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Everything posted by Lena

  1. Do not indulge, the playful small bear cub! The Bear - tsar of woods also should watch, that animals in its empire concerned to each other politely. And in "Shadow play" suggest them to play Russian national fairy tale " Masha and the Bear ". I congratulate you, dear lovely MIKA on a name-day! Be healthy, as Tsar of woods and do that itself you consider it necessary to do. What you did - I always shall be on your party!
  2. The amusing mistake has happened))). A name-day three days on end!!! 13-th 14-th and 15 on-th of October!!!!
  3. At Darling MIKA again a name-day! Two days on end!!! And where look sacred??? Such quantity of heavenly patrons at our gold boy! I congratulate the lovely bear cub! Even the sky on your party ! Let the star of Success will uplift you on top of a musical Olympus! Thanks you, darling MIKA for a new song! It is gentle so, that presses heart. So it is full of love! We love you more...
  4. I at all do not know language. And in that day I only started to seize subtleties of translation. Believe, I pore over each congratulation more than hour. I select synonyms to transfer riches of Russian and to not deform sense.
  5. It " Day of the Russian Cinema ". I did not mean " the International Holiday of Cinema ".
  6. And today " the World Day of Mental health "! What to add in this occasion? I think, that admirers of darling MIKA the most counterbalanced and benevolent people. And creativity dear MIKA does not do of us madwomen. Unless slightly... Madwomen from love to it... In fact it is not dangerous, but I want, that it became infectious. Then we shall infect all world with mad love to Fine MIKA !!!!
  7. The sense has changed?? I wished to tell: " I do it for the sake of dear MIKA " (Was zealous for the sake of dear MIKA)
  8. greta,тhanks! I do not know language, but very much I try for dear MIKA!
  9. On October, 7th in Germany " the Holiday of the Crop "! This day people are pleased to a crop and thank the god for gifts of the nature. I thank darling MIKA for its gift - I thank for all songs which it has composed and still will compose. I thank for all a cover of the-version which lovely MIKA executes. It has given them the second life! (it is a shame to admit, but I do not wish to hear the original. Because singing favourite MIKA to me more pleasantly and more interestingly.) Dear MIKA! Reap a crop from our smiles, the devoted hearts and enthusiastic eyes! Reap fruits - our Disinterested Love and Adoration !!!
  10. Satu! At us so it is a lot of name-day MIKA!!! That I already hesitate of it to congratulate)))) Anybody in fact will not believe! At darling MIKA many heavenly patrons))))
  11. HI! I so am keen, that I do not notice, whether pay attention to my theme)) But each time I am pleased to someone's words
  12. Today a holiday " the World Day of the Teacher "! I wish to congratulate darling MIKA on this holiday. Because it had a fine teacher who has opened musical talent dear MIKA! And I am proud, that the teacher of music is my compatriot.)) I congratulate favourite MIKA and I wish it that its fine songs knew and loved children of our children !
  13. On October, 1st a holiday " the World Day of Music "! It turns out, that it is professional holiday MIKA!!! I congratulate our musician!!! I wish many new melodious songs! I wish, that they have been favourite. That dear MIKA has been favourite by all. Let its Muse always is on the first call !
  14. Today the Russian holiday " Day of the Internet in Russia "! I congratulate Russians on this holiday! Owing to the Internet we can learn all news about Darling MIKA. And as to see and download its concert records with YouTube! To find new friends - fan MIKA! And still the International holiday " Day of the translator " ! I congratulate all on this holiday! My translator - the program helps me to communicate with friends, helps to write comments to darling MIKA.By means of the Internet and translators, we - its admirers from all countries easily find each other and common language. Also we realize, that very much - it is a lot us! Those who loves fine MIKA!
  15. Favourite - Grace Kelly! Owing to this clip I have learned about MIKA! But all others too very much like!
  16. On September, 27th a holiday " the World Day of Tourism " I congratulate darling MIKA and I hope, that it will put on the a backpack and gym shoes; will sit down in the trailer and will go in tour across Russia. I wish dear MIKA and to its admirers that it has visited all the countries where it love and wait!!! And that it did not get tired of tours. And gained strength from our love and it was inspired for new fine songs!!
  17. Today we mark the International holiday " the World Day of the Sea "! (probably, on September, 27th):-) And as we know, our darling MIKA does not love depth of the seas and their inhabitants. But I all the same congratulate the Darling dear MIKA on this holiday! And I assure Favourite MIKA, that our love to it same deep and and immense as deep and boundless all the seas and oceans ! And let admirers of your talent will be more, than fishes in all waters! I shall repeat thousand times - lovely MIKA ! You bathe in our love!
  18. Unfortunately, alas... In knowledge of language I the uttermost layman! But I so would like to be involved in this action!!! In ours the Fan club there are the girls well knowing language. I shall talk to them today , urgently! I consider, that in case of with Russia, the person necessarily should live in Moscow.Or to have an opportunity without complexities, at any time to arrive to Moscow or S. - Petersburg. And other condition. (I so think). This person should consist in Russian the Fan Club that communication and dialogue were more accessible.(And so will be less possible, that it becomes haughty).
  19. YES!!! Thanks For addition of a holiday! Can, in the future not only I one shall congratulate the DARLING, INCOMPARABLE MIKA!!
  20. I do not show some holidays.Because it can turn out ridiculously .For example " the Holiday of asphalt spreaders " (it is a joke!) I too want, that dear MIKA was always happy! It adds to me pleasures.
  21. I wish to congratulate DARLING MIKA on this holiday! And in such day I wish, that nothing has saddened your life!I wish the Peace life on your Native land! That all bad has disappeared for ever!That people could live easy and without fear to look at the pure blue sky and to be pleased a peace life! The world and love, disinterested friends and great variety of grateful listeners, Dear MIKA!!
  22. I see, from Russia still nobody applied? If to me will explain more in detail duties I think, that I shall manage to help. (also I think, I shall not be very loaded. With ours sluggish compatriots)))))))))))))
  23. Today the Buddhist Holiday " Day of the Buddha of Medicine " The Buddha of Medicine name also the Buddha of Healing. In Tibet existed поверья, that it is enough only a touch with belief to an image of the Buddha of Medicine that there has come healing. And we stretch hands to our favourite, to darling MIKA! In hope to touch!! But we not only are cured of bad mood and every day vanity, But still we take kind cheerful energy ,also we give Darling MIKA all love!! I congratulate you, darling MIKA - the Doctor of my soul !!!
  24. I congratulate you on a holiday! I heard, that зто very grandiose procession - a masquerade. Everyone dance and have fun!! :thumb_yello:
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