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Everything posted by lovempls

  1. I would say that I don't want to taint such a young, innocent girl's mind, but who am I kidding? I'd love to. Just go to http://f***yeahjimmysims.tumblr.com/ (except take the stars out and replace them with the actual word )
  2. But why would you have to change the subject? I have it on good authority that you don't write the F Yeah Jimmy blog.... Besides, Jimmy knows who writes it so it's not a big secret.
  3. Seriously, y'all, Mika deserves someone wonderful. I hope they're dating (even though I have no idea if she's single or whatever) because someone as awesome as him deserves a girlfriend or boyfriend to go home with, and cuddle with, and to tell him how gorgeous and amazing he is I know I'm prob the only MFCer under 25 who wants him to not be single, but it's true.
  4. Hey y'all anyone know how old Sir Sims is? It says 30 on his myspace, right?
  5. Whooo go Jimmy! You're awesome! I'd love to buy the guy a drink sometime
  6. I'd say that's the main similarity I wholeheartedly agree with you.
  7. In case you guys are interested, I took out all the parts of the video with movie clips in it - here's the Kick-Ass video with just the nice Mika shots http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v2100ZaBK2E
  8. I always feel weird about starting new threads, Nono, dunno why...
  9. Love yoooooooouuuu :flowers2:

  10. But this would designate WHOSE fan we are A more specific type of fan.
  11. So I talked about this on Twitter, but I think that since Katy Perry fans are Katy Cats and GaGa fans are Little Monsters, etc., and Mika fans are MUCH more dedicated than any other fans around I think that Mika fans deserve a nickname too! I suggested we call ourselves Mubbins! Most people seemed to love the idea What do you guys think?
  12. Jimmy wasn't too happy with me posting the pants picture... and just when I thought it'd all blown over, you guys start posting it again! I'm sorry Jimmy!!
  13. Maybe he concocted a devious plan and tweeted that so we'll talk about the tweet instead of the pants picture. Trying to distract us, Mr. Sims? Nice try.
  14. It's gettting hotttt in heree, jimmy take off your clothesexceptyourunderwearbecausethisisafterallafamilyforumandnudityisnotallowedorthemodswillbaaaaannnyooouuu
  15. from his twitter: "they're actually shorts, but the legs were riding up due to my excessively tight rock jeans."
  16. He posted the video on his twitter, it's a vlog from a band?/musician? he played bass for.
  17. Congrats, Jimmy. Mika's been all over this forum in his pants, and now it's your turn.
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