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Everything posted by kittie88

  1. Just thought I would pop in to say hi. I am at work tonight from 5-11pm so I will prob not be on unless I come on after 11pm when not many ppl are on but I had to come say hi. Hope to catch up with everyone tomoz! My life is so hectic at the moment I need my time opn mfc to relax and to slow down. Love to ya all!!
  2. You are definitely not the only one, I have not given up hope, I am still awaiting some news! I just hope Peter does write a blog. Did Jonny state why he is not helping the band anymore?
  3. Lol, I am back!! I am here, woo!! and seriosuly? is there no barunka behind u? thats bad, I must get my facts right!
  4. thanks, its good to be back on mfc properly, missed everyone loads!!!
  5. Thanks, yes please would love a hot drink its so cold today!!!
  6. I'm gd thanks Sarah! I gotta go have my dinner now but I WILL be bacl on shortly, to catch up with u all!! xxx
  7. Stuck in the middle with you- Louise!!
  8. Lol, that is very true, but still!! They cant just abandon us without warning hows u??
  9. I cant believe this,I had just gone offline when u came on as I was going to my mums for dinner. Hope your ok, we will catch up eventually, lol! x
  10. cool, thats good! so have u gotta do a dissertation or anythin for ur final year?
  11. I dont see why it should be, I hope it doesnt!
  12. You have a half term? cool, I am quite lucky cos i have mondays and tuesdays off but no half term for me
  13. cool, I did remember correctly then! so u had lessons today or a day off???
  14. lol, thats so cool! i wonder if an undercover journalist managed to get into his flat, lucky girl, lol. thanks for the article! x
  15. Sounds bad. I am in my second year but still have loads of work to do. I am right that it is manchester uni u are at???
  16. Yeah I saw it, lol. I loved the cartoon, I have said it before and I will say it again, u are a really talented artist!!
  17. Thats not good,how is uni going? ur in ur last year arent u? and is it manchester uni if I remember rightly??? x
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