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Posts posted by DaMango

  1. Cool dream, Cherol. I would also love to hear Mika sing Stand Out, it's a great song! (the best one from Goofy Movie, in my opinion)


    I've had a few Mika dreams over the last couple of months, but they're usually too short or uneventful to remember after I wake up. I had a pretty hilarious one last night, and thankfully, I remember most of it.


    I dreamed that I was backstage after a Mika concert, with several other people. They were supposed to be MFCers I think, but I didn't recognize anyone. We were led to what looked like classroom, with rows of desks and a whiteboard at the front. Mika handed out papers, and said that we needed to take a quiz. He told us that there was a special prize for whoever finished first. I don't recall any of the details of the quiz, but I finished first. I handed my paper to Mika, he looked it over then said, "Nine eggs". Only, he said it in Spanish! :roftl: I have no idea why, especially since I don't speak Spanish. I asked him about the significance of "nine eggs", and he said it was a clue for the next part of the contest. I remember feeling very annoyed about this, LOL.


    Everyone eventually finished the quiz, and M looked at all of them, but I didn't see him give the clue to anyone else. We were then led to (and I'm not joking) to a henhouse! The chickens were loud and smelly, and the farmer was standing there waiting for us. He gave us a lesson about hens and egg laying, and we were getting quite anxious. Finally, I just blurted out, "Nine eggs!" The farmer looked at me quizically, and asked me what on earth I was talking about. I said, "Nine eggs was the clue Mika gave me for the contest." Now the farmer was very confused now, and asked, "What contest? I didn't know about no contest!" Our little group was very upset now, because we were standing in this stinky henhouse for nothing! (another Mika contest gone awry :naughty: )


    Suddenly, Mika appeared out of nowhere, and handed us each a little white paper basket full of candy. He seemed flustered, and in a great hurry. He said, "Thank you for playing, here are your prizes." I looked into my paper basket feeling disappointed and confused. What was the whole "nine eggs" thing about? I turned to ask Mika, but he on his way out the door. I ran after him, but by the time I made it outside, he was gone.


    I'm not sure what that was all about, but it was amusing, nonetheless. :biggrin2:

  2. Thank you for your great report, Rose, and congrats on being a BG! :yay: That's interesting that he made you sign a contract. I didn't have to sign one when I danced for him. What was that all about, or are you not allowed to say? :naughty:


    The BG and LG experience sounds very different different on this tour. I'm glad no one's had too much trouble with those ginormous heads! Knowing me, I probably would have made a wrong turn, and tumbled right off the front of the stage. :roftl:


    Oh, I may have missed this detail in your report, but what color corset did you wear?

  3. Thank you Soangel and Racinghorse for your reports. Soangel, your details were incredible! I felt like I was there with you.


    Racinghorse, I got a little misty-eyed when I read the part about your secret letter. :tears: I'm sure he will find it and read it. Your interaction with him may have been short, but your painting is a permanent expression of what his music means to you. (Do you have any photos of it, perchance?) I'm so glad that you took a chance, and just went for it.


    Charlie and I stood back, took some photos with the band, and decided to let the others have their moment before us. However, this almost backfired on us, as Mika was making his way to the door, and Charlie still hadn’t given him her gift yet. So we made our way to the door, and she just got in to give her gift before he left. Unfortunately, the meet and greet didn’t involve either meeting or greeting for me, but I was happy that Charlie got her moment. As for me, there’ll always be a next time. =]


    I took some videos and pics, but left my camera cord at home. So nothing in that sense from me for another week or so. Can’t wait to see others’ pics/vids/reports, though!


    It is now seventeen minutes past three, and I have bruises all over my arms, skin off on my hip and am quite tired. This report is now longer than the vast majority of my school assignments (1054) words at the moment), so I think I’ll leave it there.

    E.J, signing off. =]


    That is so selfless of you, to hang back and let others meet Mika. You will get your chance next time, I am sure of it! :thumb_yello: I'm sorry to hear that you came away from the experience with bumps and bruises. :boxed: I wish you the speediest of recoveries. Thank you so much for such a detailed and thorough report!


    Rosina was a BG too??? Oh boy, I cannot wait to read her report! :biggrin2:

  5. I think it was Oakland where one of the planets had dropped down and security threw it out into the audience as if it were one of the balloons. I started freaking out, screaming at the guy that it was part of the set and to get it back. Everyone must have thought I was mental getting so possessive about Mika's planets :lmfao:


    :shocked: Oh no, that's terrible! I don't blame you for yelling at him. Not only is it damaging to the set, but those things are heavier than they look. He coulda killed someone! :boxed: When I was backstage in Vancouver, I wondered why some of the planets were so dented. 'Scuse me Mr. Security Guard, that's not a toy! :sneaky2:


    By the way, Christine, now I understand why you didn't stick around longer after the BC show. You were probably just plain sick of Mika by then. I would be too! :naughty:


    (I jest, I jest.)

  6. Wow, I haven't read this thread for a few days, so I am excited to see the details of the painting party start to unfold. What amazing luck! The planets were truly aligned for you folks that day. :naughty: (cheesy joke alert!) Sure, it would have been fun to be there, but as you've all said, this was purely a chance meeting. I had no plans to fly to Toronto in the first place, so I'm not upset about it. Besides, Mika doesn't live his life or conduct his career wondering if he's being fair to all of his fans, all of the time. Opportunities just pop up sometimes, whether it's a pub party, icecream, a secret gig, or paint and pizza. All we can do is just sit back and enjoy the ride!


    Its a shame about the "Mika is so broke that he enslaves his fans" type of articles that are cropping up. In reality, I can't think of better people to have on board than those who love you. When I was a BG in Vancouver, Mrs. P told me that they could have hired professional dancers to be in the show. It certainly would have been less stressful than having to find new girls night after night. BUT, she said that they enjoyed having fans dance in the show, because they get so excited! (Goodness knows, I certainly was.) I think it's wonderful that Mika chooses to include us in the excitement. Who knows, Mika's next surprise might happen in your town! :biggrin2:

  7. This is wonderful, Blue Sky! I hope this doesn't make me sound stupid, but I had assumed you were a mod for quite some time now. You've been so involved and helpful, I can't believe that you weren't a mod all along. :naughty: Congrats nonetheless, and thank you for all that you do! :thumb_yello:

  8. That's the first thing I noticed, too. :roftl:


    I hope that's a misquote. Otherwise, sweet Mika, you need to get yourself some new lines. :aah:


    Perhaps Mika had said something much more vulgar, and the interviewer felt the need to edit his words. :naughty:




    (The first time I had wild, screaming, chase'em round the bed, wake the neighbors, barely legal, monkey sex with someone...)

  9. It makes sense that he just answered questions from the chat. How could he possibly read through 5 pages of questions, and keep up with the chat at the same time? Sounds like he had fun though. Thanks for sharing the details! :thumb_yello:


    I'll just ask him my questions the next time I see him.

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