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Everything posted by themetalmunchkin

  1. thanx cool i never follow the fashion trend well much i buy one piece thats in fashion but i wear my own style
  2. maybe next year there will be loads of mikas running around
  3. i like riley-lee for a boy and avery /maeve for a girl to me alice is a girls name not a boys but it can suit same boys
  4. my orignal budgies sammy and blue would go mental chriping really loud and flying around head banging and running up and down the perches or curtain rails they would chirp until i walked in the room if he was on telly one day i was sitting in the family rooom next to there cage and i was looking at mika pics and they started chriping faintly and whenever a pic wasnt on the screen they went off till he was in veiw again rip u two sky and rain my baby budgies chrip quitely i've only just introduced them to mika
  5. ok can i just say i only get bitchy when im over tired or i have had a few sezuires which is why im in a bitchy mood today im sorry for being a bitch
  6. maybe a little one but i shut my mouth as i noticed u where standing up for me
  7. yes children are adorable and a pain i dont think you could of said that anybetter i know i havnt been on here all that long and i do feel left out so i dont bother replying to a lot of threads i think we need to stop before we type aka speak becouse new peopledo get confused like myslef im also a very easy person to confuse and hurt im sensitvie becouse of what has happened it me and no i havnt been drinking grog aka alchcol, i have suffered from about 3 epelptic sezuires so im not my slef and i do act different (if anyone bags me out couse if it i know that mfc isnt a freindly place ) im sick of peops talking about me i thin we all need to get to know each other i know a hard task we need to stick by each other
  8. i didnt mean to came over all bitchy and yes ceci and i found each other when we needed the support i couse ceci and i are alike in some ways look if i ever came over bitchy again dont do it in return ok stop and think maybe its to do with my culture or what i go through in life
  9. i know im the one who everyone has turned bitchy towards becouse i was speaking my mind and people think i carnt take a joke you dont know me at all so no one knows what its like to be me and no one wonts to know i've spend the past 8 years with people saying stuff behind my back and i hate it if you have anything to say to me you can send a messge
  10. i could came back with a reall bitchy comment but i wont i can take a joke after the last 24 hours its no wonder im so fiesty i work with children so for anyone who thinks i carnt take a joke trying working with kids all day who tell u the stranget jokes out of everyday things
  11. THAT WAS SO FUNNY I FORGOT TO LAUGH i think some people need to stop and think what a joke is to them isnt to others
  12. I can see you have put a lot of work into this thread however i am not totally convisted with the proof above clue 1: how old was mika when he wrote grace kelly? we all know that he wrote it when he was angry to the mucial industry and that a family member likes grace kelly and that mika likes freddie's music. and writing songs about a guy who left his wife and fam to be with a guy i think its safe to say that life in cartoon motion was writting when he was a teenager and teenager's go through the whole stage of trying to found out who they are,there sexuality and what they wont from life. clue 2: mika had a vocal coach and use to sing in opera do i need to say more. clue 3: influences does it really matter if mikas musical intersets are not from people who are straight we all have different interest in music clue 4: if you know where the guy grequently vists its called stalking we all have a fave places to visit clue 5: mika is expressing is indvidaultiy through the way he dresses and his performances on stage. would mika be has succesfull if he was like everyong else through his dresses sense or live on stage no he would be the same as everyone else and after a while it gets kinda boring clue 6: so clue 7: rainbows and bright colours i quite francitlly like the fact that his not affaird to say he likes rainbows and bright colours i like both AND IM NOT GAY OR A LESBAIN its who i am as a person clue 8: no comment clue 9: I AM OUTRAGED THAT ANYONE CAN SAY THAT AN EARRING FOR A MALE MEANS THERE GAY, ITS DISCRIMATION. I HAVE AN 18 YEAR OLD BRO WITH HIS EAR PIERCED AND HE IS NOT GAY there are other musicians with there ear pireces aj mclean from the backstreet boys not gay , tay hanson from hanson not gay, and many more who i carnt think of right now people history is changing and the way we see people would u freak out if mika owns a hair striaghter, couse that use to mean a guy was gay today the meaning is different i just wont to say im proud of who mika is im glad he is being himslef and not what other people wont. im all about his music yeah i think he is good looking but i dont care what he prefers
  13. no your not that bad its what the mika does to us that is bad makes us think dirty thoughts
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