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Posts posted by enigma

  1. Mika was amazing last night got 2nd row in the end which was really good and also all the people who where in the front row where really short so I could really easily see over them. There was only one bad thing and that was 2 really grumpy old women who one was about 60 other about 50 complaining that they where getting a little squashed but I mean that's what you get in the standing area. After being in the standing area for over 100 gigs you kind of get to know that. There should so be an age limit for the standing area. If your over 50 and know that you can't hack the standing area with people pushing and you getting a little squashed then go into the circle and don't just be grumpy and ruin it for the rest of us.

    Sorry for the rant lol most over 50's are fine it was just these two inparticular. x


    How bloody ageist and rude is that? There are plenty of grumpy people at gigs of ALL ages. And there are plenty of us older fans who would be a tad pissed off if we were banished to the circle!

  2. Not the best Mika show I've ever seen due to technical hitches, a seemingly under-rehearsed My Interpretation, too many BGs and LGs (who hadn't finished crossing the stage before the song started), not enough balloons, and of course a London audience... who did eventually come to life for Love Today, including the balcony people.


    Didn't feel like Mika was as on-form and on-fire as he was at some of the other gigs - but he worked really hard and I think everyone was won over. Perhaps he read my rude comments too cos he introduced the band properly! :thumb_yello:


    Having opted not to queue for hours for this one, got there at door-opening time only to find half the doors were not in use so there was still a massive queue snaking back and forth around barriers and then all down the side of the building - I'm sure half the people hadn't even got in the building before Erik started. But if Ian McKellen can queue so can I, I guess! I still got a reasonable spot though, pretty near the front and a bit to the side.


    Other MFCers probably waited around afterwards so theie reports will be later. I don't really do hanging round!

  3. OK! London shows are here! Yes, that's London - where of course audiences are renowned for being so ultra-cool, blase and "seen it all before" they don't tend to react in a particularly demonstrative way...


    But loads of MFCers going! Cheering, clapping, singing, arm-waving and so on usually have a ripple effect on the rest of the audience, so let's really make these shows great for Mika and the guys :biggrin2:

  4. The singer hailed the recently launched venue, which opened in September.


    Report by Chris Moriarty. Friday, February 26th, 2010.



    Er, well, yes, he did SORT OF praise the venue... but with reservations. He actually said it was a shame they'd managed to come up with a new venue where large sections of the audience couldn't see a thing... (indicating the side part of the balcony)! That was the reason he spent practically the whole show right on the front edge of the stage - so those people could see.


    Oh. I have a niggle about the show (shock horror)! I think he should introduce the band properly, and not just mumble their names during the mayhem that is Lollipop, when no one can really see them anyway because the stage is full of people and there's fetti and balloons all over the place. I know WE all know who they are, but many of the audience don't, and I think they deserve their moment in the limelight.

  5. Blackberry dying, hotel room so dark can hardly see screen let alone keys, so not much of a report, but tonight was SUCH A FUN GIG! And good crowd too (sold out). This show is just getting better and better gig by gig and Mika's on fire! He chatted quite a bit (about he Nightmare Of The Big Tooth and how he woke up to find a bit of his sheet stuck in his teeth!!! Quite how he managed that I can't begin to imagine - he's completely barking, but in such a delightful way!!!). Every show so far seems to have had subtle changes and now it's really kicking along well. I'm sure people will post lots of great pix and vids. Sorry, I never do either - I simply can't multitask and have a congenital disorder which renders me incapable of working a camera whilst watching a show!

  6. A few Belfast gig observations, better late than never...


    It was the first show, so lots of little glitches. Mika was more nervous than usual, it seemed every move was planned, and I felt he was acting it rather than just being his usual mad self... There wasn't that much interaction with the rest of the band (other than Imma) and he didn't even introduce them! No piano playing because he'd hurt his thumb. No Pick Up Off The Floor and no By The Time, which I would've loved to see. Audience a bit quiet (apart from us lot at the front of course!).




    Fabulous outfit, fabulous hair, fabulous clear sound and vocals. And the stage set - well, it probably cost about as much as an average country's national debt, but the work that has gone into it is simply incredible. Our man has truly surpassed himself. And great that with two albums under his belt he can do a longish set. I totally enjoyed it because it was just wonderful to see him live again, and although it was by no means the greatest gig on earth, it was obvious that with just a bit of tweaking and honing it had the potential to become absolutely fantastic. I found myself making little mental notes about what it needed to make the show come to life more, and Mika and the rest of them obviously did a bit of a post-mortem afterwards, because Dublin was a whole different ballgame...


    Have a feeling this is one show that's going to get better and better and better as it goes along :thumb_yello:

  7. It is only the second date in Dublin (16th) that has been cancelled.


    It was cancelled yesterday though there were signs of it earlier the week, like Ticketmaster no longer selling tickets for the 16th and at the same time, the Haiti single announced to be performed live at the Brits ...


    I received my ticket for Dublin 16th just this morning :shocked:

  8. This is the most disorganised tour operation I ever had dealings with! Personally I won't be convinced that ANY show is happening until Mika is actually on the stage!


    On the other hand, MFC is exceptionally well organised. Perhaps you mods should take over the asylum!

  9. For sure this had nothing to do with Mika. Looks like it's a routing decision. Going from Strasbourg to Lievin, then to Antwerp/Amsterdam makes more sense really than having those two gigs at the front of the tour before Scandinavia.


    But if they were any sort of professional organisation they should have planned it better in the first place. It's really bad to start switching things around (unless there are exceptional and unavoidable circumstances) once the tour's been announced and people have booked tickets, travel, time off work, and everything else.


    It can have a bad effect on general ticket sales, because how confident can anyone be that the other dates will stay the same?


    MFCers will do what they can to re-book, and if necessary right off monetary losses, but other (not so avid) fans start getting really p*ssed off and apathetic when this sort of thing happens, and sadly, the artist is often the one in the firing line and the one who suffers.


    Someone needs to get their act together! Mika deserves better.

  10. So. Antwerp and Amsterdam both postponed. So what if tickets are valid for the new dates. Who refunds the travel and hotel - no-one! To get a cheaper deal, the travel and the hotel are often non-refundable. I think it stinks to cancel with only 8 weeks to go. I don't know who is responsible for the decision, but some aspects of the organisation around Mika seems very very disorganised and poor. You just DO NOT cancel gigs or move them about at short notice. It gets the artist a bad reputation, even if it is not the artist's fault.

  11. The name thing (giving males female names) is a music biz / camp thing. Elton John's nickname is Sharon (in turn he calls Rod Stewart by the name Phyllis). Several artists, especially bi or gay artists, have had female nicknames. So I'm kinda not surprised by a male dog called Gertrude. Didn't he call a female penguin at London zoo Humphrey?!!!

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