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Posts posted by Lena

  1. I was horrified at sound quality of musicians who sang before Mika. Me Mousetrap and Natulevich stood in the front line, but the right of the scene. I brought a blanket out of my home and "protected areas" in the hope that we will see any of our girls and will sit and wait for Mka together... We imagined that we see Mika behind the scenes . But then we came to the conclusion that it was not Him. When it came time of Mika, I was sure that now His team will come and Mika's sound will be excellent. And so it happened. He was fresh, with gentle white face , shining, as if He had just returned from vacation. We were almost at edge of the scene. He sang for the center and for the "left" - to those that were on the hill. For me it was very far away. "Orchestra pit" was too broad. It seemed to me that I look a record, not a live performance. It's hard for me physically and morally to see Him from so big distance. But I was glad when looked back and saw the sea of ​​people. This is very good for Him. I hope that those who came to listen to other artists, fall in love with Mika more. He gave all His strength, to show His great professionalism. It was great quality of 100%. I'm not worried about quality of His performing to my ears. Because I know without this , what and who is Mika. But I wanted others also saw and understood how high level of professionalism Mika has . I have not seen any bad reviews about Mika's performing. Only the good. I hope that at His next visit to Russia, they will flee to His concert.


    My four videos.


    Sound is bad. I covered my camera her hands from the sun, and I accidentally closed the microphone with your finger. And the camera was weak for zoom, as it turned out.


    All this time I was tormented by the thought of my blocking. I thought, how to find Him and to ask? I realized that we need to come up with the festival and walk along the fence. And look for. We went out and found it. Long long long time looking, as He gives interviews ...

    The big files. It's preview:







  2. Я полчаса, как в поезде). Хитрые вы, отписались здесь, а в теме концерта вас ждут, ждут). Только Юля выполнила мфк-задачу с репортажем). А я ,вообще, в танке. Даже фотографий не видела еще

  3. No, the lyrics are just really awkward. "You never change nothing" sounds really ignorant and uneducated. It's not poetic either, just horribly awkward.


    "Makes me love you more lover" is also awkward because it's repetitive.


    "I adore you, nothing more to say" ...umm so what is the point of all these lyrics if there's nothing more to say than "I adore you"? :doh:


    I could go on, but hopefully you get the idea. :naughty:





    I understood). He wrote it a little better than I express my thoughts in English. I'm juggle with words, as I want :teehee:

  4. Call me ignorant but I can't see a difference between One Direction and Boyzone, except that the first consists of way better looking lads than the last. :dunno:

    I don't think Mika's reluctance to give the go-ahead on that song was about Boyzone, the band, but more about the song itself. Perhaps he had some concerns for whatever reason. :rolls_eyes:



    I agree. He wanted the song gained a life. But it would be better if He itself sang it. It is a pity, then GIAA's life would be brighter. I would love Mika sing it now. This song don't returned their to popularity." Gave It All Away" is killed. No one hears...

  5. When did he have that random paparazzi photoshoot with Katy Perry? When SHE needed it - with her first ever single released. Similarly, Gaga was not at the peak of her fame and neither was Adele when they were hanging out together.


    Hmm And I forgot about Adele... Well, not all were paparazzi. Well. Perhaps it was an randomness. But when their names were fresh and at the hearing even at us, then Mika appeared also. When this happened, I felt not out of place and uncomfortable.

    I have not invented it just now. These ideas began to appear from 2008, since Perry. I understand that this is mutual aid. But it is not a coincidence. Or is it my vision.

  6. Poor Weather song again :fisch:

    I think, after the year of anathema, it will hardly appear in the new album :aah: Mika will have less time to choose 12 songs from 16. Or, maybe he will choose it just for the sake of trolling :naughty:


    Don't slag off One Direction until you hear it people. It's better than much of what is on the charts like Katy Perry et al IMO. And it's certainly better than Blame It On The Weather. :mf_rosetinted:

    I don't understand what's bad with " Blame It On The Weather" ? It aroused in me jealousy only. No other bad emotions


    Do you seriously believe he'd do such cheap publicity for himself? I don't. If he was of that kind, he would have done it a long time ago. He has seen a lot of his friends rise to fame and he hardly says a word about them and especially not use them this way.

    I think it is in Mika's personality that if he can't say much positive about Bieber's music he says that he is a nice chap. Similarly, he has no particular opinion on a manufactured band, so he says he'd like to participate in the mechanism of creating this chewing gum pop act as a songwriter.

    Simple thoughts for simple journalists / tabloids. He is not going to say the same thing when interviewed by Q magazine. for example.

    He does not talk about them. He just meeting with them at a particular peak of their fame at "random" paparazzi. At one time Perry, Gaga, Dita. Although Dita bit not fits into this concept. Is it expensive? Well, it's good for Him. And yes, He chosen the way of Gaga.

  7. Dont attatch too much importance to what Mika says, Lena... he just did a random comment about a really random subject.


    Not sure about him writing for boybands... He did a song for Boyzone, also Eros and now Madonna. Anyway, I can´t see any of Mika´s song fitting in a boyband... (though he looked great sitting among those Boyzone :teehee:)


    But I attach great importance of His words and every motion of His hands and eyes. All right. And yet . That, because of what I was not itself . The absence of quotation marks in the title of the article is a deliberate move to a double meaning? I hope it was not a special arrangement with Mika. But I do not understand this girl. It was in the yellow style.

    I love the song for Ramazzotti and the song Boyzone begged.

  8. They are very young good looking boys so you can imagine their fans are mostly young girls. :naughty: My boss's son is 9 years old and he likes One Direction and Bieber too because he idolizes them.


    I only know a couple of their songs but I think one in particular is a really good pop song. I am guessing they did not write it though. :naughty:




    At the same time. While I was translating into English, you wrote)

  9. First of all, my reaction:






    And now I´m done.







    What a good idea :mf_rosetinted:




    Ask Wonka. Wonkita, (her daughter) uses to spam my facebook with everything about One Direction. I´ve seen them so many times that I almost feel them as my children.....:mf_rosetinted:


    If they are idols of little girls, I like it. Otherwise, I'll go with a poster "Mika is for everyone!" :sneaky2:

  10. Про трактор я бы читать не стала :naughty:


    Девочки, где Мика лежит на площади, не могу найти? :aah:


    но заголовки бы газет увидела)) )


    сама картинка нужна?




  11. Нет, конечно же, эти фото я видела и маму саму два года назад. Я имела в виду, что в этот приезд её рядом с Микой нигде на фото не было.

    Да, о приезжих артистах у нас всегда пишут. Но о Мике особо много и в превосходной степени, далеко не всем такое внимание . Любим мы его, надеюсь, хоть немного взаимно :teehee:

    В маленькой стране трактор застрянет- все СМИ об этом напишут:aah: А почему-то у меня в мыслях было, что мама была с ним... Не знаю, почему..

    Вот, у вас в превосходной степени, а у нас так... в списке "кто-то еще". Мика лежащий на Дворцовой площади меня добил. Странное фото получилось, креативно, конечно, но как-то неприятно смотрится.


    неприятно было, когда мой знакомый шотландец залез на Родину-Мать у нашего военного кладбища и просил его сфотографировать. Я пыталась объяснить, что у нас так не делают. Пришлось быстро его сфоткать и согнать с постамента. Я это вспомнила, как увидела на снимке стеллу. А про Мику подумала)), что такой взрослый, большой мужик( ну, ладно, парень) лег на асфальт...интересно, что о нем подумали люди? И интересно, что знаменитости могут себе позволить любое поведение и все свалить на эксцентричность. И еще гордиться, что хватает смелости на странные поступки) А если бы это сделала я, или ты, или еще кто, то подумали бы" вот, дура, развалилась")). У меня была мысль, будь я там в тот момент, я бы рискнула упасть рядом) Он бы тоже решил, что я дура?:aah::fisch:

  12. Есть фото? Я, видимо, пропустила. Про Мику писали по многу раз за день во всех новостях... Да, "первый" концерт - два года назад. Правильно поняла :doh:


    Дааа, у нас такое не проходит. Не помню, чтобы так заметно трезвонили о приезде хоть кого-то. Страна большая, новостей навалом...

    А это все не то? :mf_rosetinted: я сама не снимала, т.к. на своем опыте знаю, что при этом теряешь больше, чем приобретаешь) но было предостаточно подростков, снимающих на айфоны :wink2:

    а я хотела ваше). Но тех, кто снимает все выступление , я жалею. Они же ничего не видят. У них все сразу в "ящик воспоминаний" уходит. Я сначала хотела снимать. И пыталась. Но быстро поняла, что время уходит на возню с камерой, а не на Мику. И почти не смотрела на то, что записывается. Просто автоматом руки за Микой поворачивала) И хватило меня на полторы песни).

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