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Everything posted by mikaholic

  1. Yeah we are. Sox tickets are pretty impossible to get too, but I wait until people who have season tickets can't go, and then I just take their tickets, haha. Oooh that's cool. I want to go to a Pats game. But with every SuperBowl, the chances of acquiring tickets decreases by a TON. I always wanted to go to Pats training camp too. That's so cool that you went.
  2. No, I actually haven't been to any Pats games before. It's the only team I've never seen in person! Tickets are pretty tough to get. I usually just stick with Red Sox and Bruins games. Have you been to any J-E-T-S games?
  3. Well, Mangini learned everything he knows from Bill Belichick, and then threw him the finger and left. And now Mangini fights against his mentor, but isn't grateful. He's the bad guy, see?! And I know how you feel about it being stressful. You are talking to a Bruins fan, afterall.
  4. Oh, God a Jet fan? Eesh. Have fun with Mangini... But hey, it's alright... we got San Fran's first round draft pick even though we lost our own. And San Fran was horrible this year so it's a good draft pick! Haha but really...I HATE Mangini.
  5. It seems everyone outside of New England is sick of the Patriots. But y'know...I can deal with that! My boys spread joy to the region. That's all that matters. Plus...we own Tom Brady. I can never get sick of this team. By the way, who's your team?
  6. The SuperBowl is Sunday, February 3rd. Two days after Mika's gig in Boston...now THAT'S what I call a good weekend! Tight pants all weekend!
  7. I like the underdog too a lot of the time...but you gotta see how dominant the Patriots are. No Cinderella Story this year!
  8. I can think of 18 reasons why the Patriots are winning the Superbowl.
  9. Patriots beat San Diego earlier today 21-12. So yeah the Giants are up against the 18-0 Pats in the Patriots' 4th Superbowl in the past 7 years. Dynasty much?
  10. Thanks! I think its a good way to think about everything.
  11. I'd have to agree with you on that one too. I read all that stuff but figured I'd stay away from commenting in there. I'd rather not get involved. That's why I mainly stay around these parts. It's always just random non-controversial conversation. =)
  12. I want to see Juno too! My friends who saw it said it was really good...except for one that's a boy who got dragged there by my other friend (his girlfriend). He thought it was stupid. But then again...from the previews I can see that girls would probably like it better. ...So I ignore his opinion and still want to see it.
  13. Well I'll just have to go see it, then won't I?
  14. See that's the last thing I felt like doing on my long weekend. I got home and collapsed on the couch after using the computer for about 10 minutes.
  15. Now that's determination right there. I'd wait till January 31st about and hour before it's due and just stop whatever I'm doing and go... "Aw CRAP! I knew I forgot about something!!" Fact: You are good.
  16. Hello hello, my fellow Americans! Last night I said hi...but then I fell asleep. I meant to just take a quick nap, but it ended up being a 14 hour slumber. I didn't wake up until my alarm went off for work this morning! Good thing I set it before I took my nap, huh? Think I was tired?
  17. Slaughterhouse Five is good. I read it a few years ago. I like that trouser theory. It makes sense, and it's pretty much what I was talking about. How one little thing can make a HUGE difference in life. Like your example of being called back into the house and not getting hit by a car. It makes so much sense, how one little thing can change your entire future. I think it's really cool to think that everything you do matters so much, even though it may be such a stupid little thing.
  18. Well at my house, we don't get too crazy. There are no calls to the police or anything. I just think it's hilarious. I know there's a point where it goes too far, which is not pretty. We try to keep the puking to a minimum in this household. Oh I'd be like "Ok my dad's outside, let me bring him my camera." Go outside, hide it in my pants, and come back in. I agree, I wouldn't want to be drunk at a Mika concert. That defeats the purpose! I'd want to remember it forever!
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