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Posts posted by Lena

  1. Because he was wonderful, that's why! It was great publicity, and Mika is not just a singer/songwriter, he's wonderful at speaking too. It's great that his PR people booked him for this, since he wasn't involved with the opening ceremony itself.

    Besides, if he wants to do a talk show, he can, it's his decision.

    Lena, I think you have this, too idealised version of Mika in your head, that has no comparison with the real flesh-and-blood man.

    You want him to be this God-like creature, who never falls in love with anyone, stays on his own until he sees you somewhere and falls in love with you.

    It's not going to happen, so please get a life. Make friends and get out and meet a man of your own who can give you the love that Mika can't ever give you.


    Yes. My Mika is ideal. And I want Him be ideal. But I have long ceased to dream that He will love me. If I find other man, then I will spit with high mountains on Mika. Because I can't love two at once. And I don't want. And I will never accept the fact that I see. I said that no one will break me. Even He . If He break me I would die. Let. I'm holding for now. I hate other men, except Him. Why can't accept me for who I am? I will not adapt are not under anyone. Is it not what Mika does ? I love Him blindly, but I not able to follow Him blindly . What's wrong with that, I knocked out of the total mass of fans. What's wrong, I love Him the way I love? I am not a bad person just because I'm who I am.

  2. Что же, я не буду притворяться и говорить, что я очень счастлива, я не счастлива! Я не из тех, кто откроет бутылку с шампанским и будет кричать ура и наконец-то... Я не хочу знать ничего :sneaky2: Я не скажу, что я раздавлена или что-то ещё, это не так. Я опять сделаю вид или постараюсь сделать вид, что ничего не произошло, в надежде, что больше он болтать не будет. Я всегда буду защищать его и все, что он делает от всего мира, я верю в него и понимаю, что моя ревность или мои чувства - это мое дело. Я абсолютно толерантна и ожидала чего-то такого, но всегда надеялась, что он не скажет и будет продолжать скрываться. Да, конечно, мне было немного легче, если бы это была женщина, хотя я не уверена, если честно...


    Поэтому можно попросить, давайте о музыке, а? Как вам tool в записанной версии? Я вот послушала три раза и пока мне живая версия нравится больше - она как-то поживее что ли :fisch: Я например he больше люблю в живом исполнении, поэтому меня не напрягает, что tool мне пока не так сильно нравится... что скажите? :wink2:


    значит ты тоже пряталась и переваривала?

  3. Thanks a lot for posting.




    I need the translation... :shocked:

    Sorry . I have not adjusted my translation. It's too long for me. It's a Google.


    Girl- Relax and look at things easier. Can you follow this advice?

    Mika- I don't. it does not work. I started performing at eleven. I am soon 29. But I was very nervous before every performance. I'm afraid of bad performances. After all, people are judged on the last show. I am currently self-critic and I am the chief critic of myself. Now, after the performance, I can relax, but not for long. But again I start to worry after a couple of hours, preparing for another show.


    G- What can you deduce from itself in everyday life? Anger ...

    M- I hate intolerance and violence. I can not stand when people start to judge me. I do not judge anyone and I hate when people judge or condemn me. And I hate politicians. Who stands behind all politics. And it drives me crazy.

    Add new. *(...*Next about the Russian teacher. Who. Location. He said that he was incredibly lucky to meet her on the way ...)

    -G. Mika, I know that Russian opera singer taught you to sing. What is her name and what she was?

    -M. Her name was Alla and she is from Moscow. Her husband is a famous pianist Sasha Ardakov. Initially, he began to teach me to play the piano. But I was so incapable of a student in 10 years,what he handed me to his wife, Alla. She noticed I have a wonderful vocal abilities. I think I was incredibly lucky in my life the way I met this strict but insanely talented a teacher who loving her profession. Within six months of training with her I was invited to perform in London's Royal Opera House in Covent Garden . *All of this happened thanks to the incredible discipline and rigidity.



    Then clean naive questions about the song Big Girl.

    G-You half-oriental man. Do you like fat women?.

    M- My mom is a plump woman .. My aunt is a plump woman. In my family a lot of fat women. I wrote this song for them. (He says he saw a documentary about the club in Los Angeles. As a man and go there that he decided to write a song about how beautiful plump.)


    G- Do you like skinny or plump?

    M-Hmm How do say? .. It all depends on a person. I can meet a wonderful girl with a beautiful fairy-tale figure, and three days later understand that she is a real monster. And vice-versa. My ideal woman - Dita Von Teese. It is not only my best friend, but it also a woman who lives in harmony itself.


    G- I read somewhere that you become acquainted with the girls on the internet. How? Successfully?

    M- No, I never got acquainted with anyone on the Internet.


    G- But you just invite your fans to the pub via twitter. You even spent $ 25,000 on drinks.

    M- Yes, that was before the release of my second album. I was sitting in a pub with a friend and drank beer. And I thought, why not invite my fans to the pub tomorrow? I love surprises. At first my friend thought it would turn into a disaster. It's about 800 people. It was a memorable night of my life. Serene quiet evening. Not a single fight or scandal. No one did not bother me. It was great that I was able to give a smile to so many people.


    G- You have millionth fanclub in Moscow. You do not want to invite the Russian fans in a cafe?

    M- I want to. I have great fans in Moscow. But why? In the hotel lobby?


    G- I can suggest a couple of places.

    M-Come on. After all, the hotel will not miss a million people ...


    G-Thank you. Have plenty of smiles and successful concerts.

    M-Thank you. I'm the first in Russia to such an unusual concert in the open air. Then the amazing scenery and great people. I really like it.


    G-So, come back often.

    M-God willing, I will come.

  4. То есть мы поделились - веселый мой, мрачный твой? :wink2: Фотка в телефоне, я ее даже не выгружала.


    Так мрачным я его сделала. Значит мой. Выгрузишь- поделись!!!! Я Женину картинку Мрачного Мики себе на рабочий стол поставила. Насмотреться не могу.

  5. А у меня тогда есть целых две картинки, и обе четкие :mf_rosetinted: Одна - сцена до начала концерта, вторая - мрачный Мика за решеткой :doh:


    Мрачный Мика-это мой! Я знаю! Дай ссылку!! пожалуйста...

  6. Короче, спасибо всем участвовавшим :aah:


    Снимали все, кроме меня. А я так, просто там тусила. Нашла способ выделиться :teehee:

    Единственный лично мной сделанный снимок-это мутная картинка на телефоне, когда он сидел на нам спиной во время интервью). Зато я сняла видео с середины концерта. Заставила себя. Почти без звука))

  7. Елена, значит у нас двоих эксклюзив.


    Но моем такая же есть фотография. Евгения поймала момент, снимая моей "мыльницей".


    Я сама удивилась, когда увидела это у себя в камере) Два снимка с вашим моментом). Я давала фотоаппарат девочке- фердинандовке, когда думала, что у нас выйдет общее фото. Смешно. Надо было, чтобы она щелкала и щелкала, если ей нравилось. А я сказала, чтобы не снимала. Как будто старая память включилась, когда берегли пленку). Было бы больше снимков. Жаль. Я сама в ступор впадаю и не могу снимать.

  8. Все-таки выложили мое фото с "росписью на животе" . :sneaky2:


    Это мой билет он подписывает. Ужасно неловкая сцена..... Я поэтому нигде не стала выкладывать это фото, потому что сама в тот момент ступила - надо было ему хоть руку подставить, что ли.....А я стояла, как дура, и любовалась неловким зрелищем.....


    Эх, ладно, чего уж теперь....Shame on me:blush-anim-cl:


    Юля, это с моего фотоаппарата. Билет твой. Фотография моя :fisch:

  9. Запись с Пикника с сайта так и пропала или где-то кто-то сумел ее закачать? Я видела только один раз с мелкого ноутбука в Москве...(

  10. Спасибо, Наташа! Восполнила мои пробелы. Я даже не видела, как он расписывался на животе. Только на фотографиях увидела. Не отрывала глаз от его лица. Даже не могла вспомнить, какая на нем одежда. Не вижу полосок в памяти. Они только на берегу мне виделись, когда он далеко сидел. Ни рук, ни пальцев не видела. Хотя куда-то ведь я совала свои пакетики?..



    Thanks a lot for posting. :flowers2:

    :bow: I can't listen Mika's voice clearly .... Would somebody translate it, please ???

    A PART of ONLY Mika ( my edition )


    I translated how I was able, Eriko...


    They said that part of the festival was probably the strongest in the history of the festival. Mika rocked this green meadow like nobody else. (He did rocked this festival. I mean, everything began to move, came to life and danced with Him. That is, He shaken the people in the meadow). Mika not only performed his hits, but managed to communicate with the audience in broken Russian. Mika said it was his first festival in Russia. He was nervous before going on stage. He knew that He needed to make contact with the audience. He went out and they all started dancing immediately. It was unbelievable .... During the interview, Mika admitted that He did not know no any Russian singers. They gave Him to listen to someone (I have not heard who it was). He said that it's cool and why He does not know who this is? He said it was a very merry music. It looks like something of London music band.
  12. Классный репортаж, спасибо! И фотки классные! Люблю, когда с картинками :blush-anim-cl:


    Хотя, если остатки памяти мне не изменяют, я сказала все-таки "with heart". "By heart" - это же "наизусть", не? Впрочем, я все равно не знаю, как правильно. Я же по-английски не говорю :mf_rosetinted:

    Хорошо, что ты с нами была) А со Светой Юля)) Англопонимающие девочки так равномерно "распределились" при этих двух Мика-встречах) Что бы мы делали без вас..? Особенно мы со Светой. Две немые:fisch:

    Это, типа, мы...:teehee:


    Это когда нас сняли?? Я боялась, что приеду домой, а в инете будут кишеть наши фотографии. Что-то фотографы подходили и тыкали свои камеры нам прямо в лица. Слава Богу, нет ничего...

  13. Lena, thank you for you report - it's amazing :wub2: And I've just remembered that we met two Franz Ferdinand's fans by the fence and ask them about Mika's performance and they said that they really liked his gig :aah: And they took his autographs as well!


    Oh, and I was a bit embarrassed while I was sticking my photo camera into his face :blink:


    All the girls made very good reports). At me it were just statement of the fact.

  14. Thanks, but I don't understand a word of it! :aah::thumb_yello:


    They said that part of the festival was probably the strongest in the history of the festival. Mika rocked this green meadow like nobody else. (He did rocked this festival. I mean, everything began to move, came to life and danced with Him. That is, He shaken the people in the meadow). Mika not only performed his hits, but managed to communicate with the audience in broken Russian. Mika said it was his first festival in Russia. He was nervous before going on stage. He knew that He needed to make contact with the audience. He went out and they all started dancing immediately. It was unbelievable .... During the interview, Mika admitted that He did not know no any Russian singers. They gave Him to listen to someone (I have not heard who it was). He said that it's cool and why He does not know who this is? He said it was a very merry music. It looks like something of London music band.

  15. I did not ask for His autograph, not did pictures of Him when He came up to us. I told Him about me blocking and tried to read the truth in His eyes. I think He was expecting the standard "hello" and a desire to get His autograph. I felt enough for my soul calming that Mika Himself did not press button "blocking". He said that this can do one of His assistants. He was serious. But it was hard to realize whether He knew exactly what was going on, or just does not question the correctness of actions His assistants. If they are "always right", then there were other blocking girls before me ... He was about to leave and I remembered of my gifts. He relaxed and started smiling.



















    It turned out that Mousetrap ♥ photographed him when we talked. He was the same as in the first meeting in 2010. He closely watched and listened, he understood my sloppy / silly explanation and responded, "I understand... I understood... ". He was smiling. Suave. Attentive. And very beautiful.

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