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Everything posted by Romis

  1. Don't apologize, that's how the MFCs scripts started (or so I guess) Maybe squirrels were around there along with the money I just had a flashback to the post where Sasje (one of the former mods), told that her mum asked her "Why that Mika song talks about a pizza man?" Now it's impossible to me to listen to Any Other world without hearing: "Cause it's all in the hands, of a PIZZA PIZZA man"
  2. Tu que sabes... Hoy mi mamá estaba escuchando la RAI, y yo estaba en la planta alta y estaban cantando una canción de Tiziano que no se como se llama...es una que en una parte dice "la la la la la la" (Si, es q es raro que una cancion en un verso no tenga letra y diga todo LA LA!!). Te la cantaría pero no sé como hacerte oir Quiero saber como se llama asi la busco videito!: http://www.deejay.it/dj/multimedia/dettaglio/type-V/idMedia-2700/Il-nuovo-video-e-il-paragone-con-Freddy-Mercury es de la entrevista de Radio Deejay de ayer, en la que le hicieron cantar como Al Bano, eso q parecia más Tarzan o la vaca loca
  3. Ohhh I hate the woman!! Her voice is even louder than Mika's...and very annoying to me There's no way to ignore it
  4. Ya mandaron mails para que la suban a internet, pero sin la traduccion en italiano... Al fin develamos el misterio...de acá venía! me llamaba la atencion que Mika dijera que conocia la musica de Paolo Conte, jajaja
  5. Pauli! volviste!! Siempre serás bienvenida aqui, si tambien eres parte de la Logia, jiji te entiendo, yo tmb empezaré con el trabajo quizas y no se si me va a quedar tiempo para hacer otras cosas o seguir de cerca a Mika. Pero mi tía me dice que será muy positiva la experiencia Jaja. a todas nos vuelve locas, pero no con su pollera amarilla, sino con su single dorado dejo link de la entrevista de hoy! Dicen q es medio molesto q el traductor hablaba arriba de él, hasta las italianas se marearon pero algo es algo http://rapidshare.com/files/25995515...july_2009_.mp3
  6. thank you Renaud!! I had to go before and I missed it...
  7. Sh*t!!! I have to go Record it please, if you listen to Mika with K yeah Nezza, I know But I had forgotten
  8. Ohhhh!....Now I understand why our curly prince says "Mica male" all the time!! (didn't remember what it means) But....is the interview going to be aired? 'Cause the pic in the page said: "Sabato 25"
  9. ...but I heard they said "Mika"!! and I became worried
  10. did they say Mika is late or he's not coming unfortunately??
  11. I can't listen to it! Only sattelite radio it worked....THANKS IONAA!! I love you (but just a little bit eventful...it cuts and returns )
  12. Mika en la radioo!! Ahora en unos mnutoss!! http://www.radio.rai.it/player/player.cfm?Q_CANALE=2 Igual un chico italiano la va a grabar, si la sube, se las paso
  13. yes, it was the interview that he confessed he wrote Ci Parliamo Da Grandi, and the interviewer thought he was joking I remember the day we found out long ago, for sure Mika didn't know we already knew! Haha It was a pleasure Allegra You know, my family is italian so I'm a bit used to listen to spoken italian, besides it has a sort of musical thing, it's comfortable to the ears Besides, I'll always say, italian music radios and music channels will always be my favourites, I spent an entire month in Italia listening to Rete All Music a couple of hours a day Bon Jovi was the 1st thing I thought and posted on MFC, but then I found Belinda Carslile and I think that last one is more alike Mille grazie!!....Millioni grazie! Here it's almost 1 PM, I think I can listen to it but I won't be able to record
  14. Is it me the only one who thinks in a intense-staring sort of Ace ventura when seeing the pic??
  15. See, the girl is about my height I guess! I have a friend here who is 4' 9" (145 cm) and she's wondering, if she stood in front of Mika, what would she have as her main view??? Maybe she's more priviledged than us (Ohh Noo!! right back to the Wonka corner again )
  16. it's the only one that I've not heard yet is it fun? I hope so!
  17. Thank you Nono! You're great! I still think you're one of the best pianists of the MFC and Mika should hire you Maybe Mika is the kind of guy who let people do that. I mean, I know that if I met Mika, I'd hold his hands sweetly for a moment ('cause I usually do so with people when I'm excited ), and probably he wouldn't say anything. At least that's what I imagine, I don't see him like someone avoiding physical contact with people who is nice to him (...so take the opportunity and hug him!! )
  18. pleaaase... post it I ruined my recording, so now I want to listen to a nice version of it
  19. My best friend Mari bought a DVD in the street ( a copy one). But she didn't notice it was dubbed in Catalan It was Vicky/Cristina/Barcelona The only bits I really understood were the ones subtitled (and spanish is my mother tongue!). I felt it was like a mix of italian, french and portuguese, but SO mixed that it made me dizzy. Funniest thing was the "La" article before the names. In spanish we use it for female names only, but catalans seem to use it for everything. Even for naming the male character on the movie, who was called "la Juan Antonio" (!!)
  20. esa expresion me trajo recuerdos...de una epoca donde todos se preguntaban en los threads por el vello corporal de Mika, jajaja. Mucho 'lemmon chiffon' por ese entonces... Lau, te quedo re buena la caja! Yo tengo q pintar algo y lo arruino más si es con tanto detalle Venía a dejarles esto en caso de que no oyeron toda la entrevista de Radio DeeJay... ...más que una cabra o una suerte de vaca loca...No parece Tarzán vocalizando?? Y lo ultimo hasta se asemeja a un eructo madcowmika.mp3 - 0.68MB
  21. I find it quite well! I couldn't hear perfectly though, 'cause the volume was really high and you were singing on the track But at least what I can say is to work in the simple and double consonants. For example, simple "t" is softer than "tt", and sometimes it sounds almost close to a "d". Z, you make it sound stronger, like the english "Z" . Try listening to word in this page: (just an example)-->http://www.wordreference.com/iten/spazio
  22. So happy for you, neighbour of the river!! But he indeed know your country...Remember when he told that he met a family from Uruguay in Europe (wait a minute...that wasn't your family, was it? ), and they were really nice. He said "Uruguay" in a perfect spanish, just like me and you
  23. he said in radio DeeJay, that if there's videos of women dancing with bra, why couldn't he dance in a video in underwear? But for the way he said it, the voice and all, I guess he has no problem or shame in showing. Such a natural thing to him (maybe that's what he meant with "getting comfortable with myself almost naked"), and I'd feel guilty if I wouldn't take it as naturally as he does
  24. Yeah. Fourth day, you can't stand it Not only his mother, I WOULD send him to wash his hair!! I guess it would be pretty noticeable if he doesn't wash it. Thanks God, apparently he washes his body more often than his hair
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