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Everything posted by xxLollypop_girlxx

  1. Have voted for both aswell, wiil do same tomorrow
  2. Has anyone worked out what the voice says that comes on after Mika sings-and before?? Is it like wat,wat you got?? lol I'm not sure:bleh:
  3. Funny thing is, that she's not even a Miak fan--at least I don't know of!!, she just likes chicken!!
  4. Today I was sitting in a class and we were talking about differet religions..so the teacher said 'and in this one they belive, that everyhing is unsatisfactory...' ( or something similar) when someone said, 'what, even chicken?' Oh how it made me laugh so!
  5. Yea that would be great, one day I will get round to putting it on hehe. I just know I would end up singing along, and missing the call!
  6. Gosh, I totally get what you all mean, I end up singing aswell, the otherday my friend picked up the phone and was like ' oh it's you' I burst in to 'ring,ring is that you on the phone?'..she was like ok then
  7. Yea sorry, my mistake:doh: You are right!
  8. Well at a first glimpse, it looked like him No, you are right, sorry moment over!! At a closer look, I dont think it is.
  9. I did wonder about this, but I was not sure It does look a bit like him, but I know what you mean lol
  10. I really don't know where how many of you would have seen this, but I just happened to come across it on Youtube today. It is a little random, but I just had to post it! Edit:Ok people..Its not Mika!!! Just some guy that looks a lil like him!!
  11. Yeyy!! this is really super-dooper news!! I am just going to vote my socks off!! lol
  12. This is weird, when I listened to it earlier i was like..ok then.. but now after hearing it a couple of times I kinda like it!
  13. Yea I agree, he is very photogenic, and I have never really seen a 'bad' pic of him. Me,myself, not good with pictures lol
  14. As Scott is still on air, it might take a while and this show should be put up later
  15. I had a listen to his songs on his MYspace--, I like his Take Ya MAma, anyone else? (sorry a bit off topic!lol)
  16. The word love was also there. It could have been 'loved mikas part, the other part was awful'
  17. Oh gosh that song is actually kinda stuck in my head !! plus just checked radio1s website and mika is one of the 'most texted words'!!
  18. OMG I just turned it on n It was like 'hi this is Mika.... Its on like..now!!!!
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