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I've been 'Mikafied'!

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Everything posted by I've been 'Mikafied'!

  1. "well, london, we're coming home!" said mika and me. "except i live like...over 200 miles away!" i said. "i wonder what lg is doing now?" said glow, looking out of the window at the world below them. "i dunno, proberly phoning up a stupid monkey for a pink pony, and then they'll be freinds and god knows what'll happen after they're friends...2laughed phunky. "what? you left Lollipop girl all on her own at the port?" said a voice behind our seats... "BILLY BROWN?!" we shreiked....
  2. how will i-oh, i see. we wright the song on here and i'll copy/print it out then when i seee him, give it too him. yeah thats fine.
  3. i hate Justin, his songs are like, lame. dont mean anything. when mikas songs do. but i do think that justin will get it:thumbdown: ...come on mika! you will do well!
  4. IM SEEING MIKA IN DEECEMBER!!!!! good idea!
  5. i replyed to this, but you didnt add me. pleeeaaassse add me!
  6. i loooovvvvveee his cute little laugh! ive got it as my messege ringtone on my phone:naughty:
  7. is that german or dutch, cuz i can translate it?
  8. everything about mika is soooooooo cute:wub2: but mostly his smile, laugh and nose scrunching:wub2:
  9. ive checked to see if this has been posted before, but couldnt find anything on it. i was looking through TVhits mag for anything on mika as usual, and i found this article about Nickelodeon Kids Choice Awards too see what that was allabout. then oi saw an article saying BEST MALE SINGER and read on too see if mika was there....and he was! at the top of the list! Mika, Drake Bell, Justin Timberlake, Danny jones (McFly). I hope that he wins the section in october! and you can go on this website to vote for him. then go on this thing down the bottom saying vote now. have to vote in ALL catogories, unfortunatley. http://kca.nick.co.uk/#/vote/ it is quite confusing, but the male singer block is the 2nd to the bottom on the 2nd closest to the left and shows pics of all the nominees. i hope all that makes sense!
  10. lol! i think thats the quote on the leaflet. the seal mika likes to entertain visitors with her impressions of shark! unless im wrong aggain...
  11. lol! i could see that happening! putting an ice cream up to my ear...i remember doing that yesterday!
  12. the worse thing is: I'm in the seating area at the very back to the very....uh....left. (Sorry, stupid learining disability) im underage to stand, plus im going with myy dad who wants to sit (cant blame him, hes over 60) and that gonna be a bit embarrassing.
  13. bye! i cant wait too see him in december...oh, but 4 or so months away...it seems forever! has anyone been to a mika concert? if so, whats it like? i really wanna know! and whats mika like?
  14. same with me, no if i look at a pic of him smiling/nosescrunching, he makes me HYPNOTIZED!!!
  15. i'm a rejgect...im an oddy, wear different definatley not fashionable clothes, everybody calls me 'lamorna maverick the oddly oddy restart' or something, etc.,etc. plz ad me!
  16. my obesssion with mika started...in...may or june. but i first heard love today in may and didnt know that it was mika that sang it until july! i heard it a couple of times when i was on holiday in june but couldnt understansd language. joined here at the end of july.
  17. i know...my friends have been like, saying really sick things about me fancieng mika since i accidently told them...
  18. yeah i know what a hyena is. ive got memory loss...
  19. oh, hyena. sorry. ive got that ringtone. my friends think his laugh is absolutley annoying, but i think it iss absoluteley cuuuutttte! 9i told one of friends that it is cute) and other friend keeps saying: sucking too hard on mikas lollipop oh love is realy gonna get you down. i'll finish thereon that disturbing note!
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