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Everything posted by sweet-dreams

  1. Yep, pinkoranges lives in Wodonga and I live just over the border in Albury. Yay, triplets!!
  2. Hello to anyone still around! I just watched the (sort of) new 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory' for the first time! Johnny Depp is brilliant in it, isn't he? I don't know what it was, but something about the way he played Willy Wonka made him seem so endearing, in a childlike way. It's really good and very addictive. But it gets very hard as you advance through the game. Basically you have to play rock songs on the guitar controller by following the patterns on the screen. Oh my God! That's brilliant and hilarious! And Wodonga..! Wait until pinkoranges reads that. It would be awesome if he did play a gig in Wodonga seeing as it's about a 15 minute drive there from my house! I've had a line from the same song in my little title thing (I don't know what it's actually called) for ages! 'Well versed in etiquette'.. Which I am! Yeah it is a great song isn't it! Now we are little title thing sisters! Blasphemer!! Yep, that was me. I looked in every shop in town for a hardcover one but none of them had it!
  3. That's a good one! I don't know. I suppose I like her because her music is about very erm.. different and original subjects.
  4. It's Chad Michael Murray. He's an actor and stars in the show 'One Tree Hill'. He's also from a few movies such as 'Cinderella Story' and 'House Of Wax'. I'm not the slightest bit interested in him anymore.
  5. Just out of interest, has anyone heard (most likely on Triple J) the song called 'I'll Kill Her' by a French girl called Soko? I love it! My new favourite song is called 'I Will Never Love You More' by her. It's on my myspace if anyone wants to check it out..!
  6. Hello! I'm so addicted to Guitar Hero. Even thought I've already told you my first celebrity crushes I want to post pictures because I'm a bit bored. Aww. Nobody can say that's not cute! And I was about 9 at the time. This was an obsession brought about by my cousin!
  7. Hehe, I was born in 1992. I win! And yes I'm still awake even thought I have to wake up at 7:30am tomorrow. I'll be mad at myself in the morning!
  8. Ipod. On a similar train of thought.. Macintosh or Windows?
  9. I'm good. Except for the fact that I have to work tomorrow morning from 9am! But I'm going to Canberra next weekend!
  10. Santa. Harry Potter or The Chronicles Of Narnia?
  11. Hello again! I decided to buy Guitar Hero today on impulse with some of my hard earned cash. Everyone had been telling me it was really good! I think I'm now addicted to it. They are in it. But they aren't House's fellowships anymore and aren't in it as much as before. I hope I'm not giving too much away about it! I hope that in the upcoming months of fawning you remember that it was I who informed you of his level of attractiveness (and Scottish accent!!). I've been annoyed with Vanilla Ice since I discovered the amazingness of Queen and realised that he used (without asking!) the bassline from their song with David Bowie, 'Under Pressure' in 'Ice Ice Baby'. My first celebrity crush was either Daniel Radcliffe in the first Harry Potter movie or Chad Michael Murray. I think it was Daniel, then Chad. Anyway, how is everyone tonight?
  12. Yeah. The fourth season isn't as good as the previous three. I miss Cameron, Chase and Foreman! I bought season 3 on DVD the other day and as I've been watching it I've realised how much better the show was when there were just three doctors working under House. But I'll watch it purely because of Hugh Laurie. That guy is an amazing actor (and a comedic genious if you've been lucky enough to see some of his early work)!
  13. I don't work at all today! Such a rare occurrence (the spelling of occurrence looks really wrong there. But I think it's right).. I love Scrubs. It's hilarious! But I love House more. Hello English Rose!
  14. I agree with what others have said. 'Queen Live At Wembley' is probably a good first DVD to buy. Hehe, I always to the arms up and clapping in Radio Ga Ga too! Freddie's energy and excitement rubs off on me!
  15. That's okay! Dammit. My post-whore attempt didnt go according to plan.
  16. Oh and I forgot to say.. Hello everyone! This is just me post-whoring for no reason because I rarely get the opportunity to do so.
  17. *sigh* How I wish I had pay TV. I've asked my parents to get it countless times, but they always say no.
  18. I've already said this in the Queeniac Thread, but I love your signature Minda!
  19. I'm going to bed now. Goodnight to anybody still awake.
  20. Umm, I'll say cheese.. Love Actually or Moulin Rouge
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