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Everything posted by blanca

  1. hey girls! what is it tonight? ...bellybuttons?
  2. You still don't believe in the Axe Effect?
  3. :roftl: sorry,i'm always late in posts but this caption is just great! omg this thread is killing me!! :roftl:
  4. wow, i'd like to know about that, i can't see mika copying songs....
  5. hahaha thanks hbg(heartbreaker-girl)! well good night darlings, hope we have nice fluid conversations again!! MUAKSS
  6. well i know i should be going to bed because i have to STUDY tomorrow byt... no, not everyone has a cute cousin somewhere caz! omg you are going to have something with a cute italian??? italians are better than french, italians are the best! french guys never call you back ... (i'm too late in posts again, aren't i?)
  7. oh i'm kind of going too actually altough i wasn't rally in the conversation, always posting after 10 new posts:bleh: ... well i love you dirty girls! good night have some erotic dreams!
  8. i bet he would make you orgasm! he would say something mikaish very sexy....and those lips ohhhhh
  9. :roftl: ya, that would turn me on too! :roftl:
  10. omg i'm now thinking of mika doing those things... his HOT lips all over your body.. and his big piano...hands! i love big-bitten-nails hands
  11. G.spot ?? hahaha, no, but i thought his was behind his ears and the he told me to not treat him like a dog.... i got so embarrased.... i'm so stupid lol!
  12. oh... mm he was like touching my belly...and just put his finger in it while saying "yours is the cutest bellybutton i've seen" (in a bad spanish, he was french)
  13. you've kisses a 17 year-old guy while being 14?? you are my idol, i bet you are a heartbreaker girl!!
  14. i said "never" haha just his finger....hahha omg, thank god you girls are middle-virgin like me....i feel identifyed
  15. i've been kisses just few times... and on my stomach....never, he got his finger in my bellybutton tho! and me thinking....."man your finger is just going to stink"
  16. omg, the beauty and the beast is my favourite too!!! i got to break the video when i was a kid of so much watching it, and my dad and me used to sing all songs while playing the cassete in the shower! (in spanish of course) and about the tamagochi.... mine was stolen in class when i was 8........ i never got over it
  17. no you don't it turns me on too! hahaha:naughty: , it's like....the erotic atraction of human needs. by the way...this threat rocks so much lol!
  18. i've never had niples twist..... and either chilbirth but i know your boobs hurt more in your period!! i saw the stars when i stopped an elbow with mine....
  19. blanca


    ohh, you are so right! now i realize the meaning of "nobody can copy my songs" ...they really can't!!!
  20. hah ya, i would say something boring too like "thank you" but be thinking "KISS ME!":biggrin2:
  21. oh by the way...i made myself a story and i'll tell you... i'm staying in a hotel in London and i'm at the corridor at my room floor, i'm wearing a pink cute gucci dress over a white shirt ok? and i break my pearl necklace, i start picking it up when mika comes off from his room and comes to help me, we talk and laugh and then he invites me to his room and stay overnight eating chocolate cookies and talking so much! so we get to be really good friends....and....i don't know anymore....it could be a sweet story right? all my friends laughed at me, i hope whoever in here who reads this can apreciate it
  22. why have you all girls hugged him and smelled him?? why are you so lucky?? i want that!!, what i can imagine is that it would feel like HEAVEN:wub2: please i'm intrigued about his smell, strawberryish, right? or baby smell?
  23. hello mika, how can i start?....as i told you on your space, thank you for giving us good music!!, really, i'm very special about music,i don't usually like any bands! and about the Freddie subject again.., just know that i have considered him the love of my life forever (i even talk to him hah:blush-anim-cl: ) and when i heard you on tv the first time i was like....oh god, it can't be true,he sounds really close to him!, and that was just so amazing for me... you know? i really apreciate that you didn't let my parents generation be the only one with good music, thanks for letting me live the "mika revolution" in my 17s now i just hope to talk to you some day...may be in madrid sumercase?that would just make me happy forever, i would never be sad again!!! you have some special aoreola (i dont know if that is a word, sorry.. that make everyone feel good, feel alright, you are like an angel sent by the gods may be, we could consider you... "the hero" (as Frank S was the "voice", Elvis "the king", Bruce S. "the boss" etc) what do you think? well may be i made this too long, i hope you didn't get tired of reading if you are reading still hah:biggrin2: those were my true true feelings, i feel kind of embarrased for that, or for giving them to nowhere... PD:if i ever get to talk to you in my life don't think i'm retarded,ok? it would be the effects of the shock, my face would be like this but i'm a normal girl, really.... bye imagine lots of kisses! *blanca*
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