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Posts posted by DaMango

  1. I think my mom's ok with Mika. She survived my teenage obsession with Prince, so anything's gotta be easier to handle than that! :naughty: She doesn't know any of his songs, but she did watch him on So You Think You Can Dance a couple years ago. All she could talk about were his tight pants! "OMG, his pants were painted on!!" Plenty of eye rolling ensued.


    My younger sister accompanied me to my first Mika gig in 2007, and I'm still not sure how she felt about it. She said that her favorite part of the show was his chicken suit. Oh boy. Not really winning over the fam, here.


    My boyfriend, on the other hand, is a total closet Mika fan! He's coming with me to Monday's show, and I can't wait to see the fanboy glimmer in his eyes. :teehee:

  2. Wow! Sounds like it was an incredible gig, despite Mika breaking himself. :boxed: Thank you for the pics, videos, and reports so far. One of my friends, who I had no idea was a Mika fan, was at the show. I can't wait to hear what he thought of it.


    I really don't see why Mika would need to cancel a gig unless he's really done some serious damage to himself. I said this in the pre-gig chatter thread, but honestly, I'd rather see him doing an entire gig sitting at the piano than no gig at all. Sure, it wouldn't be the same, but we could just pretend we're at an Elton John concert. :naughty: Good music, just no bouncing. Take care of yourself, Mika!

  3. Monday weather forecast:


    Chances of rain 100% (nice for Qing! :naughty:) 10+ mm

    11 degrees

    30 km/h Wind to south


    And it's basically the same thing thru out the week, except that it gets colder on Tuesday (around 9 degrees- 4/5 lowest unfortunately)

    But it gets even colder after tuesday so i think we are a bit lucky here...:shocked::aah:


    Oh boy, I'm certainly looking forward to spending the day driving/standing in that! :blink:


    Luckily, my hotel is approx 500 feet from the venue (according to google maps), so I can just run in and grab some blankets to build us a rain shelter. :thumb_yello: Or, maybe not. Hotel management may frown upon that.

  4. Boy am I slow! I watched it for the first time just now, and I'm not really sure what to make of it. It definitely wasn't what I was expecting, but there were a lot of beautiful images. The birds-eye view of the creatures surrounding Mika was nice, but would have been even better if the dancing was sharper. It was a good video nonetheless, but no rain? Hmm...

  5. Wow, loving all of these reports! So happy that more MFCers got to be Big Girls :wub2:



    @Sammy: This is probably a stupid question, by why isn't Mika allowed to listen to demos? :dunno:


    I can't speak for Mika, but I've heard about other artists rejecting people's demo CDs as well. The reason is that they may get into legal trouble if they ever put out a song that sounds similar to yours. I'm pretty sure Sammy wouldn't sue Mika, but they can never be to sure. I was thinking of recording a song I'd written for Mika and giving it to him, but I'm not sure if I will now. I guess it wouldn't hurt to try.

  6. Oh my holy goodness! Sammy, your report was pure joy! I am so so glad that the night was everything you wanted and more. Now definitely get some rest. If you remember any more details, be sure to share them. :wink2:


    Also, congrats to our MFC Big Girl dancers! What an amazing experience to get backstage, and see what goes on behind the scenes. Now I'm really inspired to do it! (I swear Mrs. P, I have plenty'o cleavage to fill that corset.)

  7. Yes - boobage for the top... my god, you'd have to have some serious boobage to actually fill it. They're massive - thank goodness they're structured and they go way up high, because there was nothing really holding me in. I was afraid of having a little Janet Jackson episode. Aparently they had to make the corsets bigger for some girls they had in the U.S., and now they're really too big for most of the girls they get. My outfit was probably 3 sizes too big on me... it was done up as tight as they could, and then Mrs. P. put some clothes pins to try and take it in, but it was still big. Plus the whole corset is very padded from top to bottom, so you end up looking a lot bigger than you actually are. But you can't tell... it looks like it's really fitted because they are so structured with wiring (or whatever you call it) that they pretty much stand on their own. You can tell from the face-to-face picture - where it's from the side - that the boobage part is about 10 sizes too big for me...


    Oh...I so want to do this now! I have plenty of boobage to fill a corset, bring it on! Zoots, you are my inspiration. I loved your pictures. :wub2:

  8. I've gone from "there's no way, I can't do this, I can't do this, it's not me, what if someone I know is in the audience" to feeling like I want to go on tour with him and be on stage for the whole show, not just one song. It was effing fantastic. :biggrin2:



    Girl, that is awesome that you were able to put your fears aside, and just go for it! I'm pretty shy when it comes to showing skin, but I would honestly jump at the chance to be a Big Girl dancer. How did you get chosen?

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