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Posts posted by Carrie

  1. Ack I am so jealous of all of you who got to go to the intimate surprise performance. Remind me again why I don't live in New York?


    I just hope that doesn't come back to bite him in the a**, what with the cancelling of Quebec. Cancelling on a charity can't be particularly good publicity.


    But he was amazing on GMA! Maybe, oh, two or three million people in the US will go out and buy LICM now...:thumb_yello:


    Let's hope so. Mika should be a household name.

  2. Here's my report:



    Went to the bus station at 8:00. The bus was scheduled to arrive at 8:20. It didn't. It came at 9:45ish and we arrived in the city at 1 in the morning. We took at cab to the Bryant Park Hotel, got there around 5, and it was POURING.

    I asked the lady at the desk to connect me to Sarina G. and she was a little rude about it. I talked to Sarina, told her i was from the MCF, and she said she'd bring the t-shirts to the studio at 6. She told me the gig was moved to the ABC building because of the weather and she gave us directions to the sudio (she was very nice about it).

    When we got there, there were about 20-30 people in line already. We were in line 'til six then Sarina came. She seperated us MCF mebers and our guests into a VIP line.

    (I saw Cherisse, Luke, and Martin rehearsing through the window and took pictures)


    and then Mika came into the room and everyone went carazy. We held up our signs and screamed like fangirls. (Mika was wearing the shirt he wore to Ibiza with a dark jacket over it). He was also drinking starbucks.:naughty:



    I could barely see anything by then so we waited......and waited....and waited....



    and finally around 8:10 we were let into the building.


    People were still checking the eqipment and stuff.


    I don't remember if the band came in or if they were already there.

    Mika came into the room wearing a different shirt and the pants with the sparkly things on the sides.


    I was right near Cherisse. My sister and i said "hi Cherrise" a trillion times before she hear us. She was very nice and she waved.


    Mika was very nice and energetic. He wrote little notes and held them up so the audience could read them. One of them said "So the weather sucks".


    He singed things and talked to the crowd for a while.


    And then they started performing. They played "Love Today" (twice), "Big Girl", and "Lollipop".


    Mika singed stuff in between commercial breaks.


    He came over to my side of the crowd, i gave him my LICM booklet, he asked me my name, and signed it "To Stephanie, Love Mika". So it's official. He loves me.:mf_rosetinted:


    He also gave my little sister his autograph, read the posters, smiled a lot, and singed my poster in between commrecial breaks. (I can't really decipher what he wrote)



    A girl near me screamed "Mika i love you" and his expression was "i know" or "that's obvious". I can't really describe it but it was cute. He also blew her a kiss.:sneaky2::bleh:


    There was a quick interview before he performed (i think)" Love Today".


    After the show Mikey got off the stage and walked around. He was sorta near me so i yelled "Mikey Choi!" and he turned around. I waved like mad and he waved back.


    After the show Mika went into the crowd singned things and took pictures. He came over to where i was and i asked if i could have a picture with him and he of course said yes. I wished him a happy early b-day and he said thank you. Then we took the pic. (He had to lean over 'cause i'm so short:naughty: ).


    My 7 year-old sister also took a picture with him. It's very cute. Then we left because we were all very tired. (i didn't get to go the other gig), but that's alright.


    My legs were throbbing by then.


    So that was it.


    *I went to the GMA gig

    *I got a free flashing heart (a nice lady was giving some out 'cause she had extras)

    *I saw Mika perform live for the first time

    *I got my LICM booklet autographed

    *Mika read my poster and he seemed to like it

    *He singed the poster

    *The lollipop girls gave out Mika lollipopl (regular lollipops with Mika stickers on them)

    *I FINALLY met Mika and got a picture with him



    I'm sure i've missed a lot of details but it doesn't matter.:biggrin2:


    (Mika smelled VERY nice by the way.and he wore the famous silver sneakers:mf_rosetinted: )


    I stayed at the Bryant Park Hotel too. I splurged for the location, and we weren't even there for the concert. LOL If it wasn't for Natalie, I would have missed everything. I didn't get my wake up call, but she called my cell. Also, I was told that the free concert was at 2 PM. Again, Natalie came through by texting a message, and letting me know it was at 1 PM. I owe my happiness on that day to her. I met some people on the lines, but we either didn't introduce ourselves, or I forgot names...I'm allowed at my age. LOL I met two nice gals from New Hampshire. They didn't get in the studio, and I met them waiting to get in for the acoustic concert. I told them about the fan club, and explained how to get to this one. We got separated once we went in, as I was looking for someone short to stand behind. I had a great spot. Anyway, to everyone I met...hi and it was nice meeting you. I may be forgetful, but I know when I see "nice."

  3. Okay, I'm back guys. This took over an hour to type. I will do my best to give a report but it will probably end up as a mushy (but probably the most honest thing I've ever written) homage to Mika.


    My train DID make it in time, I was in a great position at GMA. Sorry for being so annoying hining about that earlier. When I'm nervous, I'm the most annoying person ever.


    I ran, as planned to Times Square, and fell in a huge muddy puddle of water on the way, as I was running.* I made it at 6 AM on the dot, and everything was fine.


    We were in line. Mika saw my bigass Leb. Lollipop Girl sign,. He pointed right to it and laughed and waved and what not and I was really happy that he acknowledged that. I worked a lot on the sign and the whole shindig, so I was very happy about that.


    I made it in, and got into a great side by the stage. I happened to end up with with Jackie, Jen and Rachel (MOTW, lovetoday, PinkSock) and several others (Carrie = amazing). Kjoshi and I talked earlier, but she ended up on the other side of the stage- The lady coordinating it told me to go to the other side, so I did. We then were together at the secret gig. More about that later.


    Mika came over to us a lot at the GMA taping. He was his cute usual self (to make it short here). He highfived me and everyone was asking him to sign stuff. He was going to sign my poster, but I wanted to give him my card first, and I couldn't really reach so I'm glad he got my card instead. It had everything I wanted to say to him in it, and I'm very happy he got it. Everyone was like, "Mika! Sign this!" and I said, "Mika, this is for you," and he said "Oh, thank you!" with a cute face and that's all the action I got, for which I am very grateful. My Leb. friends here wanted me to ask what part of Lebanon he was from, and I tried to ask 3 times, but he didn't hear me. It was really rush rush. So I do feel really, really bad about that and I've got to apologize to them. They've been trying to figure it out for weeks.


    So we were finding out bits and pieces of the secret gig which the idea of it, let me say is so, so, so, sweet. Weather like this happens all the time and I don't know any other artist who would do this, especially with the way Mika has been feeling (health-wise) lately. That was the most gracious thing of him to do. Offer us his music. But, more on that later.


    Once I got the address squared away, my Mom and I went to Alice's Tea Cup, which is a very cute place, Tea, Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner all themed Alice In Wonderland! I loved going there in my costume! The tea was fabulous, they had hundreds of kinds!


    Then we went to Dylan's Candy Bar which was nearby: Lollipop Girl's dream!


    The employee who rang me up saw me and was like, "GO MIKA! Are you a big fan? I love him!" and all that nad he said if I stick around, I could hear Lollipop, since they play it there. Of course, I didn't though because I had to get to the gig.


    So we got to the secret gig by 11:30, and Kjoshi was nice enough to let me stand with her. We FROZE in the rain, no overhang or anything. It was at this really random venue in the Meatpacking district.


    Ray asked us not to take pictures, and I'm glad we weren't allowed to, actually. It was the most beautiful musical experience I've ever had. Nobody was worried about anything. Everyone wanted to be there. There was no pushing or anything. It was total respect. He respected us, and I was very glad to return the favor and not take pictures. There was this one girl who kept asking Mika to get naked, which was annoying and I felt bad for Mika because here he is, trying to do something extra, exta nice and out of his way for us with his music and she just like, blew that off. He was asking Mikey and Martin (Just them, acoustic) what they wanted to do. GET NAKED! :-/ Whatever, the show was sooo far beyond that.


    We were a few feet from the stage (Like, 3). Me and Kjoshi begged Mika to do Over My Shoulder, but he didn't end up doing it but that's not relevant. The feeling in the room was so gracious and genuine, in the truthiest forms of those words. It was a talky-songy, very intimate fest. I can't even describe how lucky I feel to witness it, it was a great, great feeling. As a music fan, I was totally, totally taken. I'm on cloud nine, and slightly delusional. I don't know if saying it was surreal would be right. I just feel so passionate about this amazing experience, it's hard to describe. I think it's a combination of so elated and tired that I can't believed it happened. It seems so out of this world, and re-confirmed to me in a first hand experience that Mika is super, super special. I just feel so much right now! I don't even think my report is doing my emtions justice. I'm being super general for you guys, but I'm still trying to process all the amazing moments.


    We heard a new song, "Century Man." Shared the the SITM lyric, "Lookin' at life from the perspective of a boy." I bet it will be on the EP hopefully. It's mostly full voice, reminds me of Elton John, a bit, but of course, it's Mika's originality. I really liked it, and it was really special for us. :-)


    *Falling in the mud, losing my Mika rosette (it was torn by the rain), bleeding my heels out from my sneakers walking on the way home- All of it is so, so, so completely insignificant. Any other day, even a good day, those this would have brought me down. But this SO beyond that, these things are far past rolled off my shoulders.They're not even as important as if like... I lost a penny or something. Even way less important than that. It's not even significat that those things happened.


    I didn't get many pics, my mom has a few more on her disposable. I'll post what I have soon.


    Well, my entire post is gone. How that happened is beyond me. I'll summarize. You have helped me to re-live that day. The acoustic concert was surreal. It was so special. I love when Mika's at the keyboard...he soars. It was so intimate. I was going to take a taxi back to the Bryant Park area, but I walked instead. I was so dazed by the experience. Because the concert was supposed to be at the park, I didn't have anything for Mika to sign after GMA. I used the crumpled up vip form. I made two necklaces for him, which I presented in a bag. I never expected to give it directly to him. He said that he couldn't open it until later. I didn't expect that nor want it...kind of embarrassing. I didn't say much, as I had a delayed reaction...nothing new. I also put a note in the bag that went on and on and was kind of silly. I should have left it short and sweet, but I can be impulsive at times. See, I'm rambling on. :doh: Anyway, it was truly an honor to meet not only Mika, the singer/songwriter, but also the selfless and compassionate person that he is.

  4. Not that I saw. We handed in these purple slips with some of our personal information but nothing became of that. The important thing is that we got to be inside only inches away from the MIKA! Thank you soo much for the VIP passes, MFCers :thumb_yello: We felt bad for those stuck outside but c'mon.. when it comes to mika its every man for himself.


    Yes, kudos to all who arranged for the VIP passes. This was the first time I saw Mika live, and it couldn't have been better. I was supposed to go home on Friday, but extended my stay until Saturday, because of the free concert. What a special treat. He was sooo great. I'm still dazed. :blink:

  5. I hope it's true. It's time for him to release something slower, different, to show off his versatility.


    I totally agree with you. I think Erase would be good. However, Stuck in the Middle shows off his versatility the most, in my opinion...piano, scat,... It would be good if he played SITM on GMA. I think that he'd win over the US with that song. However, in some areas of the country, he will never be embraced. What a shame.

  6. So me and my guy friend watch Logo when we're bored...it's a guilty pleasure of ours...:naughty:


    Logo is a channel aimed at the gay community and they have a section for music called NewNowNext featuring some of the biggest upcoming artists. So I was in the kitchen making a bowl of cereal for him (he's a lazy bum lol) while my friend was in the living room, and suddenly I hear Love Today! I run into the living room and they were playing LT in the background of a NewNowNext commercial with a little clip of the video along with oodles of other vids. I was so excited! Logo has a huuuge crowd! Excellent publicity! :punk:


    I saw Mika on Logo quite a while ago. He did Love Today, and he had just released it...I think. It must have been NewNowNext. It was a pleasant surprise...understatement. That video is fantastic. :thumb_yello: They also have a top 10 video show. I will record it at times and scan through them to see what looks good. Christina Aguilera, Lily Allen, Rufus Wainwright were all shown at different times. Sadly, I have not seen Mika again. :emot-sad: I will have to watch the commercials and scan through the videos. :blink:

  7. Gregory Charles Steps in for the cause! - A fabulous Show to benefit the Quebec Breakfast Club despite the absence of Mika


    SAINT-JEAN-SUR-RICHELIEU, QC, Aug. 1 /CNW Telbec/ - Pop star Mika was

    forced to cancel his appearance at the Show to benefit the Quebec Breakfast

    Club due to illness. This grand show, underscored by Laurentian Bank and

    scheduled for August 10, will take place nonetheless on the site of the

    International Balloon Festival of Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu. The multi-talented

    GREGORY CHARLES will now join performers PASCALE PICARD, EVA AVILA, and

    CHAMPION AND HIS G-STRINGS on stage to take part in this spectacular show. The

    well-known Quebec artist agreed to step in at the last minute in support of

    this worthy cause.

    The show must go on with a reduction on the price of admission. Adult

    tickets will sell for $15 while admission for children will be $7. A family

    package is set at $44. Ticket holders wishing to be reimbursed may do so as of

    now at any of Laurentian Bank branches or through Admission. For further

    details, visit http://www.ballooncanada.com

    The International Balloon Festival of Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu and

    Laurentian Bank are proud to invite you to share in the excitement of this

    wonderful humanitarian celebration - truly a first for Quebec. All profits

    will help thousands of kids throughout the Province start off their day with a

    well-balanced meal in a healthy environment.





    He's ill? I don't get it. He's doing GMA on that day...or is he?


    So i had ABC Family on, and i wasn't looking at the t.v and i hear "doomdadadidadi" and looked immediatly at my t.v and mika was on!!!


    it was a commercial promoting LICM, and his GMA appearance. also there is a sweepstake at http://www.recroom.com/MIKA/ you can win:

    One (1) Mika “Life in Cartoon Motion†Prize Pack which includes one (1) Mika “Life in Cartoon Motion†personalized and autographed poster, one (1) exclusive Mika “Life in Cartoon Motion†chalkboard with colored chalk and one (1) Mika “Life in Cartoon Motion†CD



    so go and enter...you just have to be 13 or older, and live in the US.


    enjoy, and look out for the commecial.




    This is such great news! Thanks for posting.

  9. This's "news" I got to my e-mail...




    Pop sensation MIKA hopes critics will stop comparing him to British music legends QUEEN - because he doesn't want to be associated with FREDDIE MERCURY's dress sense.

    The GRACE KELLY star, who yesterday (26MAR07) dubbed SCISSOR SISTERS "mediocre", admits he finds it tough when the press liken his music to that released by the group's late flamboyant frontman.

    He tells the New York Daily News, "I get tired of talking about it."

    "I would be willing to more if that's where I was coming from. Just so long as they don't compare our dress sense."


    True or not, it's old news. Check out the date. Actually, he has said some nice things about Freddie and Queen. It doesn't sound like Mika. Why would he be upset about the clothes? No one asked him about it.

  10. Sorry for a lack of source, but I heard it from someone I know. The head of the household (Dustin is his name) has been introducing Mika to the rest of the contestants. A few of Mika's songs made a tatooed football player cry! :wub2: So, he is sorta getting more promotion in the US.


    I don't watch the show, I only heard...but I think I'm gonna watch it now that I'm hearing THIS news. Maybe they have shows on demand on CBS.com....I'll check.


    Darn! I'm missing everything! Glad to hear that he's been having more exposure here.

  11. Has anyone tried and managed to get in the myspace secret society ? I'm asking because I asked to be added as a friend some days ago, and i'm still "awaiting approval"... Is this normal ??

    Hope I can get an answer...



    No luck for me.

  12. Hey hey hey Mika Fans! I am his new fan! :mf_lustslow:

    Hmmm... How are you? :D


    So glad you are part of our group. You will like it. There is a lot to see here. Take your time. You will always find something of interest.

  13. Hi. I'm Mjappie; but my real name is Jackie. I got here by Mikasounds forum, but since a banner is placed there, mikasounds is very slow so I hate that site now xD


    Well, I came here to talk about Mika and I have a small question..


    There was a topic on the mikasounds forum; the demo's of Mika on a list.. you could click on them and download them.. the thread was from White Queen (or something like that).. Does somebody knows where the thread is here? I hope you could tell me where it is..


    Umm.. I am 13 years old, live in the Netherlands and.. I'm a lady :mf_rosetinted:.. I hope you can help me.. Thanks!


    Welcome. Glad you're aboard. You will like it here. People always comes up with something new about Mika.

  14. Hey all Mika fans :welcomeani:

    I founded this theme because I want to get to know Polish fans Mika. You can here write. :) I am curious whether he is of us here much. Ok? Cool :thumb_yello:


    Welcome to this great club. You will like it here. :)

  15. Hello,


    I am a newbie to mikafanclub.com, and am very excited to have found it. :D I learned of Mika about a month ago and he is now one of my personal favorites. His music is an inspiration to me---each time I listen to it I have to rush to the piano and play for a few hours. ;)


    A bit about myself: I'm a Christian, an artist and musician, the oldest of 11 children, and an avid reader. It is nice to meet you all!


    Have a fabulous day,




    Wow! A musician...nice. It must be fun playing Mika's songs yourself. Anyway, welcome to the fan club. Everyone is very nice here, and you will like it a lot.

  16. Hi, everyone!

    I'm naranjada and a big MIKA fan from Japan. I first heard GK in February and

    cant stop playing LICM, so now my daughter and sister are MIKA fans:thumb_yello:

    We are going to Liquidroom on Monday! Cant wait!

    (I'm sorry for my bad English, hope you understand me.)



    You're doing great. Welcome to the best site for all things Mika. There are really nice people here.

  17. I'm coming to say HI to everybody.:biggrin2:


    I found many interesting media and news and people here.


    So here I am.




    and nice to meet U.:biggrin2:


    You came to the right place. Welcome. I'm sure you'll enjoy it here. Everyone is so nice.

  18. ...Reni :wink2:

    I´m from Germany, almost 30 years old and a -what a surprise-great Mika-Fan. :blush-anim-cl: Love his music, his style and his charisma :wub2: :wub2:


    I´m glad to be here and hope I´ll have a wonderful time with you :gathering::partytime2:


    What a beautiful name you have. Welcome aboard. This place is great and very friendly. :)

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