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Everything posted by LebAngel

  1. je sens que je vais passer mon aprem devt l'ordi.... prkoi pe pas recevoir RTL2 à la radio comme tt le monde!!! de tte manière jeudi et vendredi...boulot....dc pourrait pas jouer!!! si j'ai bien compris c juska dimanche n'est ce pas???? Là on a à se tenir prêt dans les startings block!!!
  2. Est-ce qu'il ya eu un gagnant ce matin??
  3. Thank u!!!! it seems u had great time there!!! hope ur friend gets better now...but never mind u'll met him next time!!! u were soo close to him!!!! i'm waitin for wednesday to buy tickets for his gig in France!!! I can imagine...It's not easy at all to live near a stadium!!! even if I'm sure it's my sister's dream!! unlikely all the people who going there aren't all gentlemen!!! Waintin for ur report:thumb_yello: P.S: Best Lebanese are those who's grown up abroad:bleh: no offense:naughty:
  4. where did u find those pics? on the forum or on myspace??
  5. Is Janine an usual name for british girl????
  6. Well I was listening till 5 PM & nobody won ...but after I dont know coz where I'm living I can only receive Rtl2 on the web...
  7. but it begins really good ...i'm listenning to U2!!! There's long time I didn't hear it!! Love "with or without"!!! pr le moment ça va...c pas aussi horrible que je le croyais d'écouter Rtl2
  8. but it's till sunday...so 2 per day...14???!!! Is it possible??
  9. Waw 10 persons!!! this is great !!! It has already begin?? gonna try to listen to it on the net!!!!
  10. Yeh they are....but I dont really understand why.... all the teenagers are mad about them.... I've heard maybe one of their song but that's all...
  11. Oh yeh that's true!!! Congrats!!!! My sister is a HUGE FAN from the Real!!!!! (she's 15) & she was so excited tonight!!! but my bro is for barcelone sooo, u can imagine the atmosphere at home!!! :naughty: they really make me laugh!!! & btw, Black, how was ur birthday & the leb restaurant??? hope u had fun!!
  12. but u can't buy it yet, isn't it??? Got the same problem for Montpellier, even on the Zenith website there are "prochainement" without any other information. btw tokio hotel will perform the 20 october if ure interested:bleh:
  13. Hii Lara!! Hope ur fine!! yeh I do the same thing too:bleh: but from time to time we need some relaxation, no ???
  14. SOOoo Happy for u!!! Did u met him??? or did u post any report or pics??? Well yeh studying is not the funniest thing on earth (I finished this week but now the real life is waintin for me!!) but courage & good luck to all!!!
  15. euhh not that much...but have to say that Mika will be very gorgeous in the future....(sorry today have some difficulties to express myself...dunno why)
  16. :biggrin2: Well this is what i mean: Whn they dont smile there's no ressemblance:bleh:
  17. HIII!! Welcome to the MFC!!! Hope u'll have fun!!!
  18. mmm I dont think so...even if I love Mel Gibson!! that's true they have almost the same mouth, teeth, chin....but if they wouldn't smile on those pics, it'd be different.... euh do u know what I mean????
  19. Welcome on board!! Have fun!!!
  20. Lately he said to an american MFCer that those last months he didnt read a lot coz he hadn't enough time & he thinks he'll become mad if he'll do:blink: (this is written in the SanFrancisco or Chicago report) But he said too that he still informed by some people on what's happening there/ here:wink2:
  21. Same here!! I'm a Loud Mika!!
  22. to MFC!!! This is great u'll see him tommorow!! I've never seen him live but hope I will in october!! Hope u'll have a great time!!!
  23. Now 15% !!!!! :groupwave: :groupwave:
  24. noo he was in N'sync with Justin Timberlake, if I'm not wrong...
  25. Nono as far as I know he's not... (I'm a bit sarcastic )
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