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Everything posted by Em'

  1. :roftl: On popworld he looks like he does not know what to do to cope with that training... And I agree with you. I prefer him with his hair now (I love it actually!)!
  2. And me neither... Where did this info come from?
  3. JOYEUX ANNIVERSAIRE MIKA !! Profite bien de cette journée, je parie pleine de cadeaux et de bonnes surprises! (cool dans un mois c'est le mien!)
  4. Can't wait to hear his version!!! I'll think of him when Police sing that song at the Paris concert on September 29 (I'm going yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah)
  5. Yes he plays this venue both these days, with Hammersmith in between on the 3rd.
  6. Goody! waiting for report from Biche and the others tomorrow!
  7. I bought his CD The magic position and since this I just can't help it, I love his universe! This guy is f*****g talented!
  8. Ah BWO..... The TEMPLE OF KITSCH! Totally unknown in France, I got to know this group from here a while ago. I got curious and googled and youtubed.... and I absolutely LOVE Chariots of Fire for this so-ridiculous video and this very very catchy ultra-commercial look-from-the-80s fun song... OMG, all these ouhouhou and those ahahahah... It's... there are no words to describe it... I ADORE it to the 5th degree ! Unbelievable group !!! I forwarded it to a few French friends so they'd discover that something THAT kitsch could exist and a friend of mine fell in love with Conqueer America ... The rest, to be frank, had the attitude I totally expected: HTF can this exist AND BE SUCCESSFUL? It's just too much! I loved Army of Lovers' Crucified song in the 80s and I actually still do! I swore to myself the next party I throw in, I want Crucify and Chariots of Fire in it (and plenty of drinking to put people in that mood ). Oh, and I always thought: this lady in Army of Lovers... What LIPS! OK I'm putting back Chariots of Fire on, it puts me in too good a mood !
  9. Thanks to everybody who made that possible! It's real fast woaw!
  10. All of this is just getting to insane really... and pretty tiring.
  11. Yep, a bit unruly maybe at autographs sessions, but we're nice :naughty:
  12. And you gotta have enough money to sit business or first...
  13. Woah girls this is great, you had a blast! I'm really happy for you!
  14. Yeah and he said in an interview that his dad wanted to call him Michael and that his mum was not into this Junior thing (his pout is real funny when he mentions her "over my dead body" in the interview)... So... Back to the beginning... to me if it says Michael Holbrook Penniman in the CD, then it's Michael Holbrook Penniman... For a legal point of view (author rights etc) the legal name should be written in the CD right?
  15. I'm so sorry guys especially for Avoca who made a long way... So much time and money... and disappointment. I hope guys you make the most of this time all together at the festival though! I think he's really sick (I mostly agree with Jack), but what's that PR non-professionnalism? Can't they have just an official written press communiqué, or a verbal press conference from his manager, like any other public person would deliver?
  16. Enjoy Yop! I wouldn't have minded watching it again... But I'm at work .
  17. And it's basically been more or less like this for weeks!
  18. Salut Aurélien, bienvenue ici!
  19. WHAT, A NEW GUY ???!!!!!!!! :mf_lustslow: :naughty:
  20. Wooooooooooaaaaaaaaawwwwwwww Blue Sky this is just... I can't find the words..... WONDERFUL, AWESOME, BRILLIANT, OVER THE TOP!!!!! I am so happy for you, you must be so excited! Thank you so much for your report, we can feel all your happiness and the magic moment! Thank you everyone for the pictures and videos, and welcome to the new ones! Have a wonderful trip to Australia Blue Sky!
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