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Everything posted by sweet-dreams

  1. *Joins Oakie Doke in grumbling about writers strike because it means that they have also stopped House halfway through season 4 (even though this season hasn't been as good as the previous three)* I don't know why but that made laugh.
  2. Sorry to quote myself but I just realised that I wrote "girlfriends" instead of "girlfriend"! That makes my brother sound like a bit of a jerk.
  3. Scrubs is awesome. But I've only ever seen a few episodes. My brother and his girlfriend are obsessed with it. I think that they are up to season 6!
  4. I'm pretty good thanks! Just working on my myspace. And I'm about to clean my room (usually when I say the word 'about' it means in a few hours)!
  5. The return of Rufus Tiger! He seems a bit wild doesn't he? But I suppose he is a teenager, so it's to be expected. That first picture is a classic!
  6. Hello! My little brother is having a party with his little friends. These parties are normally rather frightening.
  7. Okay. Well it seems as if every other area in the house isn't too bad but my bedroom is sweltering. I'm going to head off to bed now. Goodnight!
  8. Hello nico_collard! I'm so unbelievably hot. *cries*
  9. Yeah I agree. A little bit more desaturated and it would be better. But I must say that I like this one more than the last one.
  10. Hello everyone! I'm back from Canberra! I'd like to thank you all for not posting incredible amounts in my abscence. While there I only bought one top and a few bracelets. It's funny how when you have your own money you don't want to spend any of it! Yay! Another Stephen Fry fan!
  11. I'm just visiting family. And I'm also hoping to get a spot of shopping done with my hard-earned cash!
  12. Well I don't really know anything about space (with the exception of one term spent learning about it in year nine science). This is the way that I've interpreted what I've been reading about Cruithne tonight. It is a lump of rock that, along with other lumps of rock, moves around the sun. BUT it's orbit is unusually relative to the Earth so that it seemingly is one of it's moons at certain times. But it is not technically a satellite of the Earth. Anyone can correct me if this is wrong because I'm no expert. ...and I am one of those people who don't. I'll tell you someone who has some very intelligently formed and regularly genius theories about space; Brian May. I've been reading his blog and he really understands what he's talking about. He should know, seeing as he has a PHD in astrophysics (I think!).
  13. Congratulations on your 4000th post nico_collard!!! :starwars:
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