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Status Updates posted by Lena

  1. Oh Thanks!! I cannot find on September, 2nd to Sweden

    More truly, I lose in fourth time

  2. Then all is good) (I about sweets). In dates not all is. My browser does soils. closes all windows. And I again lose all links. And the history does not work. I have such strange Safari(

  3. I too love new sweets. some contain a coco. If you do not love a coco, I shall not send such. Tell to me

    And please, prompt me, that is new about Mika (that it is possible to download. Video, interview, photos). I think, that I have gaped much. I have got confused. Even simply names and dates. I shall search on them. I for a long time am tired and I collect a material about Mika in very sleepy condition. At all I do not remember, that I I took

    I think, I have got stuck on dates after September, 28th. Or hardly earlier

  4. I remember about Russian sweets! By the way, I wished to ask. To me have told Russian fruit candy (marmelade) differs from yours. It is soft and similar to sweeeet jelly. Not everyone loves it but I love. Also we have east sweets - kozinaki (as grilyazh), nougat. I do not know, you would like it. Too not everyone love it (but I love)). I am afraid it is not pleasant to you such. But to offer to you it is interestingly). Though they east but we have got used to consider it to ours).

  5. I speak to Him some words as, " it was not necessary to do it ". But it only concerns His excessive frankness. My words do not sound is insulting or as criticism. Only care. He is strong but I consider as His fragile boy. He always will be vulnerable. I suffer when I see a theme of type: " I am tired and I leave from mfc ". I think, suddenly Mika will see that someone leaves mfc (let for a 2-3 week but leaves) and He will be upset. If 1-2 days I do not write the comment in twitter, I am afraid that Мика will notice, " Russian was gone ". Ridiculously, I know.) Even to imagine I am afraid that I can sometime stop loving Mika. I consider it as treachery in relation to Him. It is amusing, when someone ( a Russian girl) speaks she loves Mike more strongly than someone, to this person cite me as an example ).

  6. Are you a teacher???

    And besides it you are ill?

  7. Iranka!!!!! It seems, we were lost... Why you became more busy, than before?

  8. Again I answer late... I so long wrote the comment in one theme.))). It is difficult to write not knowing language)).

    You will love " One Foot Boy ", " Pick Up Off The Floor " and " By The Time ". Are my favorites) I so love these)

  9. Oh, I could wait! You till now did not hear that beauty...! You are superpatient!! :huglove:

  10. I was on work, therefore yesterday I have not answered. Almost never I switch off a computer... Well, how are the songs????? You are glad?? They so beautifully sound in headphones. Music flows so beautifully....and Mika's voice). Means, what I should meet a packet?)). Thankyouuuuuu!! I shall send a reciprocal packet in October or November. And too to two other girl (after August's holiday I have a delay in the salary... it is bad haha)). What other CD you wait???

  11. You lucky. I already heard songs, but to have a disk-it absolutely another. If not 2 songs which I so dreamed to hear (By The Time and Pick Up Off The Floor) I would be kept and has not taken piracy. But to hold in hands is much better. Absolutely other feeling.. And there in fact there will be pictures!)

  12. Means, you still have no the disk? But you heard Songs already or you wait patiently and do not pirating?

  13. hihi. Hi! I thought, you have forgotten). I saw your comment to Mika where you wrote that you hold an album in hands. (or it there was other Laura?).

    I till now in confusion about bookmarks. We have no beautiful.

    I am very glad!!! I wrote to Mika, that I have the piracy songs from the Internet (I could not behave in hands and has taken them. But did not distribute to anybody.). But I have written, that I shall have the present album in a gift from you. And then I shall buy Russian version when it will be on sale in Russia. Piracy songs ... I have been upset, have not received pleasure, but only loss.I till now am suppressed and did not wish to communicate with anybody

  14. I do downloading videos from Scala and Brussel . I want have them)

  15. Lollipop I love Tooooooooo!))

  16. Probably, I today not shall be in internet . To me have sent ipod. It is necessary to understand with it. I have already loaded audio and video (but not all video is working though the format is identical). Now I try to understand how there to add photos. That I had all tomorrow on work))

  17. I do not know... I love all songs)

  18. I shall receive the New Album as a gift ). Our girls are so kind and disinterested. I do not cease to be surprised. In Russia it will appear not soon. But can be, soon. But not as in the Europe. I hope, in the winter. I have bought the first album in March 2007. But then about sale already wrote Russian magazine.


    I would like a knitted cap)). It would be very good at our colds. Though in the winter in my region put on fur caps. But I put on only a hood. I hate fur caps).

    I do not want to buy everything)

  19. Thanks for a congratulation!)). I too have noticed when there was a thousand post). I wrote about Mika)) (as though I write in other time not about Him /hihi/

  20. Yes, I know about it. I mean when a lot of new about Mika, I am torn to parts and want to take all of it)

  21. Hi maqpie!

    I'm fine. but I in distraction. When a lot of videos and photos from Mika, I'm at a loss and do not know where to start collect it all in my PC. I stopped talking even. I have not seen so far the Brussels videos, but it is time to collect all from 5 September).

  22. Lena

    Hi!! Greta!I have downloaded, thank you!! I could not load earlier, this site did not work for me). So often happens to it.

    I embarrass)). I do not know how to call every of all if usernames are different). Here to you to call Greta but if in myspace already to call Milla? To adhere to usernames of a sites?))

  23. Lena

    They have again thrust the another's person to our Mika. I have understood that the song not of Mika). But I wished to understand, that it was). I cannot gape His song if I am among you)). In fact nobody hides from me Mike's other songs?A???

  24. Lena

    Hi Deb!

    What attitude has it to Mika? And in what language it is written? o_0


    http: // http://www.lyricsty.com/lyrics/m/mika/something_something.html

  25. I have understood). I do not look Star Wars). Once saw the very first films. It was boring). I love mysticism)

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