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Posts posted by Lena

  1. ok, I had a nightmare in the early morning, so I woke up, was bored and translated a short interview:teehee: it got lost... in the evening found it from computer's dustbin xD hope it's now in the right place:aah: I think people who don't live in Estonia don't know what kama is ;D


    original interview : http://www.elu24.ee/888444/mika-oleks-valmis-proovima-eesti-rahvusjooki-kama/

    Mika is ready to try Estonian national drink kama.

    “What is kama? Sour milk with ground legumes and grains?” Mika asks for confilmation.

    “It can be compared with muesli drink, but there is sour milk instead of yoghurt and whole-grain flour instead of muesli,” I explained.


    Mika thought for a moment and then said with very interested voice: “Absolutely, I'm ready to try. It would taste good, no doubt. The weirdest the thing is, the more I'd like to try it. By the way – sour milk is also healthy,” he said smartly.


    Singer added that he wouldn't go that extreme and eat bull eggs. “This is the line for me,” he stated and added that junk food is not one of his favourites.


    Mika hadn't heard about Estonian national foods until now, but promised to do his “homework” before the concert at Õllesummer.


    Mika will be drink Kama?:teehee: It is a river, on which is my town:fisch:


    * Thank you girls for sharing these interviews!:huglove: He liked Russian grandmothers ... Thank you, Mika! I really appreciate when He speaks about something Russian. Rarely@valuable.

  2. I almost never remember my dreams :sneaky2:. I guess it's time to give it a new try :aah:. I miss the times when I used to have dreams every night and wake up feeling happy in the morning. I did try one of the techniques a few months ago but then I found out that this particular one leads to sleep paralysis so now I just try to remember my dreams:D


    Ha! I've had sleep paralysis with 18 years for three- four years. Not the most pleasant experience. But it is very interesting. I was afraid to sleep without a light. But that ended when I learned to deal with it.

  3. Haha' date=' thats cool! That's never happened to me, ever! Sounds so much fun!:aah:[/quote']

    It is! It's cool:wink2:

    I've never understood lucid dreaming . . . like, how do you know that you're not just dreaming that you have that control of the dream? Like, an illusion. I suppose it's something you have to experience to really understand? I'm not sure I'd want to have much control, because I really like the random surrealness of dreams. But it would be nice to decide that Mika will be in my dreams, if I could.

    It's like as if you're fantasizing... fantasizing and then you fallen asleep unnoticeably and your fantasy turned into a dream. But this is not a real dream. Your brain does not rest as during normal sleep. Maybe it's good training for your desirable dream). If I see a dream with Mika, but accidentally wake up, I turn to the other side with a determination to finish a dream on. And it works. The main thing is not to be distracted by the fact that woke you. Don't buck up from a dream.

  4. Neat! It sounds like you could've been about to have a wake induced ld' date=' they are very trippy:aah: It's fun to see the hallucinations just turn into a dream, all of the sudden! :P[/quote']


    I'm sorry, this is not hallucinating). I am well aware that this is a game of my mind). For the sake of entertainment. But a music, yeah ... This is hallucinating from fatigue) I even had time to write a few passages of words yesterday ). But I do not remember any music, of course).

  5. Yes, I can recall feeling so sorry for some teachers who were too kind and too easy-going. How the kids used to play-up and make their lives miserable.

    I agree, that's the other side of the coin, and these days, teachers can even be in physical danger from some of those out-of-control teens.

    Mika could announce her name. And then she would become a very poor woman :fisch:

    Thank you, Mari:huglove:

  6. I've done it before. But it takes a long time. I mean, I must be alone to do lucid dreaming. To avoid being disturbed and there were no extraneous sounds. Or need to move away from external stimuli. I did dreams with Mika before, even at work). As a child I created a dream with my imaginary family. I had a husband and five children))). I was could manage my imaginary family and I knew every thing in my imaginary home. But it is interesting that it is not always possible to fully manage such a dream. It happens that people in my dreams can do what they want. I did "scroll through" my dream back if I wanted to change something). This is interesting. This is different from fantasy. Because you are not control and do not notice the outside world. It's like drowsiness.



    If I'm tired or I cannot sleep, I hear music, singing,a lot of musical instruments , choirs ... To write songs in sleep is so easy). But as soon as the light stimulus come from the outside ... everything is falling apart and I can not remember almost anything. So sorry that a music turns out very nice, but there is no way to make a record with our brain).

  7. Too true, I remember my teachers from hell all to well :mf_rosetinted:


    We had a completely opposite case. We have made ​​fun of one teacher. And as far as I know, she still teaches and still suffers from children. She is kind and good woman. Children take vengeance on her for all other unfair teachers.

    Maybe it will be easier to Mika from such thoughts. At that time, he suffered from the cruelty of the teacher, on the other end of the world one teacher suffered from a children's cruelty. And still



    То, что не все видят, куда он идет, не является доказательством, что он сам не видит. Это примерно как гадать, с кем он спит. Он-то точно знает :teehee:


    я имею в виду, что ему наплевать. Он так увлекся быть гагой-2

  9. Ну неужели души не чувствуете?!!! Мелодики его, энергетики?!!! Мне вот его позитив через всю электронику прямиком в сердце попадает) Пианинка она была, и есть, и ещё будет! А мальчик идёт вперёд, мальчик развивается - чего ж ему на одном месте-то топтаться?! Вернуться к тому, что он уже умеет, он всегда сможет.


    Мальчик так идет вперед. Так идет... По-моему , он уже ничего не видит. Он повернулся на 90 градусов от 95%.

  10. и похоже разительный ... судя по celebrate .....

    жаль, что не смогу в этот году услышать новых песен на пикнике... придется ждать альбома....


    С прошедшим Днем Рождения, Настя! :huglove: Желаю тебе всего того, что тебе больше всего нужно в данный момент и на весь год):yay:


    Тормоза мы:teehee:

  11. Значит, его все-таки бесят те, кто требуют дурацкий камин аут.

    Как я понимаю, заглавная песня должна расставить все по местам. Хочу посмотреть, как он решил адаптировать под себя католические догмы.

  12. Лена, получается, что эту картинку надо печатать в размере 1-1, как вижу? И в Кодаке древко для флажка не приделают ведь?

    x в кодаке скажешь, какой размер надо. Они на компе посмотрят , какое качество получится. Не знаю, как у вас... когда я заказывала печать, то я тоже смотрела в монитор и выбирала, что надо

  13. Лен, у нас типография берётся, только если картинка примерно 1024×684 или больше. Меньше не берут, говорят заказывайте у нашего дизайнера, а это уже большие деньги. Так вот я и спрашиваю какого размера эта картинка?


    В обычный кодак зайди. Они же повсюду . Не надо типографии.

    Сейчас попробую сделать. Если долго, то послезавтра

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