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Everything posted by Jamakkronic

  1. lol I find it utterly funny that you all focus on those two words, as to me it's just a tiny little thing compared to the tremendously nauty part of the song: "suckin' too hard on your lollipop..." lol... and it's supposed to be for his young sister !!!!! Has anybody tried to check who Serge Gainsbourg was? Mika mentions him very often... this genious was french, the naughtiest french ever but the most talented too... The one of funniest/naughiest (almost nastiest) thing Serge did was to write a song called "les sucettes" for France Gall... She's been hiding for months when she realized what Serge had make her sing... And even the "scopitone" (the ancestor of video) is REALLY suggestive, be prepared if you want to have a look, nobody's naked... but considering the situation, it may be even worse lol. (there is a translation of the song, plus the video on a link Eir offered me :)) THANKS EIR, MY DEAR DEAR FRIEND !!!!! Eir tell me if I may give the link or if it's too suggestive for some young fans here... you will know I trust you. I know I know, now the song shows another dimention. You'll never be able to listen to it without laughing... how familly friendly indeed He's soooooooooooo clever: he's refering to something only french people will understand... and mentions it in english so the French won't get it so nobody's gonna censor him !lol! But he didn't know I'd be there to explain LOL Oh I'm sooooooooo very hilarious, I love this witty witty guy !!! Sophie xxxx
  2. Ooooohhh ben sais-tu que j'ai été à deux doigts d'habiter le Finistère? A Logonna Daoulas !!! VIVE LA BRETAGNE !!!! Je vais aller faire un tour sur le French Thread Merci de m'avoir prévenue. Et concernant Mika je suis entièrement d'accord avec toi, j'adore sa façon de se moquer tout en faisant gaffe de rester hyper respectueux envers ses fans en particulier. En plus, j'aime bien qu'il embarque toute sa famille avec lui partout où il va. Enfin par contre, je craque complètement sur sa zic, y'a aucun remède lol: je trouve que sa façon de sourire quand il chante s'entend. Sa voix est particulièrement claire et pure, et ce n'est pas que les heures de travail, il habite ce qu'il chante même quand ce n'est pas de lui.... heuuu bon, je ne sonnerai pas un peu fan/groupie moi? Une tite question qui m'amuse au passage, Lollipop, pour un fan de Serge Gainsbourg, ça ne serait pas un petit clin d'oeil d'après toi? En un peu plus soft je te l'accorde... mais quand même "suce bien fort ta sucette sinon tu peux faire une croix sur l'amour"... hum... lol... non? Bon, je vais devoir raccrocher, on de demande sur l'autre ligne (Mika fan sur MySpace) A bientôt j'espère !!! Sophie xxxx
  3. Here is the translation of how Nagui introduced Mika to France: "Dans Taratata, il y a des moments comme ça Ou avant même qu’ils arrivent on se dit Il va se passer quelque chose Je vous garantis le genre de gifle qu’on peut se prendre quand on écoute un album C’est un pur génie un pur talent : auteur compositeur interprète producteur Il a à peine 22/23 ans Vous allez forcément craquer autant que nous avons craqué On est fou raide dingue de ce monsieur. Merci d’accueillir Mika sur le plateau de Taratata avec Grace Kelly" Nagui translation: "Sometimes in the Taratata show, even before it has happened, you already know you are to live something really special. I can assure you it's just like being knocked down. He's a pure genious, he embodies talent : writer, composer, singer, producer. And he's only twenty two/twenty three !! You can't but fall for him as much as we did. We're just totally mad in love with this gentleman. Please welcome Mika on Taratata stage with Grace Kelly" And at the end of the song: "C'était Mika et vous ne l'oublierez... JAMAIS !!!" translation: "This was Mika and you'll NEVER EVER forget him!" Nagui's taste is perfect...
  4. Here is the translation of how Nagui introduced Mika to France: "Dans Taratata, il y a des moments comme ça Ou avant même qu’ils arrivent on se dit Il va se passer quelque chose Je vous garantis le genre de gifle qu’on peut se prendre quand on écoute un album C’est un pur génie un pur talent : auteur compositeur interprète producteur Il a à peine 22/23 ans Vous allez forcément craquer autant que nous avons craqué On est fou raide dingue de ce monsieur. Merci d’accueillir Mika sur le plateau de Taratata avec Grace Kelly" Nagui translation: "Sometimes in the Taratata show, even before it has happened, you already know you are to live something really special. I can assure you it's just like being knocked down. He's a pure genious, he embodies talent : writer, composer, singer, producer. And he's only twenty two/twenty three !! You can't but fall for him as much as we did. We're just totally mad in love with this gentleman. Please welcome Mika on Taratata stage with Grace Kelly" And at the end of the song: "C'était Mika et vous ne l'oublierez... JAMAIS !!!" translation: "This was Mika and you'll NEVER EVER forget him!" Nagui's taste is perfect...
  5. It's so nice to be welcomed this nicely !!! Thanks! @}---,-- About the Mika-book, you're not so far from one of my dreams in fact. I'd love to have Mika tell one of my little story on an audio file for the blind and dyslexic kids that can hardly read. I can imagine how they would feel !! For once, their problem would bring them something wonderfully great... and for the dyslexic ones, they can realize you can develop unusual skills and become genious like Mika by finding solutions. (Well of course it's an utopia: lol as great as Mika lol IMPOSSIBLE, you'd need to have his talent and generosity too but shhhhhhhhhhh!) Well of course there would be two HUGE problems: Mika will probably never know about it... and if ever he did, he may not remember by the time he gets some time to anything else but music. And, so I hope for him and you all !! lol I'm sure your more interested in his songs... and maybe even I am !!!! ... Yet... let me think about your idea for a secund time... a book on Mika... hrm would that mean I'd have to meet him? ...and to ask him plenty of questions? ...and spend a loooooooooooong time with him? Let's see, it wouldn't be such a sacrifice Ok, where is the contact? Where do I sign? BRING ME THE CONTRACT PLEEEEEAAAAASE lol Take care! I hope I'll find a way to make you as happy as you did here. Sophie xxx
  6. Hello, I'm 40 and my name is Sophie Degunst, so you can chose to call me Sophie or Jamakkronic. Just do as you feel comfortable to! I'm really happy to be here with you. I should have post earlier, but I was a bit shy about it. I just don't know what you may wish to know about me. My job is to write books for children, but this is not the only thing I do. I love painting, reading, listening to music and singing... I do prefer Mika's songs , I know what you'll say: I'm cheating as it's easier to sing his songs when you're a girl. lol My ex-husband, who knows me quite well, made me see this someday: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U8zD4U_wiGg Here is where I discovered Mika, but I really understood I would be such a fan when I saw him in Nagui's show: TARATATA. Nagui knew exactly how to make everyone discover what had thrilled him so much: Mika's songs. Now I have to say I consider Nagui as a "Mika Angel" too !!! He deserves it too, does he? I wish you all the best. Sophie xxx
  7. Thanks, Eir, to have me dare come and talk here. You're not just even Mika's . Jamakkronic, instead, has grown up a perfectly Mika-addicted sweet child and keeps on spreading Mika-love among people she meets... yesssssssss in France and mostly in Europe of course, but also in Maroc, Nigeria, and other places around Africa... but to tell the truth I find so very it easy: Mika almost does everything, I just have to mention: nobody can be as communicative and...and... (lol oh but you know) ...as he is. He just has to open the mouth, should it be to smile, laugh, talk, sing... as nobody would ignore here. Oh yes, and my son is converting his friends, father and grand parents lol. I suppose he's not so far from becoming an too !!!! Well he's a bit young to have an account on internet (he's 10), but he has already decided to record a vocal message and a video to in order to show Mika his support !!! Isn't that sweet? Well, I stood up almost all night (...mostly because I was chatting about Mika lol yes, ok I know, I'm addected, but I can confess to you, but...) because I'm still worried about the threats of death on him. I'm desperatly trying to find a way to be efficiently helpful about it... any idea will be welcome and carefully thought about. We definitly have to show our love to him however we can. He keeps on asking for love, that's in every songs and interviews. and as he says, he's "show off" - lol, that's funny but - there is a deep meaning behind this, is it? And we all know his background. Well let's LOVE LOVE HIM. Then, it's not enough to save a life... threats may (will probably) remain threats, and nothing is to happen... but even then, how stressful for Mika !!! So we thought....Mika's fans are angels...MIKA'S ANGELS!!! YES Mika's angels, he needs us !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Did you managed to do something very special for Mika? Have you converted any skeptical friend? Did you infected all the people around you with your mania? Do you want to join us? Please, we want to know more and more about, because our biggest duty and honour is to help Mika also in everyday life!!! Eir and I are working on Lollipop, we may have found some new clues about some meanings hidden behind the words . If we manage to do it, it may change the face of the Mika world lol... Wait and see lol.
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