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Everything posted by Em'

  1. Well to me it means that indeed it's still on his mind, but maybe he does not know what decision to make? He seems not sure about what to choose.
  2. Actually many people do not believe me when I say I'm shy. And if you make a fancy party no problem I'll dress up (I avoid being dressed up in the metro though, unless I'm drunk then I don't care!), but I don't know why, for Mika concerts I dare not. As I moreover have no imagination that does not help... Well actually I organise a party in mid-december, and it's a fancy party (theme: be what you're dreaming of being). Gotta think of something... If it's easy to transport (light) and accurate for the concerts I might take it to London then...
  3. Ah ah! Yeah I think I can deal with that! It's just that being a very big girl + I HATE any kind of sewing/knitting etc + I'm a bit shy so I would not dare a whole outfit in the street...
  4. Hi everybody! I guess I'll be the only one not dressed up in London then...
  5. Hi everybody! Hey Bexx I saw on the ZĂ©nith Paris thread that you have a ticket. Are you coming?
  6. Oh yeah that's a good idea! I'm not sure they sell this in France though... I'll investigate... Better use ski socks too ! Nothing worse than when your feet get horribly cold...
  7. I'm like you Christine on this one. If it only costs me a coffee or a beer to get the privilege to go first, so be it.
  8. Yeah, I was telling Niki27 about it... Everytime I go to gabbly now I'm just alone... How come?
  9. Oh God it's gonna far harder than if it was summer... We're gonna be so f***g cold... The cold outside but the heat inside, dying of thirst but if you drink = you need to go to the loo and might lose your place... It's funny because before Mika I ALWAYS wanted to be in the seated area for my own comfort... But now I've been first row once and seen how great it is and I just want to go front row at every gig...
  10. I don't get it either. All you have to do to get in front is to buy a beer? Why does everyone bother to queue for hours then?
  11. My ideal Sunday! I just practised the piano 15 minutes, that's it... And talked with Niki27 via msn...
  12. Yes I'm really sorry I gave this info too late... I hope it will be helpful to people who haven't booked anything yet...
  13. When he's older and all independant you will regret this time !
  14. God I was supposed to do the cleaning up today and I have done nothing at all! Before I go to bed I really have to practice the piano. I had my very first lesson last Tuesday... Starting learning at 35...
  15. By the way I saw earlier in this thread that some people were looking for ticket companies that would send tickets abroad. Ticketmaster does it but not for all gigs, so I found for Brixton http://www.ticketweb.co.uk that delivers abroad and that's how I got all my ticket with 2-3 weeks. Thought I'd share the info, that can help...
  16. Yep it's Stockwell and it's 5 minutes away from the station! I think I'll arrive at St Pancras about the same time as you guys, and if I'm not wrong St Pancras is near to Euston... We could all meet and go together.
  17. Yeah I've booked my Eurostar tickets! I'm traveling with Pamette on the way to London. 01/12/2007 Arrival: ST PANCRAS INTERNATIONAL 11h28 Will I be the first one arriving at the Griffin or will there be someone there already? (I know we still have a couple of months but I'm excited!) 05/12/2007 Departure: ST PANCRAS INTERNATIONAL 11h05
  18. Hi everyone! Back from vacation and back at work today (beuh...). Sienna: Pamette with someone from the French fan club will be staying at the Chelsea Guest House for the nights of December 1 & 2 if I'm not wrong. Sivan: I think I won't be dressing up either. I have no imagination + I'm terrible at crafting anything (I hate it), and I might be too shy to dress up, so we'll be two at least!
  19. Hi everyone! I'm off in 30 minutes to go to Barcelonaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !!!!! Sivan: watch out because I haven't had a boyfriend since... I can't remember when ha ha ha!
  20. Sure Sara! I'll ask old buddy Mika if we can sing it together around a pint of beer and I'll send it to you . We might even give you a call !
  21. 27 pounds per night/person breakfast included that's good! Is the bathroom in the room or to share with other bedrooms (it's often the case in London at this rate)?
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