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Everything posted by kittie88

  1. wow, that sounds so cool, I am sure whatever you choose you will succeed at! counselling would be such a good job to have, helping all those people, I reckon u would be really good at that ( considering you have helped me out before which I really appreciated)
  2. Cool, yeah it comes out early April here, and I will probably preorder soon! I have seen ti at the cinema and it was A M A Z I N G!!!! I especially like Alice, Jasper and Edward, there really is something about edwards voice like it described in the book so good casting there!!
  3. Yeah I read your message on ur forum area thats great news, by the way I have had my hair cut recently, I am still growing it out though, I will have to show you the picture when I get it off Keith (my bf) as he took one of me on valentines day in my nice new dress. Yeah he is and I am so lucky to have him, he wants to take me to Malta in the summer on holiday and to loadsa of different places. x

  4. Thats fantastic news Holly, I am so happy to hear things are going well for you! Any idea what sort of career you want? x
  5. Hey Holly, you are welcome, I will be here as much as possible now! I am good thanks, uni is going well and yes I am still dating that hottie, it has been 4 months and I have just had a lovely Valentines day, we went to a nice italian restaraunt and he also bought a dozen red roses, and a gorgeous bear from the me to you collection which I love! How are you other than the whole job thing? xxx

  6. HOLLY!!!! I absolutely adore it, I finished the first three books in about 5 days.I just could not put the books down. It's coming out in Nov, woo!!! I didnt know that, I cannot wait to get the dvd of Twilight when it comes out in April,I will not stop watching it, lol!! x
  7. I dont know the title of it but if it is the book from edwards point of view then yes it seems that the author has decided she will continue to write it even though the first few chapters were linked onto the internet!
  8. I wrote this one night, the first two lines came to my head and the rest came just as easily, hope you like! I've never loved so much, I've never loved so strong. When you are around me, It feels like nothing can go wrong. You reeled me in, You captured my heart. I know you had me, Right from the start. Everything feels so right, Nothing has ever felt wrong. When your loving arms surround me, I want to burst right into song. I want to tell the whole world, Just how happy I am with you. And just how very much, You have changed my point of view. Everything feels so great now, Now that you're around. Everything seems so bright now, Every sight, every touch, every sound. Shout it from the rooftops, Or even from the ground. My life is now complete, With you, my love, around. Not my best poems but it is one of my recent ones and just wanted to share it with you lot! Hope you liked it! x
  9. Hi, I have watched Twilight twice and have read the first three books and newarly finished the final one and I gotta say one thing! I am obsessed with this series of books, I love the characters, and I love the film almost as much but not quite! If anyone is reading the series then if you are quite sensitive or get emotional whilst readin then the final book will have you in tears. They are all amazing books and I will be sad to finsh readin it. I dont know if anyone has heard but there is due to be another book in the series which is from the point of view of Edward but the author is writing it now and she said it will be a few years yet until it is published! BUt I cannot wait!
  10. omg...I have not been on here for ages and I have just read your post, I am so sorry to hear that, I am sure everything will turn out all right in the end, I dont know about you but i believe things happen for a reason maybe it is time for a career change or a chance to try somewhere else. Do not give up, we are all here for you! If you need to chat then message or email me, I will be around here more often now! Hope you are ok! Liz x
  11. hello, ahoj, hola, bonjour, guten tag, bonjourno, g'day

    Hope all is well!

    Chat soon xXx

  12. Thats good, I am just about to go to work so I thought I would pop in to say hi before I left! I may not be on until tues but if that is the case I will at least try and leave a message at some point. Katie Melua tomoz, yay!!!! x
  13. Halfords, I work in the bike part of it so currently learning how to build bikes! i have only been there a month but its ok! i kinda like it!
  14. cool, do u do long hours? luckily i only have to do 11-4 but that is both days so thats my weekend booked up every week, but its money which i really need so cant complain!
  15. yeah am good thanks, just relaxing after a long day at work! is the weather bad where u are? its horrible here!
  16. to be honest I am still just picking out random czech words from your posts but at least i am managing to work out what words mean when u translate my random words, lol!! si Barunka tak řádně super (hope that makes sense)
  17. omg, that is funny!!! Samozřejmě ze si to je super Barunka tak všichni ale se večer!!!
  18. I think the proper grammatical saying would be on the forum and in the thread so yeah u guys are right! on the thread just would not make sense although u could propbably say in the forum and get away with it!
  19. Thanks I am so excited, cannot believe my luck with winning that competition! Just got back from a boring day at work! Hows u??? How is Gemma?
  20. jsme nini mezi tak Barunka je řádně jazzu zírali jako fascinovaně!!!!!!! *creeps away*
  21. Lol that proves just how much of a commited fan u are (or a good stalker,lol ) x
  22. Hey, thanks, work was so tiring I was on my own for the evening upstairs in the shop which was scary and it was so stressful! Hope your evening was better. tonight was good though, just been chilling and watched as really good film called the orphanage, very creepy film but really good. I like films that build up tension and make u jump, lol! Hopefully chat to u sometime soon. Btw, I have amazing news, I got a call today saying I had won a competition to see Katie Melua live at Bournemouth this monday, Not only that but I get to MEET KATIE MELUA after the gig. How amazing is that,i cannot wait!! I dont really win anything so I could not believe it when they rang and told me, it was a competition off a radio station, so to think of how many would have applied and the fact I won it is amazing!! roll on monday!! xxx
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