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Status Updates posted by kittie88

  1. Awww....thanks, it was an amazing day, better than I ever imagined. We had our honeymoon in Italy and it was amazing. I gotta go for now, but message me and we will catch up soon, i cannot believe how long it has been. so glad to be back :D

  2. thanks for the sweet comment on FB, I loved my dress and one of our neighbours did my hair and make up. it was a perfect day, went really smoothly.

  3. aww...thanks i hope so. we are looking at possibly malta. looking at moving next year. so excited!!!

  4. wow there are lots of holly adams. do you want to add me instead? may be slightly easier. Liz Hewett, there are less of me, lol. xx

  5. Haha just noticed your other message you sent at the same time i sent mine. So, at the moment I am just working in a call centre but am doing a course to be a teacher to teach english as a foreign language so myself and my husband can go abroad for a bit and work and have fun. sorry to hear things have been bad but glad to hear things are on their way up for you.

  6. Yep, on 28th April 2012 at the lyndhurst park hotel. Its strange getting used to the new name but yep am very loved up, lol. Yeah got lots of pics. you can see a few on this link.




    but there are more on facebook. I think you are on mine?

  7. Aww...thanks hun. things are pretty good thanks. I got married in April. I am now Mrs Hewett. :wub2:

  8. hey stranger, long time no talk. hows you? Hows life been treating you? Hopefully you still remember me after all this time :) xx

  9. awww...thanks hun xxx

  10. u listening Barunkaaaaaa??? xxx

  11. hey hows you? how is the exciting world of argos? i have been working on a radio show which i have posted a thread about here and would love u to have a look and become a fan on face book cos u love me and i am lovely :D heres the link http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=23608


    speak to you soon xx

  12. hey hows you? I have finally finished uni forever, scary! Hows work? I am still looking for hoping to find a job soon. At the mo I am just working on a radio show which i have posted a thread about on here, have a look http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=23608


    speak to u soon x x

  13. hey clare, hope all is going well, sorry havent been around much have been working on a radio show, have a look on this thread and you will find out more about it http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=23608

  14. Ahoj Barunkaaaa!!!! Jak se mas? go here: http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=23608


    na shledanou


  15. hey, hows things? sorry havent been around much, have been working on a radio show i am doing, have made a thread about it, have a look


  16. yeah I know I am about to finish uni and trying desperately to find a job but not having any luck at the mo! hows life other than job hunting? any exciting? xx

  17. hey holly, so good to hear from you, yeah i have been mega busy with uni work and trying to find a part time job. keith is good, working hard. hows you? i have missed u too, will try and come on more regularly now! :D

  18. hey hun, sorry havent been on for a while been busy trying to find a job and working on final projects at uni, hows things? happy easter xxx

  19. Barunkaaaa!!! sorry for not being online for ages but I have internet now YAY!!!:D

  20. HOLLY!!! I am back, so sorry I have not been online, me and my fiancee got our own flat and only just got internet connection, how has your xmas been? xx

  21. hey, happy new year.sorry I have not been on for so long, I moved house and have only just got internet, thanks so much for my xmas card, really liked it, how was ur xmas and new year?

  22. hey, sorry I have taken so long to reply, I have not had any internet as I moved house but am back now. Did you have a good xmas?xx

  23. hey, where did you go? hope all is well. send me a message when you get this! x

  24. awww...thats good. How is the card making going? u still doing it?

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