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Everything posted by xxLollypop_girlxx

  1. http://www.brits.co.uk/vote/ He's through!! Now, the final voting stage!
  2. I think it was just a lanyard. People were selling them outside, with a dvd advet in, when you got inside they gave you the same advert for free. No. I was hoping there would be a programme. But no.
  3. Only 1 off, he said he has 5 Is it me or does he sound really american in that clip, so cute
  4. Yea, we have been thinking about going to see fo a while, and now 'summer' is going to be in it..
  5. ..Global warming springs to people minds.. But then again, where you are it's raining so.. I'm off to enjoy that sun, bye!
  6. It's really strange - I'ts been beautiful clear sky in London for the last few days (apart from yesterday)-and it's the middle of winter! For example..a couple of weeks ago I had to take off my coat at night walking in London because it's warm!!
  7. The sun has got it's hat on - Its really sunny and warm!
  8. But..but..o ok:naughty: .so she has now left for the sound of music (in real life)? And how is Max's heart? I'l stop now
  9. am or pm? Sorry, that seems a really stupid question!
  10. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=1JynBEX_kg8 Random. Random, but true *oo my 800th post**
  11. Is it at the stage when we can vote mor than once?
  12. Thats really funny. Cute as well. Also a little strange. I like that green thing..whats its name? http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=1JynBEX_kg8 -Thats really clever
  13. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=bNF_P281Uu4 It's really random..but he visits different parts of the world..and dances!! Some the places he visits are just...wow
  14. Yea, I can believe that. Have you see any of the 'where the hell is matt'?
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