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Everything posted by lovempls

  1. Yeah, I don't think he did either It's okay, I was just as confused when I joined
  2. Nope, post it! ..speaking of all this, how do you like my siggy?
  3. I dunno about that... Do you get a lot of snow?
  4. Hey Norwalk I finally made that siggy
  5. oh my gosh, your signature! I'm not much of a man by the light of day, but by night I'm one hell of a lover!
  6. What, the animation, or Mika's thrusts?
  7. Yeah, I know! I really liked that smooth one
  8. It's ok, I have one too. And I was thinking of making a new one from 2:00-2:05 of this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g67cw4_Zb_E
  9. I don't! I like this! : ...I know I'm weird
  10. Aurora said: "I am sorry, but I really take offense to this. I cannot believe the number of people on this forum who keep saying "Mika is fat/chubby/has love handles/looks pregnant"." She wasn't talking specifically about you (at least that was my impression). Because I have seen people say things like that about him
  11. That makes sense. Though to be fair, you did say that it's "far from attractive", so I thought you meant that you think it's gross or something. Whatever
  12. What's wrong with a little bit of flab? Come on, I'm sure all of us have a little bit. I don't mind him having it at all. Geez, you guys are harsh.
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