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About tungchoi

  • Birthday 07/19/1991


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  1. loverboy demo都幾得意 憂愁少少 year book想起上年話join但都冇做 - - 唉 space mika papercut唔好交 ce 睇meaning多 佢對mika冇興趣可能唔會比得高分 咁交黎做咩 聽說 idea發揮得好 手工唔洗好靚都可以高分 btw ,「你是金光閃閃的」是什麼? 呀 我唔可以上咁多網 chinese thread朋友保重保重
  2. huikings : 我研究過那個book sound係要 放手指入口 再吹漲個口 再彈出手指來 xDD 明唔明? mika 我覺得係長大左咁 好似比以前的天真笑少左 可能album d歌? 哈哈 我地真係唔好講咁多f*ck XDD 正如D人吊來吊去 不過有時一兩個真正流露會是很好的助語詞(Y) 對呀 我和space是老相好了 (y) Space: mika的男人會是什麼類型??? * * (oh 我們已set定對象是男) 要搵番咁上下高度呀~~~~~ 諗起mika比人擁抱住真開心
  3. 睇了jools mika的腳尖跳真的好強 另外 martin在blame那時"book"左一下 我試左 原來好難發聲 martin的口技好強喔 teehee 接下之前topic Sliimy 好唔得 惡性的姣 雖然感覺到佢係骨子裡放出來的姣 那是可以的 但他那種姣氣我頂不住@@ 提起MIKEY CHOI 慘了 同姓的朋友不能再相見啦 T^T 那兩個backing 我都接受到 不過她們動作很大 會令到鏡頭影多了她們! space 原來你提過我 .-- 好奇好奇 還有 你正在發放腐能量麼xDD?? 個人介紹(詳盡版) 可以叫我做tungchoi/tung 本人是應屆香港高考生 T_T 都是在LICM時喜歡喔 今次新碟暫時最喜歡頭3首 RAIN 好正(Y)(Y)(Y) 對了 就是之前係MIKA仔來港開MINI CONCERT行入門口那個MOMENT得到簽名! 另外本人是懶上forum的人 所以之前都好少出現 因為好多mika news 都會有專人作出通知 哈哈 keep going!宇宙大人! PS 發現自己打慣港式文字但又混入正式中文好怪呀!!!
  4. 強大chinese thread 一小步 有點接不到樓上的說話 (啞) ...... 我是老用家但長期在水中... 哈
  5. hi! I am tungchoi! i wanna join all of you ! i will take part in : -Memories from the year Any memory you have of MIKA - going to a gig(Hong Kong) -PICTURES OF GIGS YOU WENT TO (Hong Kong) Although i can't help more because of my busy study stuff,i will try my best on sth that i can help! let's give mika a great happy memory!
  6. congrats!!!!! you are soooo lucky to be the winner !!!! althoug you need to go by yourself, but you got the 10 mins meeting!!! you are extremely lucky!!!!! i am really glad!! 哈哈用下中文 ! 你真係好幸福呀!! 一個人一定好驚啦!!! 不過有mika都抵番啦!! HAHA i have been a LUCKY winner too! ofcoz not Mika's game.... let me tell you! that 's maroon5! (gonna out of topic?) but i went with more people! and i can bring one friend! but you got one thing is lucky than me! It's your meeting! HAHA i just have a photoshot time! and lots of people waitting.... Also.....i don't know i can meet them so i didn't prepare any thing until i went to airport! so i just draw some "draft pic" of them *cry* and i saw one stuff wanna stop me!!!! (ofcoz i won't let her!!!) so,again, you are lucky to prepare something awesome!!!!!! HAHA that's my trip XD i know how you feel at that moment!! you don't know what you wanna say, your mouth and hands are shaking!! all the time past so fast!! RIGHT? at that moment i gonna melt when we got eye contact ! haha i gonna stop it... Lastly, thanks for your sharing!!
  7. tungchoi


    i will date with you everyday if you can! i adore you mika!!
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