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Everything posted by lovempls

  1. "MTV Platinum Plays Video Award" for Grace Kelly
  2. Yay no watermarks on his pretty face!!!
  3. I was watching the Office too and they showed a commercial like that but different... CSS was playing in the background and they showed the person scrolling down to "Lollipop" and then they showed the album cover. I screamed
  4. I know! I love his teeth! That sounds so weird!
  5. Mika most definitely does not have old man lips
  6. These are all white queen's pictures... My he's got a long tongue...
  7. You're welcome! ...but they're not mine, they belong to someone named "Rosie88" so... Thanks Rosie88! :biggrin2:
  8. The gate is closed... ...the gate is open!!! I spend waaayy too much time looking at these pictures :naughty:
  9. You're talking about this picture, right? I'm guessing it was taken Spring 2007. He's wearing the same clothes and has the same toys around his neck that he does in this picture: ^^and that one was taken when he performed on Good Morning America in the Spring. You can see the video of that here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dERh7nmMAwM Also, there's an American flag in the background of that first pic, and I've never been to France, but I would assume that they don't just have American flags hanging off the side of buildings.
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