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Everything posted by LebAngel

  1. C'est clair, ça n'a plus rien de priver!!!! En plus c tt à fait normal que ses concerts se jouent à guichet fermé si ttes les radios s'amusent à acheter des dizaines de billets pr les faire gagner!!!! ça c sans compter ceux qui en achetent pr les revendre plus chers sur ebay!!! c devenu un vrai business!!! Ps: j'ai m^me pas pu m'enregistrer..la page ne s'ouvre pas:boxed:
  2. Does anyone of the frenchMFCer receive an email from Kingomusic??? I received it this morning & it's about meeting Mika on 30 june at the OLympia. For that I have to make a free subscription, then I think there would be a shedule... I dont know if it's serious...moreover they mention "only" aprivate meeting, nothing about the gig... Did u get somethin like this?????
  3. I can't agree more with you. It's important to share our opinions, as different as they could be!! Remember we all love Mika here. Btw u look all great in the video (i've read the other thread) Really when I watched the video, I remembered the one with a woman walking in the street in USA (she recieved an award for it in the 90's), & "biter sweet symphony" where a man was singin while walkin in the street...but there the camera was focused on them all the time.. But in Big girl, not...it's in the middle...it's as they wanted to do like this but they dont....I have the feeling of something incomplet. I understand really good, as I already said in the begining of the thraed, the idea of real life which is a very good one & I remember really good Mika's interview in which he said that...but in this spirit personnaly I would have seen something simplier, more "natural" than this..otherwise I would prefer something faster more energetic completly colourful...but have to say that in real life we'll never see a big girl walkin in the street with a bright blue corset... that's why I say it's in the middle. Hope u won't missunderstand me, this is really what I think & I hope that non MFCer won't have the same opinion!! Btw I'm not sure that Mika doesn't care at this point about what people say...
  4. Really!!! I think Big girl is the song which can really push Mika in the American charts, in my opinion they adopt a bad strategy with this video... As I already said I hope that video won't be negative for him... maybe u'll have a special one who knows...
  5. Yeh, There are some contradictions in the video (bright colours/ grey weather..) some things still unfinished, as u said Yop, & done just to be done. I really hope that they'll remix the video!!! But here again It's just me.
  6. I've watched the video twice & Honestly I'm a bit desapointed....I know many of you love it...maybe I was wainting too much from it... I'll try my best to explain myself in a good english: Well I'm not a producer or anything like that but when I watch it, I have the feelin that they did this video coz they have to... Mika always looks great & cute but here I just wanna talk about the video, I understand what could have been the idea behind, but I dont like the realisation. In my opinion, the concept doesn't fit with the music, with the rhythm, even if it does with the lyrics...maybe there should more camera shoots like in LT, more effects, more colours, lights (here we can see exactly the Londonian weather...) for example, relax's video fit really good with the song, I mean it's dance music & the video is modern following the beat,t he rhythm... Big Girl is a great song, with a "powerful", lound music background & they could do a lots of things with it. Nowdays the video is very important for promoting the title & hope this one wouldn't do a disservice to the single. I just wish for the next video, they will take their time to think about it & to realise it.
  7. I think if they will continue in this way, by planing many gigs & cancelling as much, at the end it'd be negative for Mika!!! They should really think seriously about it! So they're planing 2 events on 2 different continents (NY & sweden) for the 10 august????!!!!
  8. This is baklawa: [ATTACH]2933[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]2934[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]2935[/ATTACH] It's lebanese sweets made with, sorry de la pâte feulleté des pistaches des amandes ms désolée je ne connais pas la recette ms c très bon!!!
  9. Same here Sorry, it's so easy in french, & i tend to forget myself ( does it mean something in english?? ) Yeh & I'm sure it won't be the last concert which would be cancelled!!! But I think for the Virgin signin they have been too optimistic, & when they have known how many people would go there they realised they wont have enough time for doing the signin+ the gig!!
  10. je suis vraiment déçue pr toi Pamette!!!! Ces histoires d'annulation c'est vraiment pas cool...j'espère que la tournée française va se dérouler sans problèmes.....sinon je crois que je serais vraiment déçue (aussi) Keep my fingers crossed!!! Oh miam des Ba'lawa!!!! c clair qu'elle aurait aimé!!! enfin je connais très peu de Libanais qui n'aiment pas (enfin peut-être moi en été )
  11. Merci!!! Waw Quelle histoire!!! Vraiment chanceux et sa maman est tellement gentille!!!
  12. ???????????? c t pas de mon époque ça!!! Détails please!!!!!!!!
  13. :lmao: c vraiment du copier-coller!!! en tt cas MERCI!!
  14. tu as tt à fait raison:thumb_yello: et moi qui pensait appeler dès le début de le premier titre, hahaha ms pr le moment aucun membre d'un fan club n'a gagné!!!! On peut pas avoir un peu de piston un peu...je sais pas moi.. Vraiment on devrait avoir un traitement de faveur!!
  15. doit y avoir une technique... Notre mission: la trouver avt dimanche:cool: Certains y arrivent, alors pourquoi pas nous???? A vrai dire j'ai appelé qu'1 fois, dès que j'ai vu que le service était busy ...j'ai laissé tomber!
  16. AAhhh VIENS TT JUSTE DE PASSER!!! Pas assez rapide!!! le standart était déjà occupé!!!:sneaky2
  17. I can't agree more with u!!! We are only Fans!!! Did u all forget how many people wanted to watch it those last days?? so where's the problem?? They're only trying to share this video with all of us who can't see it yet (not livin in England) & probably will never see it on our national Tv!!!
  18. Thx Paula.pop!! Thx MikaObssessed!!!!! U're GREAT!!!!! It's funny!!!!
  19. en fait je viens de penser qu'on avait plus de chance en milieu de semaine et à ce moment de la journée car la plupart des ados st en cour.....même si je ne pense pas qu'il st de fervents auditeurs de Rtl2 ms les fans de Mika...depuis le début du concours.... si... (j'essaie de voir les côtés positifs!!! ) Well there's not a big activity here.....think peôple are tackin a rest with Mika!!
  20. This morning I was watching 3alam el saba7 with Hadia on Future Tv, as usual, when I realized that she was talking about braces!!!! Then it took all my attention...in my head it was braces=Mika!!! she said that braces are a "must have" for men this year!!! & just after they showed a fashion show with men wearing red, green, blue pants, big bags, beautiful sun glasses......&......shorts!!!!! So my question is: When will Mika change his pants for shorts?????? (i'm not talking for the kind of shorts in was wearing with toys )
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