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Everything posted by Romis

  1. I've just noticed that in DeeJay radio, they mentioned Al Bano in the interview... That Al Bano was married with a famous italian-american actress and singer called Romina Power. They used to sing together as well. And because of her, is that my mother called me Romina. What a coincidence A girl lost her heart in the metro, then she goes to the Lost and Found place (never been in the metro, so I dunno how is it exactly called ) and finds out that there is at least 15 hearts apart from hers, and she doesn't know exactly which one is her broken heart. As a detail, Mika added: "There were 4 barrels of lost teeth as well!" (hmmm...maybe dangerous stairs?? ) Hey, I had linen trousers with pretty much the same pattern! But a bit less bright, and I loved them. My mum wore it in the 70s' and then saved them, and in the 90's gave them to me along with a precious velvet emerald-green jacket. Unfortunatelly, I dunno where those clothes are gone Grazie Robi! Li ascolteremo meglio che il mio movimentato audio file
  2. :swoon: So cute! he's the ONLY person I've not lost interest in, and that I've been loving like the first day for two entire years. My 2nd MFC anniversary was on Tuesday. And I totally forgot
  3. Para Vero cuando esté en una compu con parlantes, el blog italiano: Esas caritas que pone!! Jajaja. Según las chicas italianas, el italiano le sale con acento español Tal cualll!!! jajaja
  4. Yes, that's what he said. He has also a spanish accent, you know...he says he speaks spanish from Spain it's funny when he says "Chao" instead of "Ciao" Do you speak spanish?? You should have told me! my italian is really narrow, and according to Dani, it's 'buffo' Thank you Linde!
  5. Ayyy me hiciste acordar al Picture Captions! Que thread mas chistoso, jajaja. Con todo lo de la adecuación a la desnudez de Mika.... Y si, es verdad Tiene algo en el cuellito. Y bueno, mientras va de acá para allá, para mitigar el estrés, la pasa bien tmb Mejor para él (aunque no creo que tenga tiempo para algo más! Chico atareado es, jeje)
  6. Recuerdo a una chica del MFC que dijo que a la salida de los shows, Mika huele como a shampoo ..a pesar de que diga que no se lava el pelo en varios días. Ja! hablando de eso, me voy a bañar. Cuidense! a la noche me fijo si hay mas novedades
  7. En serio!!! No sé si jodía o es verdad, pero lo dijo bien clarito NOO MIREN ESTOO!!! Que ganas de aprender más italiano asi... http://www.mikamusic.it/ecrm/vid/videoplay.php?p=vd1v
  8. capaz que si empezamos nos mandan al Naughty corner Yo tengo calor pero de lo hiperkinética que estoy!! No paro ni 5 minutos, no se como voy a hacer para estudiar tranquila, jajaja Hablando de olores, dijo en una entrevista de las de Alemania (la que le pasé a Amo la traducción) que él coleccionaba frascos con olores Y que no todos eran lindos, tenía uno con aroma del plástico
  9. Avoca escribio esto: "He spoke a lot! About iTunes, ramazotti, this person who slept in his doorstep for 5 days, his plaid jacket, mfc being present but not stalking I asked smt logistic about the bday gift Right when he saw me he told he was glad i could make it to there and where exactly did i live He was so sweet and welcoming and i think he was genuinely happy to see mfc there Concerts in italy coming in december and tv live appearences too" Capaz que te tiene miedo, Vero, pero no tanto como al que le durmió en la puerta de la casa 5 días seguidos...jajaja lean lo que remarqué en rojo...o es muy zalamero o no nos conoce, Muejeje!!!
  10. y viste que divino que fue con las chicas?? Se quedó hablando con ellas un largo rato, se sacó fotos...les preguntó a todas de donde eran, como se llamaban... Si le hacen una entrevista acá, en los 40 principales o algo asi, hay que ir de cabeza chicas. En serio Mejor oportunidad que esa imposible. Para Lau, la 1ra parte del video:
  11. Se escucha medio mal y esta llena de ruido por culpa del p...to microfono de la notebook, pero algo es algo: http://www.zshare.net/audio/63099901179339d6 (cuando lo encuentre uno mejor posteo acá)
  12. it was noisy I hate myself for my bad recording the stupid mic didn't turned off when I tried to turn it off
  13. I'm sending myself here right now, as I promised in the Italian Radio Thread... Ingie and Vixen were joking and I thought something really wrong...bad me! http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showpost.php?p=2412013&postcount=662
  14. Mine was 19 MB...oh Rober, it must be extra extra big quality
  15. SHHHH*TT!! my recording is all noisy Has anyone else recorded R101??? pleaseeeee
  16. Gotta go. Ciao a tutti! Vi prego...If you have recorded the other interviews, please post them either here or in the first page, thanks in advance! http://www.zshare.net/audio/63099901179339d6/ ---> Radio 101 Milano You're all so nice! Congrats to the girls who met Mika, I'm really happy for you guys
  17. No No No...tienen que oir la entrevista de Radio101...casi me ahogo de risa con Mika!! Capo total. Amo su sentido del humor... Bueno, lo amo todo!! ahora mas q nunca, jajaja. Les dijo a las fans q si lo esperaban, se quedaba 15 minutos con ellas antes de seguir viaje. Debe haber llegado tardisimo!! Jajaja Mika: **haciendo voz de susurro de ultratumba** "I'm gonna get YOUUUU....We are gawwldenn...RAWWR!!" fotos de hoy tempranito en Radio DeeJay: http://www.deejay.it/dj/multimedia/dettaglio/type-F/idMedia-1251/Mika?skipPhoto=2&skipComment=1
  18. Gosh, I thought something really wrong after Vixen's post. I should spent my future time in the naughty corner Can't listen to RMC I mean, I listen to the radio but Mika's not there OK, R101 link: mmm.mp3 - 18.76MB
  19. he's whispering! HAHAHAHAHAHA ...like a horror film I'm recording R101...record the other one please!!
  20. Un jacket anni ottanta da paura!! Bought in Japan, he's a bit shorter than 2 m...."3m long!" said Mika
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