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Posts posted by Shari

  1. Hello, Shari and Wendi!

    is there something really juicy on page 160?

    (every time I try to read it I get bounced off!)

    ahh, yes, I remember my activation email message sat in my 'spam' mailbox for a while, I think I tried to sign up a few times before I figured out where it was.

    I'm honestly- tired. drained. want this semester to be OVER.

    have to give an 8 minute speech in 1 week, it's only about 25% written, let alone practiced/memorized.


    Oh Leona, the pressure. I'm so glad I'm not at school/college these days! I'm sure you'll be fine. You have the air of a really cool, clam and collected person.

  2. Hiya Ruth, glad to hear the car passed ok. Bet you garden will look nice after al the planning. Lets hope you get some decent weather soon to finish off!


    I just asked magician hubby about the gopher trick. It's to do with prime numbers and no matter how many times you do it, the symbol for that number will change. I've done it twice and both times without pre thinking about a number I got 9 too.

    So Wendi had a good guess and was right./Yes the gopher is psychic.

    Delete as appropriate!

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