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Everything posted by LebAngel

  1. Really??? it's good for u!!!!! hope that one day he will perform in Lebanon, so i'll take the first flight...won't miss it for nothing:bleh:
  2. Lance Bass........hot???? Ricky Martin.......gay???? :naughty:
  3. ohhh it's just soo close to Lebanon...just the sea in between:bleh: it's a good news!!!
  4. Great Job!!! u're the best !!! Very good idea to create this thread!!! THANK YOU:flowers2:
  5. I don't have myspace but i can watch it Quite funny actually
  6. Mariposa u'll go to Montpellier or Paris?
  7. MERCI!! Now I'm waitin for monday!!
  8. merci!! en fait je parlé du site du zénith de Montpellier où il n'y a tjs pas la date du 15...ms si c confirmé ds le Parisien c bien!!! (en fait je suis aussi sur le mikawebsite:bleh:) pr le moment sur le lien qu'a donné Pamette pr les réservations ya tjs pas Montpellier c pr ça ke je m'inquiétais... actually I was talkin about the zenith's website where's nothing yet...
  9. Very good translation:thumb_yello: just a little mistake: actually Montpellier is at 200km from home & Grenoble only 100, but I have a flat in Montpellier...till september... I have seen their website...but nothing..& there's already big artists performing there...but nothing for the 15 october... of course I will!! First I thought u were talkin about the gig, & I said I dunno if I canpromise to come back!!! dunno what can happen there...hehe
  10. Monaco has been cancelled...dunno why... It would have been very nice there...
  11. sorry I thought we were in the french thread:doh: there's nothing on Montpellier till now... have to be worried???
  12. euh....il n'y a tjs pas Montpellier:boxed: ....peut-être que je suis trop impatiente... dans ts les cas s'il ne va pas à Montpellier, je vais à Grenoble...ce n'est qu'à 100 km de chez moi...ms préfère Montpellier!!!
  13. I've just taken a look at the Montpellier'zenith website, there's nothin about the gig till now... but on mika's french sites & blogs...many ppl know the info right now..
  14. OMG AAAhhh finally watched it!!!!! OMG thought he was dancin just for her!!!! he's sooooooooooooooo .....AAAhhh *faints*
  15. Really thx Yop for all these infos!!! U MADE MY DAY!!! yesterday was kinda depressed when i see: "sold out"!!:rocket: Hope he'll not cancel at last minute...& we, french MFCer ,will be consider like Aussies & American ppl !!! maybe they suppoert the french website thinking all Mika's fan are there coz we're known for not being the best in langages....
  16. YOUPI MONTPELLIER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :woot_jump: & if I missed him there I go to Grenoble!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!but it's not possible!!!!!!
  17. Scut with which program can u read avi ??? coz with real player & windows Media Player I can only listen to the song, I can't watch the video...
  18. Did u noticed that MFCer (non middle-eastern) are talkin more & more about Lebanese food??? That's really funny!!! Mika is spreading the Lebanese culture!! Thank u, ur the best!!!
  19. Well there's no competition for this week!! the radio said we have to call them next weeks for more informations...
  20. But it's no more a surprise if u say there'll be a surprise..... but it's not nice:sneaky2: ...3am bet 7are'ssouna!!!!!! now i'll pass all the week wondering what it could be....& for sure we'll ask u a lots of question!! 7adro 7alkon!! btw i love ur avie Jas!
  21. Thx a lot girls for sharing all this with us!!! I love reading all ur reports & soo happy for u!!! Waiting for ur pix & videos!
  22. merci laurence pr l'info! j'ai écouté 5 min NRJ (j'ai eu de la chance c t Relax) hier ms après le reste c t vraiment bidon... A part ça Ramstein c t vraiment pas mal avec "Du Hast mich" ms c vrai ke ça fait des années ke je n'ai plus regardé Viva (ils étaient tjs en avance sur ns question Hits)...c t le bon tps... Mainan le seul truc ke je regarde en Allemand c le Destin de Lisa...car en France on est vraiment en retard..comme d'hab...
  23. Est-ce que vous savez si/quand Europe 2TV va diffuser le concert du Trabendo???
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