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Everything posted by themetalmunchkin

  1. im hoping for same dance songs like love today and his fantasy creatures i would love it if he put erase on the cd i love that song for a title something that repersents mika for who he is
  2. if it helps is end a parcel from Hobart in Australia and it cost me $80 australian to send a parcel to Calgary Alberta to colorado its like half that
  3. Hey this is a great idea i would love to do this i have a friend in the states that i chat to and we send mail but we dont send food as were lucky to get the parcel into each others country thanx to qaratine how ever u spell it customs that will do, we send like stuff toys that each person has never seen, photos and bits and pieces like survinors from each country
  4. very nice photos what did he do to his hand
  5. i dont blame you for nearly passing out
  6. its an invasion of personal space
  7. cool thanx im trying to log in but i cartn remember my password
  8. dont u love it when u are unable to sleep
  9. Taken his lollipops could be interseting i almost brought one at the market this morning
  10. sexy as anything to release the prisoner haha thats a good one
  11. geez girl stop trying to kill me awsome as always
  12. thanx feels good to finally have a few posts behind me know i dont feel like im letting mika down i have to go and get ready to go out been great chatting i'll jump back on when im home
  13. i noticed in your siggie it had something on the lines of fan of mika shaking is bottom number 34 i was wandering what it was about
  14. please explain the mika fan for shaking is bottom?
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