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Everything posted by titty

  1. otherwise on the corner between mc douglas and bleeker is full of nice restaurants, most of them are italian if you want to eat famous muffins , you have to go on 400 bleeker st, Magnolia bakery, it is a famous place for famous people, there is always a little bit of line in front of it. and if you want a great italian espresso or cappuccino or gelato or italian pastry you have to go to "rocco" (bleeker and carmine) in front of the church side. Try it and tell me!!
  2. not so much for lunch. for 15$ you can have something good
  3. "la lupa" in thompson st. and houston is fantastic and very authentic. the chef is mario batali.
  4. in Madison is full of places whwre you can eat. It depends on what kind of food you want. Are you going close to LPR? there you can find lovely places wher to eat delicious food from everywhere in the world...I suggest italian of course!!
  5. Credo non sia Mika , ma Mika Miko, un altro cantante.
  6. rain rain rain....but hot and humid here in NYC, Mika is going to performe Rain...for sure...yeah!!!
  7. have a wonderful night, holly, i `ll get some sleep, tomorrow I have to wake up early...SOCCER!!! :blink:
  8. You still have some days before mika , you are going to be fine , I bet!!
  9. Sara! allora come stai dopo Milano, raccontami qualcosa appena puoi. fra qualche giorno torno in italia, magari ci vediamo, ci terrei davvero

  10. Deb!! Still awake?

    I give you my cell phone , i `d like to be in touch .

    i try to arrive between 1pm and 2pm. One of my friends is coming with me, it is her first Mika`s gig! she is a Newyorker , grown up in the village!!

  11. beh nessuno mi raggiunge qui alla City martedi`?
  12. Sounds great Deb, i read the reports from the european gigs and if we will be organized everything will be fine. You were in london and youknow how or works, so we count in you... As usual !!
  13. Proprio sparito e perso... Si dovrebbero avere notizie piĆ¹ precise, vado girando per NYC , si incontra di tutto ... Tranne lui!!!
  14. Yes dear!! Reeeady to go!

  15. Deb...did you Go to europe to see mika this month? Wow, you rock

  16. Yeah!! Carissima, so....we have a deal!! Soooo happy to see you again!

  17. Deb!!! I can't wait to see you again! Nice and sweet memory last gig in nyc, even if or was cold!! I hope we can have another coffee together chatting and chatting. Let me know if you need something in the City! Hugs, your Tiziana

  18. Sara carissima, a ott saremo a LA se Dio vuole e ti aspettiamo, lo so Nyc mi manchera'da morire ma vale la pena visitare la west coast, credimi, pensa a quanto tempo ci ha passato Mika!!!!! Magari si trova da quelle parti per un concerto!!! Ho good to be true? Chissa' .....mai dire mai! Beh pronta per Milano voglio sapere tutto!!! Un abbraccio tua Tiziana

  19. Sooo, Mika is coming to your neighborough!!!! So ecxtited!! I can't wait to see you again!!! Hugs and kisses

  20. Great Holly!!! You rock!!!

  21. Saraaa! Come stai? Vieni a nyc.. Dai... Pensa che la vita e' una ...meglio riempirla di bei ricordi che di tristi rimpianti!! Ricordati che hai ina casa e una famiglia da queste parti!!! Un bacio

  22. Ciao Holly!!! How are you dear? Is true you are not coming to the City??? I really hope I did notget it the right way!

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