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Everything posted by cath_21

  1. Omg Cassiopée ta photo.. "across the universe" this filmm looks sssssssssssooooooooo greeaattttt!!!! can't wait to see it!!
  2. oh shut up im only 5"2 lol you are tall (5"6) o.o and my friend, who is totally in love with mika is 4"9 hahaha
  3. dyslexie et disphasie, cest pas dutout la même chose mon cousin est dyspahsique et on comprend pas ce qu'il dit cest un trouble lié a la comunication verbal et la dyslexie cest lire..
  4. maybe GMA is going to be a good publicity for him but the show in quebec was a Benefit Show. A GOOD CAUSE you know...
  5. I think its a bad idea..he deserve the money..
  6. Hey !sunshine931 "I was just in Montréal yesterday... I have to say, that was one of the most amazing gigs I have ever experienced in my life... it was insane, they were so up for it" - Mika well...How did you get that !? Où qu'il a dit sa?!
  7. laurendites o.o cest loinnnnnn:blink: nonnnn jpourait pas y aller too bad..pauvre de moi hey ese que qqn parle francais ici!? pcq moi mon anglais yé pas fort :S pis osheaga finalemtn y vient tu !? pis ese que vous saver si se festival la, y joue genr vraiment tout son show ou c'est just quelque tounes ? merci dme repondre meme si jcrois qui pas grand monde qui vont le faire :S
  8. 1- jump for my love -pointer sisters 2- would'nt be nice - beach boys 3-love today-mika 4- goodnight goodnight- hot hot heat 5-Im so excited-pointer sister 6-give it to me baby -offspring 7-sufin' usa-beach boys 8-wake me up before you go go- wham 9-ton plat favori-malajube annd mmuccchhh mooorreeee:punk:
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