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Posts posted by DaMango

  1. Hahahaha! I remember this thread, it was good times. I'm pretty sure I voted no. Pretty sure... :naughty:


    The truth is, Mika seems like a handful. I've already got both hands full with the boy I have at home, so I don't really feel like starting over with another high-maintainence man diva. I'm too lazy. :roftl:

  2. Alrighty, I've got my videos uploaded, let's rock'n'roll! Sadly, they are not as good as my Seattle videos (which weren't really all that good either) because I was further from the stage, and a lot of tall people were blocking my view. I did the best that I could, but ended up only getting parts of songs, rather than whole songs. I'll post them anyway, because I'm sure some of you would like to cherish the memories. :naughty:


    I was backstage for Relax and most of Big Girl (hee hee), so I didn't start filming until Dr. John. Here is the ending.


    Touches You became a new favorite after seeing it live. Very sexy!


    Here is some of Pick Up Off the Floor. It's so beautiful, some is better than none.


    This is the singing contest during BIOTG. Which side of the audience do you think will win?


    Before launching into Happy Ending, Mika has a request. And he clowns on Bette Midler. :roftl:


    Happy Ending, um, ending. It's the best part anyway, and you know it.


    End of Billy Brown.


    The powerful ending of I See You. Stalking has never sounded so beautiful.


    Rain. You guessed it. It's the end of the song.


    Mika makes us laugh, yet again, before Love Today. (In response to what Mika is saying, I think it's a sign that he's gettin' old...)


    Mika asks us to close our eyes. I did. Of course. :mf_rosetinted:



    Toy Boy is so pretty, I had to record it 2 nights in a row. In this video, you can see the little "toy boy" doll behind Mika.



    Short clip of Grace Kelly. I would have recorded more, but jumping audience members made it difficult.



    Lollipop! It's the final song of Mika's 2009 North American Tour!




    I've spent all day on the computer. I'd better go and celebrate a moment of Halloween now. Enjoy!


    (If you are interested, I posted vids in the Seattle concert thread as well.)

  3. You guys are totally welcome. :biggrin2: I sort of took it upon myself to be the Seattle concert "videographer". (Although, if anyone else has videos, please share.) I wish I could have gotten more, but like I said, I was constantly on the lookout for security. Not to mention, there were a few times when I just wanted to put down the camera, and enjoy the performance.


    Wildsong, I hate to disappoint you, but all I have of Big Girl is a 20 second, very blurry clip. My camera chose that exact moment to stop focusing correctly. :thumbdown: I was so mad! I quickly switched out of video mode, and tried to take pics, but they didn't turn out well either. The only images I got were of the girls on my side of the stage, the ones in orange and yellow I do believe. The video does show a microsecond of you in your pink corset, but it's so blurry, I'd hate to disappoint you with it. If you still want to see it, I'll upload it for you.

  4. Here are my videos from the concert! Video was not allowed at the concert (a security guard even chastised me once), so that meant I had to be sneaky. :naughty: I covered up the back of my camera, so that security wouldn't notice the light. I couldn't always see what I was filming, which meant Mika wasn't always in the shot. Sorry!


    Here's part 1 of the Intro. It includes the band's entrance on stage, and the beginning of Ian McKellan's TV announcement.



    I stopped filming for a second, because I thought security had spotted me again. When the coast was clear, I got the second half of the intro. Rockets, explosions, and topless Mika, ahoy!



    Stuck in the Middle!!! My favorite! Love the "trumpet solo." Hee hee...



    Here's most of the gorgeous Pick Up Off the Floor. I just missed the first few bars, but the rest is lovely. :wub2:



    Blame it On the Girls.


    Rain. Love the jacket!!


    Mika tries to make a tea kettle dance. Not sure why.


    Oh boy, this is my favorite video of the night! This was almost the end of the show, and you could tell Mika was in pain. He was dancing like crazy on his injured ankle, and he had even hurt his other knee. He couldn't seem to get into the beginning of Love Today, so he took a second to reach out to the audience. Part comedian, part motivational speaker, Mika asks, "What's your problem?" :roftl:



    Grace Kelly, it's a classic.


    I feel kind of bad posting this, but I was in awe of Mika's neon crutches. Seriously, most fabulous crutches ever. This is just a tiny clip, so I shouldn't feel too bad, right?



    Haunting and beautiful, here's Toy Boy.


    Here's the tiniest clip of Lollipop, but it captures the spirit of the finale. Balloons, hooray!




  5. Photos Part 2. MEET AND GREET!


    Alrighty, the moment you've all been waiting for! (I think)


    Like I said in my review, we waited in a cold, dark, scary alley for Mika. We did not wait in vain, because his wonderful band mates came out to chat and hang with us for a while. I gave Jimmy a hug, :wub2: and I told him that I enjoyed his playing, especially on BIOTG. It really stood out to me during the performance. He wished me luck on my own music, and posed with me for this cuddly picture. I don't think you can tell by the picture, but I'm hanging on to him pretty tightly, LOL!




    Cherisse and Imma! They are both such beautiful, talented, music goddesses. I adore them both. I told Cherisse that I took a photo with her 2 years ago, but I looked like a dork in it. She said she probably did too. (She totally didn't. LOL!) Luckily for both of us, we got a second chance at it.




    Mika's car pulled up, and he came outside a short while later. As I said in my review, I was delighted to see that he was wearing the badge I'd left for him backstage! I tried to get photos of him wearing it, but my camera went off too late in this one. It was covered up by the poster.




    I tried again, but this time, my flash made the badge unreadable. :roftl: Oh well, his face is so cute, I just have to post this anyway.




    Shortly after this pic was taken, Mika doodled a face on my Munny doll, I harassed him about my music (politely, as always), and we talked a little bit more before he got into his car. It was weird seeing him drive away. I waved goodbye like I would see him again soon, but in reality, it will probably be a long time until we meet again. If we meet again. *sigh*


    Ok, now to show the "art work" on my Munny doll. I'll start with the signatures on the back. Jimmy insisted on signing the doll's bum, so I did not prevent him from doing so. LOL!




    Cherisse signed his big bald head.




    Ok guys, are you ready for this? Not quite what I was expecting, but here's Mika's handiwork on the front of the doll. BAM!












    Kinda scary, huh? My boyfriend (ever the jokester) said Mika drew the evil face on it because he hates me. What a jerk. Anyway, it was surprising, nonetheless. I am mad at myself for smearing the signature, but I'm going to tidy it up a bit with some nail polish remover. So yay, I have some original Mika art. What's even better, is that Munny dolls come with a "mystery accessory", which is wrapped in foil, so you don't know what it is until you buy it. My Munny came with, what else? An axe.




    Very fitting, I say. My precious lil' axe murderer.






    Anyway, I can't believe how many little details and memories keep flooding back to me. It was such a great night, and an experience I will never forget. I cherish the encouraging words from Mika's mom, and John, and how kind and lovely everyone was to the Big Girls. We were treated with respect, which helped me confront my fears and insecurities. I also appreciate all of you who were there, for being such wonderful friends. I can't wait to see you all again.


    AND, I know I'm a huge geek for dwelling on it, I'm so happy that Mika wore my badge! The reason I'm so happy is that I've been making them since my very first Mika show in June 2007, and to see it on his coat sort of brought closure to that crazy night. I even went back and read my review from that first show, and laughed at myself. If you'd like to read it, and laugh at me some more, here's the link. This was back in the day when people started a whole new thread for their individual concert reviews. Thank goodness we don't do that anymore!




    (Please be warned, I was in the "New Mika Fan Honeymoon Phase" when I wrote that review, so there is a lot of swooning and fangurl antics going on. Let it be known that I am a different woman now, and will never exhibit such behavior again. Ever. :mf_rosetinted:)




    OK, that's all. I'm finally done now. THE END.

  6. Photos Part 1. THE BIG SHOW!


    Here is the mighty 5 o'clock queue! Party time! Excellent!




    Look at these lucky puppies, they're practically ON the stage!




    I think this pic is so cute. Newcomer Pandasnacks is keeping her ticket safe in her mouth, and I believe Andrew is admiring her hair.




    Canuckchick and moi!




    OK, now time for the Big Girl photos. Just a reminder, I am very self conscious, and this was a very difficult thing for me to do. So while I don't mind you enjoying the photos here, I would ask that you don't post them anywhere else. Thanks.


    Here are all of the Vancouver Big Girls!




    Yasmine gives me a fresh coat of paint.




    I don't know guys, I think that neon war paint is a good look for me.




    That's all the BG pics I'll post for now. If anyone has any performance pics or vids, let me know! They were strict about backstage photos, so I don't have anything else to show you.


    My concert pics did not turn out well, because I had trouble finding a good place to stand after BG. I got pretty close to the front on the right side, but there were a lot of tall people in the way. This is the best I could do. Love this jacket.




    Jimmy! Gosh, he is such a dream boat. :wub2: I had a very nice chat with him backstage, and he just has a way of making you feel good. I hope Mika tours with him again, especially if it's in a city near me.




    Dreamy times 2.




    That's it for concert photos. Part 2 comin' up.

  7. I love this picture because I can almost see my face in the distance. The woman in the red shirt is my friend and that's my face poking out between her chin and her shirt. I cannot get over how my nose and my chin stick out in a way that makes me look like a crescent moon.


    Thank you so much for all of the pictures. They brought back so many memories! The actual events are hazy because all I really remember are his eyes. Every single time he was in the center of the stage, my eyes were locked on his. I seriously had the most perfect line of sight in the entire building. :wub2:


    I knew I saw you in there, RT! I'm happy that I was able to get you into one of my photos. Especially since you were having such a good time. :biggrin2:

  8. Mika just sent out a newsletter e-mail saying new merchandise was available on his website, and they included the red "we are golden" t-shirt you wanted...




    I'm glad the merch is for sale online! At the concert, I bought a t shirt (the white one with "the face") and a pack of buttons. I paid for both, but I only grabbed the shirt off the counter, and left the buttons. :sneaky2: Doh! I just consider it a donation to the Mika fund. Not that he needs any more of my money, but whatever.

  9. Part 2.




    This guy was the first to meet and greet Mika, and he also took the longest. :mf_rosetinted:




    You know, it's one thing to take pics of him when he's on stage, but I feel a bit stalkerish taking photos of him while sitting just a few feet away like this. Am I the only one who feels this way? Oh well, I couldn't resist. What a face.




    Alrighty, here are the group photos, which I am NOT in. *sigh* In the second one, you'll notice a bit of black sweatshirt next to Christine. Yeah, that's me. I noticed that some other people's faces were covered up, so I'm not alone. Such is the magic of group photos.




    Mika's so excited.




    We were told to make a silly face. Mika was the only one listening, apparently.




    Margsy, I do believe that's you and your friend, right?




    Sweet Mr. M, signing a few last second autographs before hopping (literally) onto the tour bus.




    At least he's still smiling!




    Ok, so right before he got up from the group photo, he asked lilmot if she wanted an autograph. He signed her CD, and I took the opportunity to shove my Dodgy Holiday EP at him. (Politely, of course. LOL!) When he took it from me, he looked at it for a moment, then said, "Oh, wow..." like he'd never seen it before. :roftl: I made the mistake of not taking it out of the plastic cover, so he ended up signing the plastic. :teehee: Oh well, my bad. It's still cool, and I have a good memory of it.




    Good friends, good show, good times. Thanks for tuning in.

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