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Everything posted by sweet-dreams

  1. Oops! I'm so sorry to get your hopes up again! I meant the sun not the moon. I'll go change my post now. But it's very close to being an actual satellite of the Earth. And I think it's pronounced something like Cro-ee-nyay, is 3 miles in diameter and takes 770 years to go around the Earth once. Now I will shut up about it.
  2. A female sheep is a ewe. A female lamb, or ewe lamb, is a chilver.
  3. Oh, sorry! You should still tell everyone about it! Everyone will be impressed by your superior knowledge and I'm pretty sure that none of them would say something like "Hang on! Cruithne isn't actually one of Earth's satellites. It orbits the sun, you liar!" Stephen Fry is one of England's favourite personalities. Okay, I'll stop gushing now. Sorry everyone!
  4. Oh wow! I would have loved to have met him! Spiceworld is one of his and Hugh Laurie's erm.. lesser achievements.
  5. Well, you may have heard the name from me. Stephen Fry, along with his early comic partner and friend Hugh Laurie (who plays House in House MD), is an amazing and hilarious English comedian. They can be seen in 'A Bit Of Fry And Laurie', 'Jeeves and Woosteer', and 'Blackadder'. He's extraordinarily intelligent. Umm, he also narrates the British (which are the Australian) Harry Potter audio books.
  6. I bet you thought that the word silver (like orange) has no rhyme. Well it does! Silver rhymes with chilver. A chilver is a female lamb.
  7. Yeah. I've just been watching a show on YouTube called QI. Stephen Fry (I love him! Not in.. that way though. He's just really cool and cute. Like a big teddy bear hehe) is the host. It's awesome! Really funny and is teaching me many useless facts to impress people with! Every episode features Alan Davies as one of the four panelists. He has the cutest juvenile and innocent voice! Some of the things he comes out with are absolutely hilarious! Here's the first part of the first episode if anybody is interested.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ZyMeEXEVaI
  8. Wait. I have just discovered that it is not actually a moon of Earth. It just has an unusual orbit (around the Sun) relative to that of the Earth. It is not Earth's satellite.
  9. This is something that I have just discovered. The Earth has not one, but two moons. There is the major one that is referred to as 'The Moon' BUT there is also one called Cruithne (pronounced Cro-ee-nuay I think). Cruithne is 3 miles in diameter and takes 770 year to complete an orbit around the Earth. Very, very interesting.
  10. It's very quiet in here tonight! Yeah! I'm the same. If I'm watching a movie and there's actors and actresses that I recognise, I find it more enjoyable.
  11. Okay. I really liked it! It's not now my favourite movie or anything but it was a great film. Beautiful yet tragic (I think I've already said that). Hehe, yep I noticed that the moustache dude was William Pitt! That Benedict Cumberbatch fellow has been in a lot of things I've watched lately! 'Atonement', 'Amazing Grace', 'Starter For Ten' (again with James McAvoy!), and a hilarious BBC comedy called 'Fortysomething' (starring Hugh Laurie)! Phew! I think that all of these British actors and actresses just enjoy being in films with people they've worked with before. Example: Sweeney Todd. It has FOUR of the adult actors from the Harry Potter films as well as Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham Carter who always work together with Tim Burton! Another example: Atonement. It starred Keira Knightley and Brenda Blethyn and was directed by Joe Wright just as 'Pride and Prejudice' did/was. Can you tell I'm obsessed with British film and television much?
  12. What did you think of it? And did you notice that the girl who played Briony, aged 18, was the girl who played Barbara in 'Amazing Grace'?
  13. Oh snap! (I don't know why I'm posting. I just like saying "Oh snap").
  14. Hehe, okay. Well according to IMDB.. "Six Californians start a club to discuss the works of Jane Austen, only to find their relationships -- both old and new -- begin to resemble 21st century versions of her novels."
  15. I saw a flyer for that at the cinema but I didn't get a very good look. I love Jane Austen. What's the film actually about?
  16. 'Atonement' was on my movie wishlist. Now I just have to see 'The Golden Compass', 'Mr Magorium's Wonder Emporium' and 'Sweeney Todd' (when it comes out).
  17. Hello Aussies and Honary Aussies! Yay! Part 7! I remember the first time I ever posted in the Aussie Thread, way back in part 2.. Today I went to the cinema and saw 'Atonement'! It's so good! Really beautiful yet devastating. And it's got James McAvoy, Rainbow Sky!!
  18. I think I'm getting sick too. Goodnight Jolene!
  19. These are my obsessions (in preferential order).. Queen. Freddie Mercury. The Beatles. Mika. Elton John. David Bowie. House M.D. British films in general (my absolute favourite is 'Love Actually'). Harry Potter. British comedy. Stephen Fry and Hugh Laurie. Agreed.
  20. I can see the new banner now!! I don't hate it. I just don't love it. He look very nice and happy but yeah, I don't like the money on his shoulder.
  21. I'd be interested in reading that book. But it sounds very sad. Oh, I bought a Queen t-shirt today! It's a 'Made In Heaven' one.
  22. Yep, I did! I knew she would get a laugh out of that!
  23. I'm pretty good thanks because I'm going to Canberra this weekend! But I think that I'm getting a cold. How are you?
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