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Everything posted by blanca

  1. i've been looking at the posts from the beggining, seeing the evolution of reactions till enfa said that it was really a joke,haha it was funny but when i saw the thread my heart also stoped and went to see it, like o god, it doesnt surprises me at all!! i'm happy for him but also.... (a bit jealous)
  2. like we would say in my basketball team.... ABRAZO DE OSO! ABRAZO DE OSO! and with it i give you magic for you get very well
  3. buf this conversation is running too fast for my crappy computer...... nice trying to catch up your interesting conversations girls, good night! KISSES muaaaaks:bleh:
  4. ewwww are you kidding me? i would throw up for like a month! oh you girls are telling such strong stories for me... the baby-pup, the evil-teacher, the newt-salad...what now? :shocked:
  5. THAT'S TRUE! when my mom was pregnant of me she was all the time smelling the white out at work and now i'm such a freak with that smell, like my nose and fingers are always full of white out lol:bleh:
  6. wow that thing really happened?? noway i can't believe it! i hope i know when my baby is coming to the world! i'll pay attention lol:biggrin2:
  7. ouch!! it must hurt and burn so much! what is plasters? like sticky paper right?...
  8. just imagine that mika would have seen you in that moment and joined you haha! ya don't go....you always make us laugh...o well have fun with your family! kisses!!!
  9. o yes he would! i love boys with glasses and he is the perfect kind of those boys!! may be some....in black pasta...or in dark blue!! does anyone know the brand Le Swing?
  10. haha, ya i act like another person sometimes, mostly in this thread,too spicy sometimes... and then i look back what i said and be like... oh Lauren i just joined in too... what do you wanna talk about?
  11. :roftl: i think it's great, if you tell me the address i'll join you may be!!
  12. you don't seem shy to me! just nice! and don't scare me girls with the 666 please...
  14. oh Daisy, i guess you are the happiest person.....i couldn't stop reading what you wrote and i was thinking...oh she is typing my dream on her computer... well yes, i'm jealous, but very very happy for you, and also happy to find out that he is not a diva like you said you thought he would be....oh dunno what to say.......i hope i ever get a birthday like that!
  15. ya, i think it's too high to be an ear ring.... may be it's a sticker... or some dust....
  16. awwww hun, i'm very sorry! i'm feeling bad right now too, mostly for imagining you in the train crying while listening to his music, yes i would cry too.... but hey! like that you are ready for the next one, don't you think? you have the braccelet and if you thought that you should have wore other clothes, you can change...or something, or you could make him more things! think positive, like mika would say "un de perdu, dix de retrouvé" (may be he used to say it)...... it's something i learned in my french class! BEAR HUG TO YOU!
  17. yes, i've read that too! and yes i woud take care of him too! Mika, please, don't get sick, relax and take it easy my love, violet sky is right, you might be working too much....but well you don't need to! your great work in Life in Cartoon Motion is worth a break, don't you thinK? you've created an empire come on! even if you never wrote any more songs (please don't do that to us) you wouldn't be hungry and needed in your life, trust your genious like all the stars do, you have everyone wraaaaaaped around your finger!!!!
  18. oh i meant *i hope i CAN get to be...* oh sorry haha i'm too tired nighty nights
  19. ya me either actually...i was just dreaming a little bit... o well i'm going to bed because i have to study tomorow, you too seem to be good friends, i'm happy for that!i hope i can't get to be your friend too,i love you both.... and to Eir: see i'm not the only person who thinks that you'll meet him and that you have something special.....everyone loves you why not mika? good night! bonne nuit jolie! buona notte belle!
  20. :tears: but...oh....could you think of me too?
  21. awww, really? ya, then she maust have like the sweetiest voice, because he has some special listening talent, and probably more developped than nomal ppl do you think it will work if i call mika?
  22. oh wow....you've been dating a model? o you must be so pretty.... i love your life!i love french people!
  23. how did he find her?? ohhh eir, i want mika too....so bad:tears: as i asked you before...do you think we'll meet him someday. and i can't see he is on...
  24. lol i can't think of anything now haha errr i feel different know that i know that you are 40.....i respect you more and feel more embarrased of talking about this things lol! nah!who cares? have you had a wife and several husbands then? wow thats amazing!
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