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Posts posted by DaMango

  1. I think it's funny how several of those "questions" aren't actually questions. :naughty: Hmm... I may have to ask him a thing or two...


    Edit: Sent my questions! Let's see if they get posted. I was only going to ask one, but I threw in a little extra one (in honor of Christine) at the end. :wink2: If it doesn't get posted, no big loss.

  2. Mika is not obliged to show gratitude to fans. They pay for albums and gig tickets and he puts his whole heart into every single show. So if there is any imbalance, it's for sure not about Mika not delivering. Shouting lack of gratitude may backfire here.


    Agreed. What M gives us in music and live performances is so much more valuable than a signature or a photo with him. If that's what it's all about for some people, that's really too bad.


    On a personal note, I'm a little sad that the moment I decide to give Twitter a try, Mika stops using it. Awesome. :naughty:

  3. I had a tiny Mika dreamlet last night. I dreamt that he was set to star in a movie. I was pretty happy about this, because it was a chance to check out his acting skills. I don't know if I was in the movie, or a member of the press, because I was on set with him. (He was dressed in his usual clothes, so this wasn't a period film, or sci-fi movie or anything.) When I approached him, he was getting his makeup retouched. I was about to ask him a question, then I woke up. Man, I'm always waking up at the worst times. Anyway, I think it would be cool to see Mika in a movie. He would make a very dashing leading man, don't you think? :biggrin2:

  4. Last night, I had a Mika dream for the first time in a very long time. I dreamt that we were hanging out in a posh nightclub, like we were good friends. We were sitting in a private booth with dark leather seats, and a curtain for privacy. I remember that there were other people in the booth, but I was seated next to Mika. I snuggled closer to him (not in a romantic way, I'm just naturally very snuggly), and he told me he had a secret he wanted to tell me. His face got very serious, and he said that he didn't want this getting out, and not to post it on the boards. I told him not to worry, I wouldn't tell. He leaned in to tell me, and that's when I woke up! :aah: Dang and blast! I was hoping it would be something juicy...

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