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Everything posted by Shari

  1. Hiya Patti, xx AMP, Don't Stop Me Now is a great track, but I just don't get the connection between Cadburys and the trucks? Mind you, I didn't see what Phil Collins and the gorilla had to do with chocolate either!
  2. Anyone know what the new Cadbury ad is all about? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cQEKr77NulA
  3. Yes new room is really relaxing thanks. Gas fire on glow, lights out and a glass of wine. I hope the weather is fine for you early tomorrow Vicky, walking the kids to skool. Do you have a long walk? Hi Ruth, Bye Ruth xx
  4. Hiya Vicky, not stopping long either. Too many late nights!
  5. Awww happikali, they're adorable. Your cute ones made me laugh too Wendi. gone xx
  6. Well that's a good excuse for not cleaning out the shower today! I'll just go and do a bit more life laundry though. Back later..........
  7. ok, thanx Wendi. Safe journey Kath & Abs.
  8. Bye Kath. Don't know what your trip is about but I guess someone will fill me in, if you've got to go.
  9. When my friend had a hysterectomy, they left a clip inside her. She had it removed and kept it for evidence. Tried sueing the NHS and got nowhere....even with evidence! It took 8 years out of her life with the stress and for nothing. They all stick together, you're right Wendi. OK, no more nhs talk, they make your blood boil.
  10. Yes not too bad today thank you Miek. Apart from the usual oldlings aches and pains. Poor Wendi, it doesn't give you much hope of getting better does it if they come up with excuses to not treat your ailments!
  11. All the best Leona, hope you get on OK after your schooling. Hi Miek, how are you today?
  12. I throw my arms up in disbelief Wendi. Leona is right, you need to be more assertive. I'm a bit like you, but there is only so much pain you can put up with. GP's are not doing their job properly if they fob you off. Isn't there another doctor you can ask to see?
  13. Don't get me started, bloody pct. I had to more of less jump up and down to get on the waitng list for an MRI. It doesn't matter if you make a fool of yourself Wendi, get what you should. I have a friend who is always going to see her GP. He said to her one day "You're beginning to ware a path here aren't you Mrs???" She maybe a bit of a hypochondriac, but she has them jumping for her and from what I know, nothing really wrong! Lincoln is carp for health service.
  14. Hello Kath, hope you enjoy your trip over the next few days.
  15. I just read back a little bit andit really does infuriate me that you can't get an MRI Wendi! When I read Leona's reply and anyone else who is in another country, who expresses an opinion, they cannot believe we have SO much trouble with the NHS/PCT here (national health service/primary care trust)
  16. Night Patty, I'm off too now. TTFN folks xx
  17. Awwww Vicky where do you find em? Wow that is a gorgeous thing to look at before bed, thank you. Leona, I'm sending good vibes 4 tomorrow xx
  18. ahhh weealx, I was on the wrong wave length there. Damien Del boys baby of course.
  19. Leona, hope all goes OK for you tomorrow. I will send good vibes your way. xx Vicky, yes I posted the other day, here's the link. http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=14281
  20. I think weealx means Damien as in The Omen film... don't you weealx?
  21. hello Leona and Patti, had a nice weekend?
  22. Lighten up Rodney. If this is your first time in the oldlings, you should know we are not out to insult, offend or take the "P" out of anyone. Are you of a certain age?
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