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Everything posted by Lena

  1. Probably to clean these nasty watermarks? Or there are at someone from you innocent pictures?
  2. Today the international holiday " Day of Work "! I am glad, that our MIKA has devoted himself to music. It is His work on call of heart. There is no work more perfectly, than that which pleases you which enables to self-expression and does happy many people... To create, put a part of the soul in each line of these fine songs, in each note of these melodies... I wish darling MIKA of ease, inspiration, let His Muse presents with Him new ideas, sings. Let He will listen to himself and will hear, as is much concealled in He... His Soul as the Universe filled by Music as if stars. Hardly to slightly open a door and the meteoric shower of the most beautiful songs begins!!!!!!!!
  3. Today the Main Orthodox Holiday - Easter! I wish to divide pleasure of Happy Revival with darling MIKA! I cannot name myself excessive devout, but it is always easier to endure any difficulties and fears when you trust, that there is a Vigilant Eye which always protects and stores you. And to know, that you love , with all your merits and demerits because you are a Person, the Child Divine, same favourite and invaluable, as billions other people... All of us are equal it... BUT, In such Day, I should ask for the God... My God, please, love dear MIKA more, than You love me! It was very joyful to me to learn, that today in Beirut, 250000 people celebrate this Event! The Christ Has revived! Christ Voskrese!
  4. On April, 22nd the International Day of the Earth! I wish to congratulate dear MIKA on this holiday! We as though seeds which the Wind has scattered on different continents and the countries. But if to look at the Earth from Space, all we - a single whole, and among us our darling MIKA, absolutely beside... On one planet... Our planet - a magic garden with six billions different beautiful flowers. And rare, fine and unique in one's way a flower - our lovely MIKA!
  5. I regret, but I did not find holidays, to congratulate darling MIKA ((. But I as before continue to write for Him the kind words full of love and fidelity)). And He has read through it and soon again will read through... I know))) To me spoke, that in London- cloudy weather proceeds... I wish for darling MIKA that there where He will appear, would be always sunny and warmly! As well as to us it becomes warm at His lovely solar smile...
  6. I have noticed, that in both groups calm. Not the freshest comments. If them to not stir, they will not smell. The proverb Russian says " do not touch dung, and will not stink ". On yours the link I have passed, but have not wanted to write the comment. For this purpose it is necessary to enter into group, then to remove itself. It is opposite to be spoiled again. I have written the comment to administrators. If there normal people they should clean these 2 groups. If each of us has written to administrators, that, probably, that it would conceive action...
  7. On March, 27th " the International day of theatre "! I wish to congratulate darling MIKA on this holiday. Because His concerts really are colourful, entertainment and unforgettable. Dear MIKA so creative and the dynamic personality, that ideas overflow His essence... He wishes show himself in a different kind of art, He feels, He knows, that He can make more! The Talented person is talented in all! I wish darling MIKA that He would achieve everything to what aspires. That He realized himself on all of 100 %! That all the plans He would manage to realize! There is no that top which would not obey darling MIKA! With a holiday, My Ideal!
  8. I have written at them the comment. Probably, rude, but I sneered more, instead of was rude. Because did not wish to read this dirt. But has sufficed me that I saw to become angry. I quiet, but I run into fury if someone badly responds about darling MIKA. I have come across mucks, but is very rare, but there (((-a nursery of hatred! Let, it is better on me rush, than on dear MIKA. Also, I have written the message to the administrator...
  9. I wish to support dear MIKA... Such person, as our MIKA, creative, unusual, with the special perception of the world and with, differing others, opinion, has the right to solve for himself when to let out the second album... The inspiration, desire will come... He is not obliged to do anything if himself will not solve, that it is time, that He has ripened... Dream - the personal theatre? Perfectly! I dream to be at that Theatre the seller of tickets! Everybody! Since that day when for the first time has learned... Darling MIKAl, I wish you successes in any new undertakings!
  10. On March, 23rd Easter! The Christ has revived! I congratulate darling MIKA on the Light Holiday of Revival! I wish you the World, Virtue, Sincere Cleanliness, Great Patience, Mildness of the Angel and Allembracing Love! Trust in our sincere love, disinterested fidelity and support in all, lovely MIKA!
  11. Today the WORLD DAY of POETRY! To my regret, probably, that I never can understand true sense of songs of darling MIKA... But I feel, I know, that His lyrics is fine! Darling MIKA - the man with delicate emotional structure, sincere, heartfeld, with the special vision of the world, with discriminating artistic taste... I consider, that dear MIKA has enriched Musical Culture, has deduced it from stagnation... Also I congratulate our MIKA On the VICTORY! He has proved to everything, that is the best! Though, for loving proofs are not necessary...Dearest , one's own children always are and will be the best... I congratulate MIKA's MUM on a victory of Her son and over a holiday Day of Mother. In Lebanon TODAY MARK DAY of MOTHER! Heart of Mother cannot be deceived, She always knew, that Her boy- especial! She cherished and cultivated His abilities... With holiday, Dear Mum, thanks You, that has grown up the Finest Flower!
  12. On March, 20th Day of the Spring Equinox! The present spring has come! The nature revives... As young the sprouts get stronger and take forces in spring heat, let also and darling MIKA gains strength at the Nature. Let dear MIKA becomes stronger and becomes more hardy from push of fate also as gentle seedling the Lebanese cedar more strong and is more hardy from a wind.( let all strokes will get to me)... The sun melt down an ice and heats up stones, and birds welcome spring the sonorous singing. And will wake up everyone ignorant the fine music of MIKA , our Lovely Nightingale will melt down an ice in their hearts... And us loving Him, becomes more,with every day, with each minute!
  13. And musicians, singers... Can forbid someone from them entrance to the country?
  14. It is awful! I today have learned, that in China have forbidden YouTube! Badly...
  15. Правильно заметила!))) У нас здесь флуд). Если мы здесь будем писать более зерьёзное о Мике, то ,что тогда писать в нашем Форуме?
  16. Привет! Это список официальных представителей MFC из разных стран . Они помогают своим новеньким освоиться ,к примеру.Ещё что-то, я не вникала. У нас никто не захотел. Надо английский хорошо знать...
  17. вот!! я тоже.И там он говорит"Миса" я сначала подумала, что он говорит, что его училка называла "Миша". А потом понятно стало,что он обьяснял, почему поменял букву в имени... Я не заметила в начале никакого видео... проверю сейчас
  18. babuccia! Тоже привет! какая же я некультурная
  19. Привет,Катя! у меня дурная привычка не здороваться и не всегда вступать в разговор. Я люблю быть сторонным наблюдателем. В ЛОНДОН! В ЛОНДОН! И ещё чуть поправлю тебя - не "фанатики" ,а фаны или поклонники. Фанатик -это уже диагноз,который больше подходит ко всякого рода экстремистам,террористам. А мы-то мирные... А для меня МИКА-невинный ... в том смысле,как ты его назвала "разборчивый".Я думаю, он очень разборчивый . И думаю, что он таким всегда был,не только,когда стал известным . К нему не прилипает грязь.
  20. мне совершенно не нравится. я вообще не понимаю,откуда вы здесь берётесь.Когда я захожу,тут никого нет. НЕ ЗАБЫВАЙТЕ ГОЛОСОВАТЬ ЗА НАШЕГО МАЛЬЧИКА НЕВИННОГО)).ССЫЛЬ НА ФОРУМЕ
  21. меня сегодня мальчик маленький, лет 13-15 в радиочат местный заманил. ( мальчик у меня в асе,но не понимаю, чей он друг))). Я,конечно .сразу про Мику писать стала,говорю,хочу в массы нести весть о Мике)). пермь, дремучая. ди джей сказал, что на дискотеках ставят только Релакс( попробовали бы под Мою Интерпритацию поколбасится. Соображать надо, что не бумагомаратель дискотечный у нас Микуся. А красивые песни пишет... Поставили для меня Gk ремикс . И на том спасибо). НОООО- тайгаааааааа...
  22. Today the first day Orthodox "Great Fasting ". I decided to devote the Great Fasting to MIKA. So as all Heavenly Forces protected our dear MIKA and cared of He with the double tenderness and love! And me, it will be easier to endure restrictions connected by ideas on darling MIKA...
  23. Ridiculously. I have not so understood, what soundtrack. Or at us other name).
  24. A plenty of links which you here have put too demand time. I was tortured to open them, but at me very huge desire to see all pictures).
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