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Posts posted by chartreuse

  1. girls:

    Fiona. Hazel, Chanel, Maybelline. I like Teal too... and Celeste.




    Lucifer. except for the whole Satan thing. Dylan is nice but not great... frankly I don't know about male names. For boys I prefer Celtic, Middle Eastern etc. more exotic names, nothing like Tom or whatever. James is cute though.



    middle names:

    I love Hendrix as a middle name, especially for Maybelline. Otherwise, I guess that depends what the name is. I don't especially like boys with middle names, just girls. I think Caraway would be a nice one.

  2. while I totally support that, Oprah seems very independent-minded so I doubt she'll invite someone simply by popular demand. Believe me, with her power and status she ONLY invites people she's really into.



    maybe if me and the big O were homegirls i could convince her to book mr. sex god over here :naughty:



    but I'm all for introducing Oprah to Mika, so sure I'll write in. :biggrin2: anything for my fiance :wink2::roftl:

  3. worry not people, it is totally common and not terribly traumatic to have some obsessive habits or behavior, because for most of us it doesn't greatly interfere with our lives. i sometimes will step on a plant and feel "unclean" like i need to shake something off my foot. i just do it. or even better, combat the impulse to. i try to reason with myself and realize it's all in your head. the discomfort is there but its managable. true OCD takes over people's lives and crops up in pretty much every aspect, so i say we have little to worry about and should count our blessings :biggrin2:



    as for mika and his tea..... i dunno him or his experiences so i cant really say, but trust me, i once attended tea-making classes and the people there made you start over if you didn't turn the tea-leaves holder correctly. although that's more a matter of tradition and ceremony, so maybe mika does have OCD. but hey, some of us are just very finicky about our tea/coffee/etc. :bleh:

  4. i've only seen him drinking beer :bleh: i don't know though!


    yeah, me too, he seemed less than thrilled when he had champagne on Jensen, and doesn't seem like much of a whiskey guy. i read somewhere he drinks Stellas (spirits) too.... a pub kinda guy?



    actually, the only pic i've seen of him with beer is the beth ditto T in the Park one. are there others?

  5. That is the cutest thing ever. :D If I get to meet him again and get to pose for a photo with him, I want to ask him to make a silly face...I wonder if he would... :)


    he totally seems like he would. :naughty:


    In fact, he doesn't even think he is ! In an interview I read somewhere, he said his nose is croaked and he has no chin enough !


    yup he said he broke his nose twice as a kid and had the reporter feel his nose (s/he said there indeed was a crack) but not enough chin?? :blink: and i thought they were teasing jay leno about that too...

  6. I think I have it , once I drink a beer , I need to order another one , then I drink that and ... I cant help myself I get another aaghhhhhhhhhhh and another , i know its gonna hurt but I buy another :thumbdown:



    i know your pain brother...... i suffer from severe OCD too :naughty: just can't put that moonshine down! :roftl:

  7. ambidextrous means your hands are equally strong. even if you do everything with your left hand but write with your right, you're still right-handed because you can't write with your left equally well. just because you're right/left handed doesn't mean your other paw is useless! otherwise we'd all be ambidextrous :naughty:




    I'm a lefty. :biggrin2: so if mika is looking for lefty babies.... :wink2:

  8. I KNOWWWW!!!!!!!!



    I SERIOUSLY JUST YIPPED when i saw this thread! i was like SWEET BABY JESUS he's breaking through and i can share my joy with my fellow mika sisters!!!! :exclamation:




    i am totally proud to be american again.


    *puts american flag back up*



    LOL sorry george and abe i was having a moment of doubt but it's all good now :wink2:

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