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Everything posted by Shari

  1. Hey, finally caught up, thanks for the slow-mo. Headmistress eh? Nah I'm not that stroppy! Sarahlou, we have been to Malta, it was lovely. Kath advised right though, watch the drivers, they're mental! Cost of eating out is very similar to here we found. Do you know where you are going in Malta? Vicky, decorating virtually donethanks. Thye are coming in tomorrow to put the feature wall, wallpaper up and glossing the paintwork. Then we need to get everything put back! (Going to the Queen convention this weekend though.)
  2. Thanks Kath, will bend anybody's ear if they wanna hear all about it! Hiyas Wendi and Robi xx Back in a bit..............pg182
  3. OI, you lot stop talking for a short while. I'm on page 169 of catching up and every time I refresh a page, you've gone 1 up too. Stop it!!!!!
  4. I'm off to I think. Sorry to leave you Char, hope lovely suzy is still about to keep you company. Til another time, Love love me xxx
  5. Nighty night Carri and Wendi. Sleep well and no nightmares about David Platt, Wendi!
  6. ..............AND your wallet hey weealx?? Hi Char, how are the headaches, all gone I hope?
  7. Carri, what a dilema. You should decide on NO more kids and wait for Evie to have some!
  8. Hi pooh, didn't mean to ignore you. I think the convention idea has been put on the back burner for a while. I agree though, with A.Twrs the rides might be too tempting to some.
  9. Hi Suzy xx. Thanks. Wendi asked me to post a few piccies.
  10. LOL Carri, no. We've done a life laundry type clear out of stuff. The curtains were got before the decorating started!
  11. Finally I may as well show you our new shower too! hehehe http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/Queenie/newshower1jpg.jpg
  12. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/Queenie/Newlivingroomcurtainsjpg.jpg Here's the link for the new curtains and pole.........
  13. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/Queenie/silverwallpaperjpg.jpg Here is the wallpaper we have chosen for the feature wall.
  14. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/Queenie/DSC01308.jpg Here's the pic of "before"... the after will come later in the week
  15. LOL @ Wendi, are you getting impatient for piccies??
  16. Oh Leona, the pressure. I'm so glad I'm not at school/college these days! I'm sure you'll be fine. You have the air of a really cool, clam and collected person.
  17. Why do people do that? Register and then not post. I know it helps to hang on a while and get the jist of things, but she can't realise she's the 10,000th member! Weealx, that's because you're not a member of Queen!
  18. It's just I have a new Queen friend who registered the other day called Alison, she was awaiting activation.
  19. Wendi, do you know who the 10,000th person/ID is?
  20. Hi Leona. Wouldn't that be just fab. Confetti streamers bursting out of your keyboard? How are you today?
  21. TAXI FOR MRS SMITH...... Hi Wendi, collected the girls OK? Did they have fun?
  22. Snails pace silver..... lets hope it's a positive step forward to bigger and better things within the MFC. We can learn to be patient....can't we?
  23. Hiya Suzanne, Rose, you're a fan of Dr Who then??? Do you like all sci-fi stuff? Hi Kath, someone said you were on a ferry this afternoon.... I'm sure? Bye Wendi, might catch you later xx
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