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Everything posted by sweet-dreams

  1. Okay, cool! That show was good, but slightly strange.
  2. Queen. They are my all time favourite musician/s. I love them. Sorry Mika.. House M.D. or The OC?
  3. *sings the rest of the song* Sorry, I'm cheating a bit. Anyway the wind blows...
  4. Aww geez.. Can I say both? Probably the DVD though. I prefer Mika live, much more energy. Queen or The Beatles?
  5. *fasts forwards a bit* Oh mama mia, mama mia, mama mia let me go.
  6. Ooh, this looks like fun! Love Today. Pop or rock?
  7. Hehe, I downloaded the entire catalog too. But I did buy a lot of the songs from itunes! So I'm not completely disloyal and illegal. I don't think such a thing is possible. Queen and The Beatles are the only bands that beat Mika in my books. Freddie Mercury is my idol. V V V V V V
  8. Good (early) morning everyone! I worked again today and it was pretty much dead there. I hardly served everyone. I think that most people are getting a bit sick of shopping... ...But not me! Today I bought House Season 3 on DVD, a Beatles t-shirt, a bright blue Dr. Suess t-hirt from Myer that says "Green Eggs and Ham!" on it and an Elton John greatest hits CD! Quite a good haul if I do say so myself! I don't have to work tomorrow! Ooh, Amazing Grace... But we've already had this discussion haven't we? Hello and welcome Oakie Doke! Your name reminds me of that old ABC Kids show called 'Oakie Doke'. Does anyone remember that? Oh and I absolutely love vegemite! Me too.. *points to signature* If you don't already have them I strongly advise you to buy 'Queen Live At Wembley' and 'Queen Rock Montreal'. They are amazing. I'm just a poor boy nobody loves me... Those ads are really well done, in my opinion.
  9. Hello everyone! I know I'm very late again! I worked today during the Boxing Day sales. It was pretty busy but I think that most people were at Myer like my family. They bought a new TV for half price! It's an LCD and it's really big. Hehe, I'm really excited about it. I was wearing a jumper on Christmas! I got a new digital camera! I also got that ipod nano and an electric piano a while ago because I'm far too impatient to wait until Christmas for presents! Oh, and I also got two DVDs and some money. Santa was very kind to me!
  10. Hello! I hope you all saw my Christmas greeting in the old thread. I love that picture of Freddie.. Anyway, this is just a pointless post to subscribe to the thread!
  11. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! That's probably true. I was talking to this guy about my Xbox 360 and my favourite games and he seemed pretty impressed..
  12. I'm back! I can't believe that there's only two hours until Christmas! It really doesn't feel like it. Well I think that I'll go to bed now. I don't want to be awake when Santa arrives! Goodnight everyone and have a very merry Christmas tomorrow!
  13. This is just a quick hello and goodbye before I head off to look at Christmas lights! That's my family tradition. Guess what? Big W wasn't any busier today then it has been for the last week. I was so surprised and happy. And today at work we got to dress-up for Christmas! I wore my bright green skinny jeans, red converses, a red singlet with a Christmas shirt over the top! It was fun. And after I had finished My family picked me up and we headed off to Church. I really love the Christmas Eve celebrations at my Church. All of the little kids dress up and there are heaps of lovely decorations. It's always really beautiful. Okay, I've got to go again now. Merry Christmas to you all (but I'll probably be saying that again one last time before I go to bed tonight)!
  14. Merry Christmas for tomorrow to all of you as well, DC, armande and soangel! Have a great day!
  15. Good morning everyone! Same to you Rainbow Sky. I hope you have an amazing day tomorrow!
  16. Goodnight Jolene! Okay, now I really am going to clean my room!
  17. We are expecting 28 Degrees Celsius on Christmas. And yeah, you're right. About it being Boba wearing Jango's outfit and the fact that you are more of a nerd than I am! Goodnight nico_collard!
  18. Hmm. I think I might tidy my room so that it's ready for Christmas Day.
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