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Everything posted by 1kiwiabroad

  1. grrrr........ sooooooooo jealous!!!
  2. there ja go.......holy jhonny, the temple of our lord mika!
  3. grrrrr... damn you. he's never in anything i buy.... but i havent bought a magazine for 6 years, so i suppose i should give up on him being in the latest harry potter novel....
  4. in tight red trousers and custom made drawers....
  5. yeah holy jhonny, will you be our resident vicar in the local temple, for all those who are not die hard Mikaism followers? we would be honoured to have you! please just tell me the adress you would like the temple to be at ( and please choose an existing road for kavi's sake and liz's!) AND i'll add you!
  6. me too.... i was playinjg it at lunchtime, and all my friends and i where cracking up and we couldnt stop, and we where getting very strange looks from people...
  7. with chocolate sauce filled super soakers in ahnd....terrifying!!
  8. omg? is this what we've desceded to? ....... mika fanfics?!!! OH GOOD GOD!!!! so long as people don't start writing mika SLASHFIC......ewwww.....ugh.....
  9. Rotflmaabtoapmp!!!!!! Pointlessly Delicious!!!!!!!
  10. he says his laugh embarrases his friends and family.....i thiunk it's very sweet!
  11. yeah, god if he did read this, he would never shw his face in the MFC ever agin, and we cant have that!!!! he must come to mikaville first!!!!
  12. with the number of things i've had done to me ( i have 4 siblings), i should be so less normal, infact many people find it amazing that i wasnt sent into councelling years ago....
  13. well, magickitten91 did suggest that mika has no bits and that is why he can fit into such tiny pants..... but surely, ( as the custommadedrawers interview points out) if he has to have his undies made, then that must suggest SOMETHING. i think we should shoot this man.
  14. that's what we're for! *picks up comforter and HUGE tub of chocolate ice cream* ready mika's slaves??
  15. hehehe...take your clothes off....either he knows hos special ops pretty well and you're getting hyperthermic, or.....well.....lets leave that to you to decide, after all, you are writing it!
  16. AWWWW!!!!!! OMG, HE WOULD CALL THE BOYS ALICE!!! ( you know the wierd thing - my brother's called alice!, and he is 20 with curly brown hair - he is a minimika ( but nowhere near as hot, and is eveil as he duct taped me to the stairs for a whole day once)) I WANT ONE!!!!
  17. i intend to spend tomorow ( well - today....god i should really sleep ...) planning it out with magickitten91 and ringtailed sheepdog ( who are 2 of my best friends,a dn both insane and mika mad) . ringtailed sheepdog is amazing at art...grrr.....and i'm going to force her ( in a good and loving way) to draw mika in his braces. she has her own vair cool style that would really compliment mika even more, and i'm dying to post my own ideas....just cant get up ad draw now - it's half one in teh moring here!!!
  18. the prospect of him being a pervert is horrible, but i enjoy the whole innuendo thing - i do feel bad fr him though
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