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Everything posted by Jamakkronic

  1. (Sophie very happy to hear from Mika even not where supposed to, and pretending she didn't notice)
  2. That was from the video, I just captured a picture from it... I'm tend to think it's not a birthmark but... it depends, if there are other pictures from another moment we may know or anybody knowing him more personnaly?... Mika? are you there?
  3. Come on !!! It does matter !!! And everything's fine, so that's cooooooooooooooool
  4. Oh I like it !!! And I should add that he seems familly with Louis Bertignac here, which is coooooooooooooooooooooool !!! (for the non French who wonder who Louis is: have a check on my MySpace, he's extremly talented+nice) The French and Mika will appreciate The other may ask me if they want to, I'd be delighted to tell them how a great compliment I'm making.
  5. Mika's been trusting you, and he knows he can trust us too: nobody here is gonna chose anything in his place, should it be a hug or a kiss. And if someone does, that would be such a desappointment for the others that it may be the best way to be kept appart: we're a familly here. Mika can afford to be like this with his fans because we do our best to deserve it. It's priceless treasure !! Nobody's gonna be stupid enough to be really meaning to do it, don't worry. Now if anybody destroy this trust he has in us, he or she'd better never show again, because nobody could possibly forgive it ! Aaahhh, those wings hitching again !!! Sophie xxx
  6. The dreadful like is in your hands Angel, now you're on duty !!! :rocket:
  7. lol I rememberd doing it once... in was Saint Patrick's day and the director was completly drunk... in fact he was so drunk that he wanted to teach me to danse his traditional Scotish danse... lol He could never understand why we kept on telling him that it was an Irish celebration !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. I'm banishing the ***** guy with the stupid and mean and disgusting (and so on) video about ten times a day !!! If we all do so, the admins won't have any choice but to accept to banish him !!! I've blocked him too.
  9. Oh I know you'd have prefered a better health !!! I wanted to mention you something: if ever there is anything that can't make your life easier just tell. I can just speak for me, so if you think about anything, just ask me and except if I really can't do it, the answer will immediatly be yes. Sophie xoxox
  10. heuuuu !!!! Maybe just frightening. lol
  11. WOW do you realize that it happend even if you were not looking your best? lol NOW I'M EVEN MORE JEALOUS And do you mean you're not to share the other details (...or not details, why did I say that lol)? Ok It belongs to you only. => About your hair that was getting curly: but remember YOU MET... MIKA !!! Sophie xxx:mf_rosetinted: Oh about standing to attend a concert: why don't you try to ask to be backstage and to look from there? He knows you now... lol ( indeed !!!! )
  12. For my 40th birthday: he added me on MySpace... lol It's definitly not as glamorous as your story, is it !!! Keep this precious moment in your heart, I wish you plenty of others though I'm jealous to death of course. Sophie xxx
  13. I've mentionned this ******* guy to the moderators, let's hope they'll listen to me soon. It was mean AND stupid... Well call me :darthvader: now! I've used the force but it was out of:badmood:...
  14. You know me let's :sniper: first, we'll talk later !!! May I know in private?
  15. What's going on, is he hurt or is it just a birth stain (sorry I don't know the correct words for that)? And sorry if I ask something stupid: this is the first time I see so much of him!!!
  16. You'll be my contact. I'll tell you everything I found!!!! But shhhhhhhhh, there may be someone watching !!! I'm Akkronic, Jamakkronic !!! :starwars: :lightsabre:
  17. Wear a Mika T-shirt ? With "Love Today" on it? Open your window and let the whole town hear Mika's songs until the police comes?
  18. Congratulations !!! Let the wings grow !! Well done Mika-Angel !!!! Sophie xxx
  19. I've been to the hairdresser and they didn't know about Mika, so I told them they'd better have some of his songs playing for next time or I would not come again !! lol They said they'll do something !! Gros bisous Sophie xxx
  20. Oh I'm happy I found this post !!! You can't imagine my fear to have seemed respectless !!! My God, how old is your soul? 1000 years old is it !!! I promise I've gone through plenty of other forums to stop the gall. And I will again. If I understand well the "I don't care" means my "don't OUT me/him/her" 'cause you never know for sure, in fact... I mean even some people having had "chicken" with him might be totaly wrong because they were not in his mind, and he may have been checking "if or "if not"... Considering this, nobody can't be sure of anything (lol sometimes even for yourself), and it's perfect that way !! So speculating about this would be lost words. And most of all: I can't be hurt, but Mika needs to keep this in his secret garden. One person = one need, and total respect for this. Anyway nobody can discuss a need! Ok so I made my decision: I don't show the banner because it would not be me, but I keep eyes and ears open and I'm ready to bite !! (lol no k to explain they are hurtfull). Consider I'm your secret agent !!!!!!! Take care you all, Mika's lucky to have us. Sophie xxx
  21. Merci ma belle, dors bien, sweet dreams !!!!!!!!!!!!! And sorry if I promised Eir first Take care Sophie xxx
  22. lol try but I can't give you his number, I don't have it
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