here (Ca-ro-li-na!) and here: (and dont kill me again pllllssssss:biggrin2: ) my fav pose again:bleh: still unfinished...but maybe will drop it like that
  14. To Monshi- thanx! Its actually my secret childhood dream - to create an album cover one day:blush-anim-cl: up to now Revolver is the fav:biggrin2: to Eir - (strikes a pose) - CON-CEN-TRRRRRATE!!!!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRR!!! and, seriously, your artwork speaks for itself- as for "the lines" - though Im not a professional artist, but u get enough, ...ehm...drilling:biggrin2: ...as an architecture student... (and that arch background partially excuses my F-ups with colour:naughty: )
  15. thanx for posting! I think he looks kinda ...erm... bulkier... I mean muscle, since his frame is naturally not that wide... the beautiful child grown into a gorgeous man... (though its a pity - the Bambi look is gone:bleh: )
  16. just some diva....with twisted anatomy:biggrin2: one of my fav Mika - poses.... (Carolina sits on 95....etc) dont kill me dunno how Id like to continue....maybe just do BW comic-book style...or just paint in photoshop...though I know its "not genuine...etc...blah-blah"
  17. To Eir-your work is amazing!!! .... but dont get too carried away from your studies:biggrin2: -shld be saying that to myself as well:naughty:
  18. Welcome on board, Perez.... (if its really him:sneaky2: ) thats funny - posted some random stuff a couple of days ago in another thread http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3545&page=140 -and today the man himself (??????) joins! wanna try a caption, Perez?
  19. Great picture! (dont have an icon for green-with-envy:bleh: ) ...and I do NOT envy the one who gets to see THAT expression in other circumstances
  20. :roftl: thanx sooooo much for posting..... they've p**** all over poor guy.... but it doesnt appear that agressive..... ....and those concentrating circles.... WATCH OUT FOR THE 25th FRAME:shocked:
  21. ...I love that one...pretty much summarizes everything for me...and maybe it should go with a BIG question mark on the side...(and Im not trying to make a stupid joke....)
  22. thanx for posting! interesting and thoughtful article...again-view at a slightly different angle...
  23. Mika, get all the following you want, WE DONT CARE which:biggrin2: .... except for paparazzi following.... .....and get some sleep...
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