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Posts posted by Shari

  1. Just off to browse ebay for my preferred make up. Cannot find it in the shops here at all.

    Infact, if anyone can find it for me next time they go shopping, I'd be eternally grateful.

    L'Oreal Ideal Balance foundation in shade No.22 Sand Beige/Sable.

    NOT ROSE SAND as it has just been changed to.


  2. Hi Vicky sweetie, thanks for your lovely e-mails. Much appreciated. Missed you all too, but what with Queen convention, decorating, spring cleaning, assembling new furniture, watching the Vulcan go up ets, I have been busier than I have been in years. There's still not enough hours in the day.

    I haven't forgotten my Mika-pals though. xx

  3. Hi Shari :)


    Word had it yesterday that you were taking a break..... Is it true?


    Me? Taking a break? Nah, I've been mighty pre-occupied with one of my other passions in life - The Avro Vulcan XH558 doing her 3rd test flights at RAF Cottesmore this week. She was awesome.


    I had heard the site was down a few days anyway, so it has given me plenty of time to upload my vid and pics to youtube.


    Hope everyone is well?

  4. Yes, it will stop my nerve being pinched, that's always good!

    It's been quite painful for about 6 months now, I've had enough.

    You know what I woke up worrying about?

    I'll have to wear this stiff collar for 3 months & I was worrying- what if I can't dye my hair?

    My roots will really show after 3 months!!


    sorry to hear you're achy- is it worse for you when it's rainy?


    A pinched nerve can be very painful. I sympathise. Ha, you'll have to get someone to do your roots for you!. Talk about priorities, hehehe.


    Yes, mostly when it's wet weather, but just lately it's been more painful as the sun has come out! Strange the human body eh?

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